Its June again ....


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Apr 27, 2009
which means QVC are in full LGBGTQYZ mode. Its not PC to say I object to this, but I am not in agreement to favour one section of the population over others for a whole month on a shopping channel. If there are people in this country who have no idea about this organisation then they've been living under a stone.

We've discussed this before on here, and aside from Breast Cancer month which was supported for many years and has now been abandoned, I cannot think of any other cause that gets so much attention. Every business and company in the UK no doubt has employees who identify as being other than heterosexual, so do they too make a big thing of it ?

QVC would get my respect far more if they nominated a new charity every month to promote. There are so many out there who would be ecstatic to get the publicity. Mine would be "Retired Greyhound Trust" and "Guide Dogs for the Blind".
which means QVC are in full LGBGTQYZ mode. Its not PC to say I object to this, but I am not in agreement to favour one section of the population over others for a whole month on a shopping channel. If there are people in this country who have no idea about this organisation then they've been living under a stone.

We've discussed this before on here, and aside from Breast Cancer month which was supported for many years and has now been abandoned, I cannot think of any other cause that gets so much attention. Every business and company in the UK no doubt has employees who identify as being other than heterosexual, so do they too make a big thing of it ?

QVC would get my respect far more if they nominated a new charity every month to promote. There are so many out there who would be ecstatic to get the publicity. Mine would be "Retired Greyhound Trust" and "Guide Dogs for the Blind".
Yes that's a great idea about nominating a new charity every month and donating even a tiny percentage of purchases.
It worries me that the rights of women, which have been hard fought for, seem to be pushed by the wayside in order that trans people move up the agenda of importance. The trans community, at least the militant voices given so much media space, seem able to destroy a person's community standing, most notably in the case of JK Rowling, for making valid points about what it means to be born female. As for non-binary, well, apart from hermaphroditism, that surely must be fairly rare. And no one is they/them, whether you identify as he/she/other, you are one person. Call yourself whatever you like, but please desist from the illogicality of referring one human being as "they".
which means QVC are in full LGBGTQYZ mode. Its not PC to say I object to this, but I am not in agreement to favour one section of the population over others for a whole month on a shopping channel. If there are people in this country who have no idea about this organisation then they've been living under a stone.

We've discussed this before on here, and aside from Breast Cancer month which was supported for many years and has now been abandoned, I cannot think of any other cause that gets so much attention. Every business and company in the UK no doubt has employees who identify as being other than heterosexual, so do they too make a big thing of it ?

QVC would get my respect far more if they nominated a new charity every month to promote. There are so many out there who would be ecstatic to get the publicity. Mine would be "Retired Greyhound Trust" and "Guide Dogs for the Blind".

Dropping the Breast Cancer charity really annoyed me. Especially as the NHS is paying thousands to change leaflets to 'chest' cancer and breastfeeding to 'chest' feeding at the insistence of Stonewall. You Guide Dog charity suggestion is great. How about QVC giving some of their profits from the Diamonique paw pendant to a dog charity?

I honestly don't get how sexuality got mixed up with lifestyle choices. Pride month brought gay people into the spotlight, helping normalise homosexuality, and making life easier for those who are same-sex attracted.

I have several LGB friends that say they are uncomfortable with the T+ being tagged along at the end but wouldn't dare say it to someone they didn't know well for fear of losing their jobs or being targeted with some pretty nasty online hate.

However, one of my gay friends has recently told me that the T+ was tacked on at the end by Stonewall in 2015. It was done because homosexuality had become accepted by most and gay marriage legalised so their funds were drying up.

They're now making money hand over fist by getting everyone from police forces to councils to schools and supermarkets to sign up for their inclusion training. He sent me a list of payments they'd had into their accounts annually and it's interesting to say the very least. The ONS, for example, pays £3k PA to be a member and in 2019/20 paid £810k for diversity training.

The published a report last year saying that 327 publicly funded bodies paid over £3 million to Stonewall from 2019. The NHS alone gave them £466,065. The House of Commons paid over £22k in membership fees. You can check to see your local council or NHS Trust on If you dig a little deeper you can find out how many thousands of pounds they spent to become one of their Champions.

WTAF?! And they don't even give correct legal advice. The EHRC early this year confirmed that female-only spaces are still a legal requirement and the only way a man should enter is if he holds a GRC. So, yes, you can legally challenge a bearded bloke in a skirt if he uses female-only spaces.

So, no, I won't be buying any of their rainbow tat for Pride month. And, yes, I do wish they'd support a charity that's a good cause that really needs the money.
It worries me that the rights of women, which have been hard fought for, seem to be pushed by the wayside in order that trans people move up the agenda of importance. The trans community, at least the militant voices given so much media space, seem able to destroy a person's community standing, most notably in the case of JK Rowling, for making valid points about what it means to be born female. As for non-binary, well, apart from hermaphroditism, that surely must be fairly rare. And no one is they/them, whether you identify as he/she/other, you are one person. Call yourself whatever you like, but please desist from the illogicality of referring one human being as "they".

Don't get me started! I'm no fan of Piers Morgan but I'm an avid fan of his new show as he seems to be supportive of 'real women' (Ricky Gervais hit the nail on the head).

I had a mammogram and smear test recently. I asked for a woman to carry out the procedure and was re-assured that the person performing the procedure would be 'identifying' as female and then told off for asking. Apparently, if I'd turned up to find a transwoman doing it, I could be reported for a hate crime if I refused!

This is completely unacceptable to me. I survived abuse and still have psycho-sexual counselling.Again, I could be reported for hate crime if I complained. I'd also feel very distressed if I was on a hospital ward with anyone with a pen!s. I appreciate that some women wouldn't mind but I do.

This whole system is wrong. From everyone's point of view apart from the male-bodied person identifying as a woman. Nurses are being reprimanded for telling their bosses that a difficult woman (like me) is causing a fuss. They are officially told to tell the patient there are no men present!

Oh, and now midwives in Scotland are being trained that females can give birth through their pen!ses! As Piers says, the world's gone mad. Stop wasting our taxes on bullsh!t!
Well said on both posts AE. Your statistics on Stonewalls finances and how they are achieved are staggering. Even more jaw dropping is the willingness of companies and authorities who sign up to them, just to prove how pc they are.

I send you a virtual hug for the abuse you have suffered and wish you well.

I'm afraid I would be quite vocal if I learned there was a walking penis on an all female ward I was on, and if I was charged with a hate crime, then so be it. There would be far more adverse press from arresting and charging a 73 year old woman than there would be from me screaming blue murder ! in fact I would be equally vocal in letting the Press know about it.

My purchases on Q are a rarity of late, but I've assured myself I will not support their participation in this so won't be buying anything from them whilst they do.
I was born female and I have lived my life as a female but I don’t go around banging a bloody drum about it. People can call themselves what they like but as far as I’m concerned there are two sexes male and female. Some of these so called genders people shout about are totally alien to me ,I don’t even know what some of them are am I old fashioned, prejudiced or just stupid. PS I am 80 years old and I’m no retiring Wallflower.
I was born female and I have lived my life as a female but I don’t go around banging a bloody drum about it. People can call themselves what they like but as far as I’m concerned there are two sexes male and female. Some of these so called genders people shout about are totally alien to me ,I don’t even know what some of them are am I old fashioned, prejudiced or just stupid. PS I am 80 years old and I’m no retiring Wallflower.
You’re neither old fashioned, prejudiced or stupid. You’re normal, just like 99% of the population. It just shows how public opinion has been skewed when a recent YouGov poll shows that peoples perception of the size of minority groups is vastly higher than reality
I went to college with a lady ( she identified as that ) who was a hermaphrodite .. she was born with both femal and male sex organs … she was definitely feminine but she had some male traits also … this was 1981 … I really felt for her as I think her condition was not as well known of in those days … I was totally gobsmacked when I met her .. but after awhile I was not phased or shocked .. she was Susan and that was it … she had a bit of stubble ( loads more of course you can do for this ) and she was not tricking anybody she was genuine …
She had a life of rejection I think .. and it gave her an old head on a young body …
However I really object to males who are born male and everything in place and then want to use womens facilities etc …
And a friend of a friend I know … older lady and married .. has suffered abuse as people accusing her of being a man 🤦🏻‍♀️… she looks a bit less feminine than some .. short heart etc but not butch in my eyes …
Nice quiet lady has had lots of stress with hubby illness .. no children .. I was upset to hear it .. I’ve always taken for granted that I’m viewed as actually looking like my gender .. to have abuse just because you’re going to the ladies must be awful
I don’t want gender neutral changing rooms … it all makes me fume ..: and I also see the other side with people who are attacked verbally and it’s not their fault ..
such a minefield isn’t it ?
Mixed toilets (me banging on about loos again) - are becoming more visible. At a rain drenched village fete on Saturday I used the football club's lavatories, and there they were - on the door - the toilet twins.

I'm now of the opinion this will be the norm, particularly on new builds. Its far easier and cheaper to build a public building with wc facilities that are used by both sexes. Why have the extra cost of male and female toilets that take up more space ? This new 'ideal' must be a gift to architects.
Gender neutral loos are horrible if you have to queue past men using urinals to get to the cubicles. The Old Vic has just reopened with GN loos and I got a survey asking about them. I said as the urinals were in a separate room I didnt have to enter they were OK, but it would not be OK if I were expected to spend the interval seeing people urinate. (Indeed I would send in a complaint.) Last week I was at the Young Vic and the cubicle loo was crowded whereas the other looked to have urinals straight inside the door. So I queued!😂 But I'm sure there are times, lets say a very heavy period incident, where you are in a state, in the ladies, and dont want men nearby.

It seems to me that hard earned women's rights are being degraded these days, but not men's. Look at sport where trans women can easily outstrip the performances of biological women. Caitlyn Jenner agrees this is unfair. I heard on LBC that now the NHS has removed the words woman and women from their pages about ovarian and cervical cancer and replaced with gender neutral nouns! FFS. Now of course if you go to the section on prostate cancer, it still contains the words man and men. Of course it does. There was a trans woman guest on LBC who said this was ridiculous so who on earth pushes these things through?

Talking about hospital wards, I have been on women's wards with people with a penis because at Charing X they do a lot of gender reassignments, and I was there for several surgeries after breast cancer. I didnt find it problematic though.
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We have mixed sex toilets in work. Well, there are two separate toilets, and you go to which ever one is empty. Bang on the door and if someone shouts out, go to the next one. The bakers go in to change out of their whites and into normal clothes. Then of course there is outrage at who did not flush their tampon correctly from the men. No me!

As for the BCC they left QVC after the infamous scandal. A poisoned chalice no other charity wanted to go near QVC.

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