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    Alison Young on Decleor

    I saw a bit of that show and wondered what a Decleor CEO would make of that duo fronting the "presstigeous" brand? Given that much of the sales pitch of beauty products is about selling a fantasy of beauty using models and celebrities to flog the dream, the pairing of A Y in...
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    Dear QUERS

    cried with laughter at those adorable and hilarious cats. My sister's second cat has been missing for over a week now, we are very upset as you can guess, she is a real home body and not the brightest and we are hoping against hope that she makes her way home
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    Susan Graver ...frumpy fashion

    I don't even watch the "fashion" for a laugh these days as one range of polyester tat is now indistinguishable from another. the only "hot" thing about is the way it may make someone sweat when they wear it.
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    Lollipop Lady

    Flamenco I am so sorry to read about your daughter's illness, I do hope my post which you quoted did not offend you. Wishing you and your daughter well for her recovery.
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    Lollipop Lady

    what I struggle to understand is how someone can think straight and concentrate when they eat so little. I know that when I am hungry I feel dizzy, lightheaded and I get quite irritable. Now I have no idea if Anna is depriving herself of food to maintain her slimness, but if she is...
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    Peony flaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars / flowers ad! Annoying QVC.

    That prom just makes me shriek with laughter, a friend who is a great mocker of my QVC habit was round when it was on and nearly fell to the floor with giggles too, it really encapsulates all that is risible about shopping telly.
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    gift, gifting, giftable

    the one that really winds me up is "different to" Makes me yell at the telly, it's now so endemic that I have noticed it in books and I think that it will eventually become the norm. However, I still cringe and mentally say "it is different from and similar to, you idiot!!"...
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    Glan Campbell's fashion range, are we ready for it

    and let's not forget the spotted hanky thing tied at a "rakish" angle around his neck, I think that is one of the most cringe inducing looks he has sported on screen. At least he is not spoiling us with a range for "ladies of an age" who are "playful"
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    "In process"

    its the p and p that seems to climb ever higher that makes every purchase "considered" for me and I generally consider that I won't bother to spend an additional fiver to buy something that can take an age to get to me.
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    Sharon with a pony

    Sharon is fab and such an asset for Q, she makes their tat look great and when I watch her twirling and posing I have to remind myself that it would look vile on me and not to succumb and buy it! Did not see the faux leather trousers, even typing the words is making me cringe
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    Cathy looks brill

    I like her, she may mumble and stumble at times, but this is fine by me and a welcome change from the gushing, screeching and general fakery of some of the guests and presenters. She does look very pretty too.
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    QVC just mentioned in Radio 4 comedy programme

    I now mainly watch QVC for its comedy value and the laughs I get on this forum
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    Super brilliant, fantastic...

    " a good one to go for" is another one of her stock phrases, it makes me grit my teeth and then I switch off.
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    it's rubbish, bought some for one of my nieces a few Christmases ago, poor quality and spurned even by a teenager! will watch just to see how they hype it and if it is yet another product that keeps Jill Franks off her deathbed......
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    Sick of beauty

    now come on have you not been paying attention? a person needs at least 6 vacuum cleaners: two for your main residence, one for your caravan, one for your holiday home abroad and another two stowed away in your emergency "gifting" store in case you run short at Christmas.
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    Mum! I'm off to uni... Don't forget to get me that shopping trolley!

    oh I do feel like getting a shopping trolley just to see the look of horror on my son's face!! It would be so funny....
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    Mum! I'm off to uni... Don't forget to get me that shopping trolley!

    I too have had a debate with myself about getting a shopping trolley as the pluses seem to almost outweigh the "naff" factor, but my son has said he will disown me if I do. I also worry that is the first stage of my descent into the world of beige pleated mid calf skirts, shoes that...
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    The Selling Stops To Discuss .....

    well at least Basso and Pipa were not discussing anything really seriously newsworthy: Hillsborough, Syria, or heaven forbid the Economy!!!
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    Well do we?

    I saw someone in an Artscape top once and it was in West Bridgford where Julia hails from. Today i am wearing a Matalan top, Asda jeans, Amazon earrings, toe nails painted in No 17 red polish and face moisturised with an Aldi cream. I am a heretic, I deserve to be burnt at the...
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    Jill Franks can't live without....

    maybe if we all buy some and they run out of stock Jill might.....................?