Stacey's Plea for Amica


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Awww, thanks ever so much, Lovelies, for YourThoughts. BusyMum, thanks for sharing your Dad's story, I so BelieveInPrayer. Glad you're OkeyDokey OurBarklySparbs! Hmmm, may have to return home from the doctor via TheBakery. Now, that's-a-plan. <=^.^=> x Snarly

i'll have something with extra ooeygooey please.......:hi:
I know this sort of thread can seem too personal and not appropriate for "public" discussion. Personally however I feel that talking about cancer, as long as we respect the feelings and dignity of those suffering from it, can only be a good thing. Not only will it gradually reduce the taboo about talking of cancer, but it can also make us more self-aware. Know your body and your health and take notice when things don't seem right.

I've lost several friends and work mates in the last 10 years from this vile disease (the devil's work). One of them was particularly close and he died of melanoma at 41. I now take every opportunity to beg people to care for their skin - high SPF, cover themselves up etc. I've just got back from 2 weeks in Florida and I'm as pale now as I was beforehand.

Linda xx

RIP Richard, 8 Oct 2011.
Best of luck for tomorrow,Snarly,will be praying it all goes well xx

Can I also send my very best wishes to the other forum members battling illness atm? Thoughts & prayers for you all xx

If you don't mind,could I also mention the singer Bernie Nolan? Her breast cancer has returned & has also spread to her brain,lungs etc etc

As our lovely Lizgregs said,it's not curable but is treatable.
Have just spent the evening in the company of a male friend who was diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer 11 months ago. Following radiotherapy and surgery his oncologist suggested chemotherapy every other week indefinitely - apparently the new American way - with the occasional break in treatment. It's a normal dose not a reduced one and, fingers crossed, no side effects as yet after 32 weeks.

Good luck Snarly.
On 20 November found out my brother-in-law has lung cancer with concerns about his adrenal glands! I agree we shouldn't be afraid to speak out about this sodding disease. If people are offended about comments and thoughts highlighted on this forum, please pass by. It means an awful lot to folks to be able to share their experiences with others! A little bit more tolerance in this world would be a good thing.
To those battling this illness, my Prayers and Blessings go out to you. I will be seeing my doctor tomorrow to check out some marks on my ear. It 'didn't just go away' and maybe that's the thought we should take from this thread. If you suspect something, HaveItChecked. Now.

Good Luck Snarly - thinking of you today. x
On 20 November found out my brother-in-law has lung cancer with concerns about his adrenal glands! I agree we shouldn't be afraid to speak out about this sodding disease. If people are offended about comments and thoughts highlighted on this forum, please pass by. It means an awful lot to folks to be able to share their experiences with others! A little bit more tolerance in this world would be a good thing.

You've misunderstood what i was trying to say. I'm not offended at all by people discussing their experience and my heart goes out to each and every one of them and their families.
What i'm uncomfortable with is speculation about Amica 's prognosis.
I was very ill last year and looked it, I overheard two people discussing whether i may have aids or cancer.It wasn't pleasant but they had nothing to go on but hearsay and rumour. I would hate Amica to come on here to read the messages of support and read speculation about her condition.
amica has had a very tough and trying time and despite all this she still looks incredibly beautiful
MedicineMan, HimSay, Snarly F-I-N-E! :heart:

I bought grapes on the way home foregoing TheBakery. Treated myself to an InteriorDecoratingMagazine, instead. Figured it would be easier-on-my-hips than ooey-gooey nom-noms! Blustery and raining heavily here, and even though I have MoreThanEnoughBallast, I just wanted to get home.

Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and well, JustForCaring!!! We need to take care of OurSelves. Please take care of Your Self!!! :heart: x Snarly
Glad to hear Snarly is ok, well done on going out in this cr*ppy weather to find out though, so many people just don't bother checking out the little things! xx

(Not sure about your decision on the grapes though, I'd have gone with the ooey gooey nom noms myself, as a reward but still, good for you.....! lol)
I dont really want to read this thread - not because it offends me but because it upsets me but i would really like to wish Amica and all those on here fighting this horrible disease all the best, love and strength to keep fighting! xox
:mysmilie_481: great news snarly!! :mysmilie_378: :mysmilie_476:
Good news from the doc but honestly!! Grapes!! Snarls they're for when you're under the weather not over the moon.
To those battling this illness, my Prayers and Blessings go out to you. I will be seeing my doctor tomorrow to check out some marks on my ear. It 'didn't just go away' and maybe that's the thought we should take from this thread. If you suspect something, HaveItChecked. Now.

I felt a bit down reading about Amica,( not blaming anyone's posts here) so I did not return to this thread till I am hoping that everything is alright with you, Snarly, I am sure you will "snarl" those marks is a comforting hug for you anyway:bear:

PS....... I believe very strongly in the positive power of prayers. I am not a fanatic religious person, but I believe in prayers of others for you and I believe a lot in HOPE.
Hey, nobody more surprised than moi that I opted for grapes. Truth is, I lost a lb and so, did not want to see the scales go up. Believe me, normally I could dive HeadFirst into a vat of Chocolate. And come up for air DeliriouslyHappy. Thanks again, MyLovelies. Hugs to all as YouBattleOn. x Snarly
Hey, nobody more surprised than moi that I opted for grapes. Truth is, I lost a lb and so, did not want to see the scales go up. Believe me, normally I could dive HeadFirst into a vat of Chocolate. And come up for air DeliriouslyHappy. Thanks again, MyLovelies. Hugs to all as YouBattleOn. x Snarly
Just in from work snarly and great to hear your good news. You and me have to look after our figures, as
we both have the big birthday coming next year. So good on the grapes LOL BarklySparbs xx
On breast cancer care night there was quite a long chat between Julia and Amica where she explained how her breast cancer has spread to her lungs and how that means it is now uncurable although treatable... how devastating the diagnosis had been and how she still had hopes for her future treatment to be here as long as possible... It is a shame that the evening didn't seem to have the same huge viewing figures on here it used to have, the threads on here on the night were so quiet compared to previous years but everyone at the time was saying how brave, honest and wonderful Amica was... I was diagnosed with breast cancer 4 years ago and used the breast cancer care site a lot the first few years making some wonderful friends along the way.

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