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Next thing we know, QVC will be saying 'Fall' instead of autumn and then my ultimate pet hate 'THE HOLIDAYS!!!!' instead of Christmas. If they do that, I will be sending a snotty email pretty damn quick.
Next thing we know, QVC will be saying 'Fall' instead of autumn and then my ultimate pet hate 'THE HOLIDAYS!!!!' instead of Christmas. If they do that, I will be sending a snotty email pretty damn quick.

Lol. I agree about 'Fall', however I prefer to think of late December as 'the holidays' as I don't celebrate xmas. That said, it doesn't offend me in the slightest. I once worked with a J.Witness who kicked up such a fuss to get our xmas conference renamed to winter conference as he didn't celebrate xmas. One person :-/ lol :rolleyes: Live and let live I say! I just try and use it in terms of "enjoy the holidays" rather than say "merry xmas".

Talking of 'xmas', it's a bit of a contradiction to me in terms of the word. I know it should be Christmas with a capital C, as should God be....but it goes against every cell in my brain to write them properly. :confused:

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
Next thing we know, QVC will be saying 'Fall' instead of autumn and then my ultimate pet hate 'THE HOLIDAYS!!!!' instead of Christmas. If they do that, I will be sending a snotty email pretty damn quick.

I think Americans use the term "the holidays" as an all-encompassing one to include Hallowe'en, Thanksgiving and Christmas. They get very little in the way of annual leave so make the most of these celebrations.
I'm agreeing with you! Having worked and lived abroad, I wondered what had happened to The Queen's English, when I returned to the UK. x AnotherPedanticOl'Fogey
Lol. I agree about 'Fall', however I prefer to think of late December as 'the holidays' as I don't celebrate xmas. That said, it doesn't offend me in the slightest. I once worked with a J.Witness who kicked up such a fuss to get our xmas conference renamed to winter conference as he didn't celebrate xmas. One person :-/ lol :rolleyes: Live and let live I say! I just try and use it in terms of "enjoy the holidays" rather than say "merry xmas".

Talking of 'xmas', it's a bit of a contradiction to me in terms of the word. I know it should be Christmas with a capital C, as should God be....but it goes against every cell in my brain to write them properly. :confused:

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)

I know what your Johovah's Witness was getting at and appreciate that not everyone is a Christian but without it being a Christian Festival there wouldn't be Christmas and therefore no holidays !
This woman with her xmas tree - "it looks good on itself". What??!! :eek: How do they let these people on tv?! lol

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
I know what your Johovah's Witness was getting at and appreciate that not everyone is a Christian but without it being a Christian Festival there wouldn't be Christmas and therefore no holidays !

I totally agree, that's why I thought it ridiculous he want to change it. I am not a Christian and am totally anti-theist - this is why I don't celebrate but just enjoy the season for being off work and for the winter. I take nothing away from those who do celebrate it. It doesn't bother me in the slightest and I wouldn't dream of imposing my opinions on others and spoil it for them.

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
Quite right Disenchanted and LoveInAMist, to a Can/Am, holiday means GovernmentDayOffWork and vacation equals Annual Leave. ;-)
Does anyone on here have friends/relatives/colleagues who say............ "I brought" when they have BOUGHT something ? so say "I brought" instead of "I bought" . I have a couple of (I assumed to be intelligent) friends who ALWAYS say it, and I tend to pick them up on it; but they don't even realised they have said it.

It drives me bonkers - but according to them, its me that has the problem, not them.
I have to say my teens use a lot of American words....too many films I suppose is the culprit.

The only thing I would quite to see would be our 999 emergency services could also be reached by 911,as so many children due to films and programs naturally say that as an emergency number.
the one that really winds me up is "different to" Makes me yell at the telly, it's now so endemic that I have noticed it in books and I think that it will eventually become the norm. However, I still cringe and mentally say "it is different from and similar to, you idiot!!" Then I start to worry that I am becoming too pedantic and old fashioned for the good of my blood pressure.
Does anyone on here have friends/relatives/colleagues who say............ "I brought" when they have BOUGHT something ? so say "I brought" instead of "I bought" . I have a couple of (I assumed to be intelligent) friends who ALWAYS say it, and I tend to pick them up on it; but they don't even realised they have said it.

It drives me bonkers - but according to them, its me that has the problem, not them.

How to lose friends/relatives/colleagues and alienate people.......
'Should of,' 'different to,' 'brought and bought,' 'bruvver,' 'fanks,' and all the other grammatical and pronunciation errors you can think of, crop up all the time and I spend my working day correcting them. I firmly believe that people should be able to write (and maybe even speak) accurately with regards to grammar (especially when applying for a job) but it seems to have lost its importance nowadays. I can vouch for that, having just read several CVs for a job that I'm interviewing for on Wednesday.

So put me down as a pedantic old fogey as well ......... and to add to it all, I'm a pedagogue too. :wink:
Caramel says "if you brought it on holiday with you" "if you brought it to the beach" etc all the time.

There are so many things wrong with that it makes my head spin.
'Should of,' 'different to,' 'brought and bought,' 'bruvver,' 'fanks,' and all the other grammatical and pronunciation errors you can think of, crop up all the time and I spend my working day correcting them. I firmly believe that people should be able to write (and maybe even speak) accurately with regards to grammar (especially when applying for a job) but it seems to have lost its importance nowadays. I can vouch for that, having just read several CVs for a job that I'm interviewing for on Wednesday.

I think most people have probably seen this by now (it's pretty old! lol) but for those that haven't, read all the way down to 'employer's response'! LOL
Me, myself, I. I wish the presenters would get it right.

Phew, when I started this thread I feared I would be called a pedantic old fashioned dinosaur who refuses to let our language "progress".

My neighbour was a company secretary in the City of London for years. When he retired he found a p/t in our local HMRC office as the post boy, folding and stuffing letters into envelopes. He regularly returned letters to the tax inspectors who had written them, complete with grammatical, syntax and typing errors marked in red pen !
Of course if someone gifts you and you don't like it, you can simply re-gift it the following holiday season............he he he!!

I actually have heard the term "re-gift" used!
Describing your friends as girlfriends is an Americanism I hate, JF does it all the time.

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