Sharon with a pony


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Jun 24, 2008
Just switched on to see our Shazza showcasing a full-on Goody-style ponytail. She's having great fun swishing it about. Do we think it's a "piece"?

I :heart: Sharon.
Flicking through the channels and I spotted her just before I read your post BB. Does look like a "piece", doesn't it? Suits her though.

Crap clothes......
Didn't notice the clothes, too busy watching her waggling her ponytail and looking generally fabulous. It was cut very straight at the ends, something i imagine is difficult to maintain. I agree, a piece.

I think Goody's is real though.
sharon has gelled down afro hair. it could never be straight and sleek like that piece in a month of sundays. goody def real.
Love Shazza to bits. Goody, on the other hand, goes through me. That hair is beyond fashion, style or suitable - just clinging on to her youth. And I think she's creepy looking somehow!! I'm sure I've seen Sharon on a promo with her hair down....anyone got a picture?

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
I always enjoyed the interaction between Sharon and Joan Rivers - especially when Charlie was presenting. His lounge-lizardry cut no ice with either of them. I've often wondered if she might "do a Claudia" and switch from model to presenter.
Sharon looked fab as always. Loved her hair but agree it was probably a piece. She's allowed though as it looked stunning.

Mind you even Sharon couldn't make those blathering faux leather trousers look good. Jesus H Christ they were dreadful. But Sharon smacked on a smile, twirled and posed despite the fact being trussed up in static.

Loved her twirling in the orange frilled number with the severe looking bird towards the end of the hour. Is it Cordelia?? Sharon looked gorgeous in that colour. Nearly made me buy the damned top! It was Sharon's fault I bought a leopard print number earlier in the day.
Sharon is fab and such an asset for Q, she makes their tat look great and when I watch her twirling and posing I have to remind myself that it would look vile on me and not to succumb and buy it! Did not see the faux leather trousers, even typing the words is making me cringe
Of course it's false, just like her affected mannerisms and stupid twirling. Sorry but I could slap the silly cow.
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Sharon is fab and such an asset for Q, she makes their tat look great and when I watch her twirling and posing I have to remind myself that it would look vile on me and not to succumb and buy it! Did not see the faux leather trousers, even typing the words is making me cringe

that's the point isn't it? love her or hate her (i love her) she looks great in almost all the polyester tat they put her in. now THAT is an accomplishment!

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