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    • Toril
      Toril replied to the thread Hotel Chocolat TSV 13/10/24.
      None of my family eat chocolates and I didn’t like Hotel Chocolat when I tried it so this offering will pass me by.
    • Toril
      Toril replied to the thread Ruth Langsford TSV 11/10/24.
      No from me. I don’t like the neckline and it looks a bit “bulky” on some of the models. It is nice to see some plain colours for a...
    • Toril
      Toril replied to the thread Dyson Haircare TSV 15/10/24.
      I would never spend that much on a hair dryer, or their overpriced straighteners, although I’m lucky because I can afford to. Thd hair...
    • Toril
      Toril reacted to donna255's post in the thread Dyson Haircare TSV 15/10/24 with Like Like.
      Isn't the one they had as a TSV earlier in the year, but you get the case now? One of my friends bought that TSV, and it came in a...
    • Toril
      Toril reacted to Geminilady's post in the thread Will Gowing with Like Like.
      It looks like Will has seen this thread. He’s my favourite of the presenters and has a good sense of humour.
    • Toril
      Toril replied to the thread Sunday Riley TSV 04/10/24.
      That’s a relief. 😂
    • Toril
      Toril reacted to MrMarple's post in the thread Sunday Riley TSV 04/10/24 with Like Like.
      No stranger than most of us on here Toril 😂
    • Toril
      Toril replied to the thread Sunday Riley TSV 04/10/24.
      I don’t have milk in the house. I drink tea without milk or sugar, although it’s usually lemon and ginger tea or a fruit one, and I have...
    • Toril
      Toril reacted to stratobuddy's post in the thread Sunday Riley TSV 04/10/24 with Like Like.
      If you've got a hot water tank, there could be a buildup of bacteria in the tank, and also sludge at the bottom, as it will hardly ever...
    • Toril
      Toril replied to the thread Sunday Riley TSV 04/10/24.
      Thanks, Strato. 🙂 I don’t have a hot water tank or a tank of any kind as the water comes straight from the mains through plastic pipes...
    • Toril
      Toril reacted to Magic Moggie Girl's post in the thread Hi everyone with Like Like.
      Thank you :)
    • Toril
      Toril replied to the thread Sunday Riley TSV 04/10/24.
      I didn’t realise that, although it’s not boiling hot water. It’s hand hot. Can I ask why? (Although I probably should know.)
    • Toril
      Toril replied to the thread Hi everyone.
      Hi and welcome. 🙂
    • Toril
      Toril reacted to Sazza's post in the thread Doll10 TSV 18/10/24 with Like Like.
      That's the thing online, you can't always tell tone. Some will see something as rude and some won't. People will always ask, that's...
    • Toril
      Toril replied to the thread Gatineau TSV 12/10/24.
      It’s a good price but I’m not buying it. I’ve tried Gatineau in the past and, although my skin’s quite good for my age, I didn’t see any...
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