Stacey's Plea for Amica


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My thoughts and prayers are with Amica and also with anyone else on here who is living with this illness too.
Wishing Amica and anyone else facing life threatening illness the best. Kick ass y'all.
The beautiful Amica will be in my prayers today too, as will Ali xxxxx
I remember from another thread a while ago that Amica's disease has spread to her lungs and ever since then when I see her my heart bleeds seeing her smile - what a trooper! Amica, wishing you full recovery and all people battling the disease.
Thinking of Amica and all others facing serious illness and I hope her treatment is a success. She looked so lovely and really well these last couple of days and has been laughing and joking- what a trouper, strong lady.
Positive thoughts and prayers for Amica and for any of our FM's who are going through treatment at this time,give them the strength and courage to come out the other side....
I hope I am not saying anything out of turn here and I didn't see this show. From what I gather, Amica's breast cancer has spread to her lungs. This is known as secondary cancer is incurable - some people live for a good few years with it, others don't. The best anyone can hope for in this situation is some reduction in the tumour(s) or at least no further major spread. To hear the word 'stable' is good. It is a hidden side of breast cancer which is a very sneaky disease. I truly hope the trial drug from America will help Amica a lot and send her all good wishes.

Really sorry to post this reality but it is important people understand a tiny bit that there is no cure once the cancer has spread. As a few of you know, I speak from experience as I have had spread into my bones for over 5 years.
I appreciated the sentiment and my sincere good wishes go out to Amica, her partner and 2 young daughters, but I found Stacey's outpouring uncomfortable viewing. I hope Amica was ok with it. People are different in the way they deal with serious illness.

Love to all battling illness x

Jude xx
I did not see this programme but am so sorry to hear of Amica's continued illness.Such a lovely girl all we can do is send our love and positive thoughts.God bless herX
What a lovely thing to do. Poor Amica. I thought how well she looked the other day. My thoughts & prayers go out to her & anyone else battling this awful disease. WHEN will they find a cure ?
My heart goes out to Amica and her family. However, I do question why Stacey felt she should do it on air, surely it would have been better to talk to Amica privately.
My heart goes out to Amica and her family. However, I do question why Stacey felt she should do it on air, surely it would have been better to talk to Amica privately.

I wondered that after watching it, but they all used to model together years ago, (20) and are very close, and i think Stacy is a Christian and believes in prayers, so i think maybe that was the idea, to get everyone praying. Amica was crying at the end which was quite disturbing, as she's so lovely and upbeat, but i think it got to her. I don't think Stacy would mean to upset her. Probably didn't go down well with the bosses etc. I think her intentions were good, but maybe came across wrong
I was so saddened to hear that Amica's cancer is terminal. I really hope this new treatment gives her as much time as possible.
Oh I never knew that. How very, very sad.

I don't think her cancer is terminal, it has spread to her lungs, and she's starting a new trial
treatment, especially for her, brought over from America. So hopefully that will work
I was so saddened to hear that Amica's cancer is terminal. I really hope this new treatment gives her as much time as possible.

I'm so sorry to hear this. I didn't realize she had been given that prognosis. Despite not being religious I'm praying for a miracle for her. There are always new treatments being researched and there's always hope. Sometimes the body just fights back and eradicates the cancer itself. xx
I wondered that after watching it, but they all used to model together years ago, (20) and are very close, and i think Stacy is a Christian and believes in prayers, so i think maybe that was the idea, to get everyone praying. Amica was crying at the end which was quite disturbing, as she's so lovely and upbeat, but i think it got to her. I don't think Stacy would mean to upset her. Probably didn't go down well with the bosses etc. I think her intentions were good, but maybe came across wrong

you're right barbs. the gist of stacey's plea was about the power of prayer and for everyone to pray because as she said "it works". it was a bit garbled because she was trying to control her emotions. americans are much more open and upfront about that sort of thing and asking for prayers if someone is ill. i did see that amica was a bit tearful but i assumed in the way that we all were, rather than that she was upset as such.
I think we're in danger of jumping to conclusions

We know from Stacy that Amica is having new treatment.That's all we know as far as i'm aware.
I would hate to see this thread turn into speculation about whether its terminal.
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I think we're in danger of jumping to conclusions

We know from Stacy that Amica is having new treatment.That's all we know as far as i'm aware.
I would hate to see this thread turn into speculation

I totally agree. No one said it was terminal

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