Its June again ....


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Gender neutral loos are horrible if you have to queue past men using urinals to get to the cubicles. The Old Vic has just reopened with GN loos and I got a survey asking about them. I said as the urinals were in a separate room I didnt have to enter they were OK, but it would not be OK if I were expected to spend the interval seeing people urinate. (Indeed I would send in a complaint.) Last week I was at the Young Vic and the cubicle loo was crowded whereas the other looked to have urinals straight inside the door. So I queued!😂 But I'm sure there are times, lets say a very heavy period incident, where you are in a state, in the ladies, and dont want men nearby.

It seems to me that hard earned women's rights are being degraded these days, but not men's. Look at sport where trans women can easily outstrip the performances of biological women. Caitlyn Jenner agrees this is unfair. I heard on LBC that now the NHS has removed the words woman and women from their pages about ovarian and cervical cancer and replaced with gender neutral nouns! FFS. Now of course if you go to the section on prostate cancer, it still contains the words man and men. Of course it does. There was a trans woman guest on LBC who said this was ridiculous so who on earth pushes these things through?

Talking about hospital wards, I have been on women's wards with people with a penis because at Charing X they do a lot of gender reassignments, and I was there for several surgeries after breast cancer. I didnt find it problematic though.
🤦🏻‍♀️ The NHS have lost the plot surely to goodness ! ..
I went to college with a lady ( she identified as that ) who was a hermaphrodite .. she was born with both femal and male sex organs … she was definitely feminine but she had some male traits also … this was 1981 … I really felt for her as I think her condition was not as well known of in those days … I was totally gobsmacked when I met her .. but after awhile I was not phased or shocked .. she was Susan and that was it … she had a bit of stubble ( loads more of course you can do for this ) and she was not tricking anybody she was genuine …
She had a life of rejection I think .. and it gave her an old head on a young body …
However I really object to males who are born male and everything in place and then want to use womens facilities etc …
And a friend of a friend I know … older lady and married .. has suffered abuse as people accusing her of being a man 🤦🏻‍♀️… she looks a bit less feminine than some .. short heart etc but not butch in my eyes …
Nice quiet lady has had lots of stress with hubby illness .. no children .. I was upset to hear it .. I’ve always taken for granted that I’m viewed as actually looking like my gender .. to have abuse just because you’re going to the ladies must be awful
I don’t want gender neutral changing rooms … it all makes me fume ..: and I also see the other side with people who are attacked verbally and it’s not their fault ..
such a minefield isn’t it ?

This is the problem. The new breed of TRA (trans radical activists - the ones that send JKR and others death threats) have given ALL trans people and hermaphrodites a bad name. Pips Bunce (and others that declare their gender to be different on any given day) just make a laughing stock of people who hate their 'sex' so much they've gone through surgery.

Self-ID has the potential to be very dangerous. A quick Google at transcrimeuk shows very clearly how many male predators there are out there that are willing to make the most of any opportunity. This article: was slated by the TRA for, as far as I'm concerned, stating the bleeding obvious.

I'm old enough to remember the crap I put up with from men during my younger days but it seems to have got even worse and is squeezing women from all sides. It's disgusting the way women are treated by the police when it comes to rape and abuse. They drive around in their rainbow cars with their rainbow helmets (all courtesy of the taxpayer), putting their Stonewall training to use (also courtesy of the taxpayer), while treating women and girls extremely badly (strip searches performed by female staff while male officers look on and film with their phones).

What amazes me the most, though, are companies like QVC pandering to what I consider 'non-charity' events when their customer base consists of a very large amount of women. I've been shopping with Q for many years now but have cut down a great deal. Stunts like this are going to make me turn off completely, just as I no longer set foot into M&S since they opened their women's changing rooms to men that say they're women. I remember my first bra fitting there decades ago. I was dying of embarrassment at the time but now young girls also have to put up with men invading what should be a female space.

Then there are period products. Now marketed to uterus/cervix-havers or 'people'. Not a girl or woman in sight. Yet these products are exclusively for women (even if they don't identify as such). Or unless you're one of those blokes that raid the hygiene bins for used products as they have a fetish for them - and. of course, now believe they have legal access to women's toilets.

Apologies for the long ranty replies. I honestly don't hate men. Just those who have no regard for women.
You may be interested in this talk, although you may have to register - -
Intersex refers to when a person is born with sex characteristics such as genitals, chromosomes, gonads and sex hormones that "do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies" (UN OHCHR). In recent history, many people who were born with intersex have been subject, including as infants, to medical interventions designed to 'normalise' their bodies. But sex development in humans can vary considerably, and this talk explores some of those ways.
This is the problem. The new breed of TRA (trans radical activists - the ones that send JKR and others death threats) have given ALL trans people and hermaphrodites a bad name. Pips Bunce (and others that declare their gender to be different on any given day) just make a laughing stock of people who hate their 'sex' so much they've gone through surgery.

Self-ID has the potential to be very dangerous. A quick Google at transcrimeuk shows very clearly how many male predators there are out there that are willing to make the most of any opportunity. This article: was slated by the TRA for, as far as I'm concerned, stating the bleeding obvious.

I'm old enough to remember the crap I put up with from men during my younger days but it seems to have got even worse and is squeezing women from all sides. It's disgusting the way women are treated by the police when it comes to rape and abuse. They drive around in their rainbow cars with their rainbow helmets (all courtesy of the taxpayer), putting their Stonewall training to use (also courtesy of the taxpayer), while treating women and girls extremely badly (strip searches performed by female staff while male officers look on and film with their phones).

What amazes me the most, though, are companies like QVC pandering to what I consider 'non-charity' events when their customer base consists of a very large amount of women. I've been shopping with Q for many years now but have cut down a great deal. Stunts like this are going to make me turn off completely, just as I no longer set foot into M&S since they opened their women's changing rooms to men that say they're women. I remember my first bra fitting there decades ago. I was dying of embarrassment at the time but now young girls also have to put up with men invading what should be a female space.

Then there are period products. Now marketed to uterus/cervix-havers or 'people'. Not a girl or woman in sight. Yet these products are exclusively for women (even if they don't identify as such). Or unless you're one of those blokes that raid the hygiene bins for used products as they have a fetish for them - and. of course, now believe they have legal access to women's toilets.

Apologies for the long ranty replies. I honestly don't hate men. Just those who have no regard for women.

Excellent comment
Our company has embraced LGBTQ+ month which much gusto. We have an enormous rainbow decal stuck to the floor from the entrance going halfway up the shop, and I presume this is in every single branch, the charity collection tubes have all been given over to LBGT charities, posters everywhere etc and whilst I have absolutely nothing against this, after all, non participation could be damaging to our reputation. We have all been sent a memo stating that our company is aiming to be the most inclusive company in the UK. A couple of years ago, plastic rainbow badges were given out for us to pin to our uniforms if we wanted them.
I read about plans and noticed how we're going to be given seminars regarding the correct language to use in conversation - one example was do not use the expression "Manic" or "crazy" when it's busy, sign off your emails using your preferred pronoun. Then if that wasn't enough they announced that they would be bringing out name badges with your pronouns written under your name. Fair enough, they would be optional, but the youngsters on our work chat group were all terribly excited about this "What a fantastic way to show our allyship" "that would be really helpful" "Great news" etc etc. Then one girl Laura chipped in "I'm cisgender but my pronoun is they" what a fantastic idea! I'm just confused, and if anyone can enlighten me...The woman is female, identifies as female but has an aversion to being referred to as she?! Crazy oops not allowed to use that word!
On the subject of mixed toilets, I think the French might have been way ahead of us. Many years ago, back in the 70's, we were on a family holiday in Northern France and we went to use the public loos in one town. Dad and brother went down one staircase and mum and us two girls went down another staircase - they met in the middle :LOL::LOL::oops:. Men, women and children were all using the same facilities. It was an eye opener to us Brits but the French seemed completely unfazed.

Some years ago there was a bar in George St, Edinburgh that had mixed toilets. I really hated it. Big room, all cubicles, big hand washing fountain in the middle. That bar isn't there any more. Wonder why?

As I said earlier, I really find all this very concerning, and I can't help but cynically feel that the knock-on effect on biological women is being exploited by men. Why is it always women's rights, thoughts and feelings that are recklessly abandoned in order to cater to a vocal minority? I'm afraid all this non-binary stuff screams to me "first world, self-indulgent issues". I doubt very much that the youth of Ukraine are stressing about gender identity and demanding to be referred to as they/them. They're too busy trying to survive the barbarism of an illegal invasion and the horrors of war.
I do sometimes wonder what earlier generations, say wartime Britishers, would feel about such preoccupations with gender.
I lost my Mother to hormonal cancers, and I'll be damned if I'm going to pander to today's demands that I refer to her years of suffering and awful death, as being anything other than female cancers. She was a woman and she died because of breast and ovarian menopausal changes.
It's really time that all this was put into proper perspective as, let's face it, it would be if men were discommoded by these societal developments the way women are. We're just supposed to accept it and deal with the fact we may be victims of people taking advantage of gender fluid rules. Well, f*ck that, I'm too old a woman to be conned by babies.
As mentioned earlier in this thread, women and girls are still treated terribly when they go through rape/violence Investigations and court cases. This should be on the agenda, not whether little Johnny thinks he might actually be Julie.
Just look at the way women were treated at the vigil for Sarah Everard. A woman abducted, raped and murdered by a serving Police Officer. It's absolutely sickening, and frankly, I feel completely disenfranchised from this so-called enlightened world.
QVC is full of twirlys and the rainbow generation,quite frankly they have no choice in running this in June,because otherwise it would alienate lots of the tat sellers.
Going back to death threats made by any persons,they should be held to account and arrested immediately whatever gender you are.
I suspect the police turn a blind eye on certain groups for fear of being accused of many things in this current climate.
This world is getting itself tied up in knots it seems … I’m happy with anybody who wants to identify as a woman even if born as a male withheld male genitalia .. but I’m not accepting they can use the same toilets and changing facility’s … another question I have …. My youngest son was a carer for the elderly … would go to their homes .. (lHe would get upset when they would talk to their loved ones who weren’t here anymore, their photos 😢 bless him.. he had to leave but loved the year he did there … ) it was only males that males were allowed to care for and the ladies were allowed to care for both genders. However now what will happen if a transgender man changing to a woman wants to be a carer .. will they be allowed to wash and care for an elderly lady when currently males are not allowed to tend to females?
Good question M.

Unless anyone on here knows to the contrary, apart from retaining male genitalia whilst wearing a frock, the Adam's apple, size of hands, and the timbre of the male voice cannot be changed, so that would help if there are any objections to be raised regarding personal care. Another reason to perhaps have hidden cameras in the room.
Good question M.

Unless anyone on here knows to the contrary, apart from retaining male genitalia whilst wearing a frock, the Adam's apple, size of hands, and the timbre of the male voice cannot be changed, so that would help if there are any objections to be raised regarding personal care. Another reason to perhaps have hidden cameras in the room.
It’s a dilemma that I don’t know how would be settled .. and yes I agree with you there too
Good question M.

Unless anyone on here knows to the contrary, apart from retaining male genitalia whilst wearing a frock, the Adam's apple, size of hands, and the timbre of the male voice cannot be changed, so that would help if there are any objections to be raised regarding personal care. Another reason to perhaps have hidden cameras in the room.
You can get the adam's apple shaved down. And then those who have the full transformation which means off come the male genitalia, and they get a vagina. But of course no womb. So as Alice Cooper wrote and sang Only Women Bleed.

But transvestites, just men and women who dress as the other sex. They do not want to change sex and stay as men or women.
It never has bothered me who/why/what/where anybody wants to identify with. Since I was a little girl bought up in the 60's people were free to be who they wanted to be. To act like its a new "phenomena" and that people have never been protected by law is misguided.
Well said on both posts AE. Your statistics on Stonewalls finances and how they are achieved are staggering. Even more jaw dropping is the willingness of companies and authorities who sign up to them, just to prove how pc they are.

I send you a virtual hug for the abuse you have suffered and wish you well.

I'm afraid I would be quite vocal if I learned there was a walking penis on an all female ward I was on, and if I was charged with a hate crime, then so be it. There would be far more adverse press from arresting and charging a 73 year old woman than there would be from me screaming blue murder ! in fact I would be equally vocal in letting the Press know about it.

My purchases on Q are a rarity of late, but I've assured myself I will not support their participation in this so won't be buying anything from them whilst they do.

Thank you, Brissles. Hug happily accepted.

Have you read these:
I also read an article about an elderly lady being upset and confused by a transwoman performing personal nursing duties in hospital. A fuss was kicked up but the hospital eventually had to apologise. I'll try to find the link as it's shocking reading.

My ex gave off vibes to my friends like the bloke in therapy. I wish I'd listened to them sooner - I found photos obviously taken covertly on his phone of strange women breastfeeding in cafes. That sent me to my solicitor in record time.

The men and women that are old enough to know absolutely that they want to be the opposite sex and go the whole hog with Adam's apple and other surgeries I can understand wanting to be in their chosen sex spaces. Any bloke that just identifies as a woman - especially those that don't even bother trying to dress as one - should NOT be allowed anywhere near women's spaces. Or into women's prisons.

The press aren't reporting crimes such as flashing as male crimes, instead they report it as the man's chosen female name and if we're really lucky, they'll post a photo making it clear that a 'woman' wasn't doing the flashing. I've heard that some have been reluctant to print complaints from female patients in wards with a man saying he's female. I'll also dig out the case of the rape of a woman in a female ward that the NHS denied happened despite the nurses and other patients confirming it.
My God, if ever there was a case for biological women to create a backlash to all this bloody nonsense then its now.
I've mentioned before that 20 years ago I worked in a psychiatric ward, and despite being close to London, during my time there we only had ONE outpatient who wished to be classed as a woman. He was over 40 and would sit quietly with his head down wearing his sensible shoes and pleated skirt. It was the first time I had heard of the Tavistock where he was referred to. He had to live and dress as a lady for about 3 years before he could be referred. I think times have changed a tad since then, and its very disturbing the way society is going.

I retired from the NHS in 2006 and this person was the only gender change who came through the department in my 15 years of working there. Certainly no children. So the rise of children in the last few years believing they should be the opposite sex is very very concerning, its almost as though there is "something in the water".
One of the problems is that so-
called reality TV tends to focus on such issues, giving the impression that millions of people are"non-binary". This allows nonsense language, such as, 'X was assigned as male at birth'. No, X wasn't assigned as male, X was bloody born male, unless, as I've said before, hermaphroditism was the case, and since that is rare, it's not even in the equation in the vast majority of cases.
I can't believe that for hundreds and hundreds of years these kinds of numbers of problems with sexual identity have managed somehow to remain secret, and all of a sudden the truth is out and we're all questioning our sex/sexuality.
It seems clear to me that a lot of the impetus for this springs from misogyny. Now biological women are being shamed for referring to biological female facts. What utter, damaging rubbish. As Helen Reddy sang, 'I am woman, hear me roar!'.
Today I was invited to a forum meeting at work, and one of the topics was the pronoun badges and Laura the "cisgender lady" was in attendance, well I must have heard her wrong because she announced "I'm non-binary" so my pronouns are they or them. I think it would be really useful because if I'm working on the shopfloor it's not good for my mental health when I hear someone say "I'll ask the lady"! Laura is clearly female, she has the face, figure and voice of a woman, despite having short hair, not wearing make up and choosing trousers as opposed to a skirt as her uniform choice. All I could think of why bloody complicate things for yourself and those around you? I can understand how demoralising it may be for a trans woman, to be addressed as sir - A different kettle of fish, someone who's gone through life feeling that they're trapped in the wrong body, and are making every effort to appear female and going through invasive surgery as well. But a woman who just says "Im non binary" refer to me in the feminine gender at your peril, and at the expense of my mental health - Really?! And yes would a small badge with Laura "They/them" help customers get it right, they'll be addressing you face to face so the chances are they'll just say no more than "excuse me, where's the bog roll" Or if they did say "excuse me miss, and then spot the they/them pronoun, what are they gonna say "Oh sorry, person of non specific gender, where's the bog roll?"
I might be an old dinosaur but all I could think of when she was saying this was poor Dame Deborah James and what she's been through and going through and the so many big things that people are facing. Identify as you please but don't expect the world to bend over backwards in order not to offend you, especially when none is intended. Having said that I'm not suggesting that anybody deserves to be ridiculed, or treated disrespectfully, but ffs!!!!

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