Its June again ....


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I’m too old for all of this. Adults perhaps but small children?! When I was 6 I wanted to be a ballerina and own a horse - neither of which I had a snowballs chance in hell of being.

Watching adverts makes me realise I’m not living in the same world as others as they just don’t relate to me yet every single one is either transgender or gangster fing rappers. I’ve yet to figure out what is different about the middle aged woman in the Virgin ad as everyone else has some drum to beat plus the fact Branston is paying for staff to have gender realignment surgery.
I’m too old for all of this. Adults perhaps but small children?! When I was 6 I wanted to be a ballerina and own a horse - neither of which I had a snowballs chance in hell of being.

Watching adverts makes me realise I’m not living in the same world as others as they just don’t relate to me yet every single one is either transgender or gangster fing rappers. I’ve yet to figure out what is different about the middle aged woman in the Virgin ad as everyone else has some drum to beat plus the fact Branston is paying for staff to have gender realignment surgery.
You make a good point there Lati. The whole thing about having black/mixed race families featured in literally every tv ad, along with LGBT people is because these people for years would watch these adverts and would think exactly this. Age, this is not represented properly unless it's bladder leak underwear or funerals or voltarol. Even mobility aids are modelled by people in their 40's with frankly bugger all wrong with them. Time they recognised that there are people over 50 in this world, who aren't necessarily leaking from every orifice and are putting every penny away to get themselves cremated! Under represented, and then some!
I listened to a debate some weeks ago on the tv, and this business with mixed race families and LGBGT's employed portrayed in adverts, was an agenda set by the Advertising Agencies a few years ago. It started off in a small way, then really exploded later when BLM got off the ground. The owners and employees of these Agencies - mainly in liberal elitist London, are mainly under 40, and have an aim to brainwash the viewer into a certain way of thinking.

Thing is, anyone from Mars and seeing our tv ads would be of the belief that our population is 50/50, whereas in reality those of colour make up about 3%. As for the mixed race family, well I imagine they are a regular sight in a lot of cities, but in rural areas are as rare as hen's teeth. We do however, see a lot of white single Mums pushing mixed race children about.

As for the non-binary person who says it will affect her mental health if not referred to as they/that/goldfishinabowl, then clearly she has mental issues already. I can just imagine me asking my Mum to call me these pronouns - she'd say "don't be a ****** idiot, I gave birth to a girl - live with it".
Today I was invited to a forum meeting at work, and one of the topics was the pronoun badges and Laura the "cisgender lady" was in attendance, well I must have heard her wrong because she announced "I'm non-binary" so my pronouns are they or them. I think it would be really useful because if I'm working on the shopfloor it's not good for my mental health when I hear someone say "I'll ask the lady"! Laura is clearly female, she has the face, figure and voice of a woman, despite having short hair, not wearing make up and choosing trousers as opposed to a skirt as her uniform choice. All I could think of why ****** complicate things for yourself and those around you? I can understand how demoralising it may be for a trans woman, to be addressed as sir - A different kettle of fish, someone who's gone through life feeling that they're trapped in the wrong body, and are making every effort to appear female and going through invasive surgery as well. But a woman who just says "Im non binary" refer to me in the feminine gender at your peril, and at the expense of my mental health - Really?! And yes would a small badge with Laura "They/them" help customers get it right, they'll be addressing you face to face so the chances are they'll just say no more than "excuse me, where's the bog roll" Or if they did say "excuse me miss, and then spot the they/them pronoun, what are they gonna say "Oh sorry, person of non specific gender, where's the bog roll?"
I might be an old dinosaur but all I could think of when she was saying this was poor Dame Deborah James and what she's been through and going through and the so many big things that people are facing. Identify as you please but don't expect the world to bend over backwards in order not to offend you, especially when none is intended. Having said that I'm not suggesting that anybody deserves to be ridiculed, or treated disrespectfully, but ffs!!!!
It’s just absolutely bewildering why this non binery identity has come about .., I’m just perplexed by it all 🤦🏻‍♀️I take people as I find tbem .. I don’t mind if they are prince or pauper. If they are nice people and not hostile .. I’m happy .. it’s just a bit of a stretch for my brain to take in all these changes to … him her them ..
It’s just absolutely bewildering why this non binery identity has come about .., I’m just perplexed by it all 🤦🏻‍♀️I take people as I find tbem .. I don’t mind if they are prince or pauper. If they are nice people and not hostile .. I’m happy .. it’s just a bit of a stretch for my brain to take in all these changes to … him her them ..

You can blame Stonewall for it. Since 2015 (and when they started losing money from the LGB sector), they've started to take up the TQ+ mantra.

They provide 'training' for schools and tell them to be 'inclusive' they should be providing mixed toilets etc. This would have been mortifying for me as I started periods at 8 and was the only girl in school to have them. Having to share toilets or changing rooms with the boys would have been a nightmare for me.

They also get hundreds of thousands of pounds from councils, the police, schools, the NHS and even the government for 'advice' and 'training' at the taxpayer's expense.

Anywhere you see a rainbow lanyard or badge you can be pretty sure that the person/company/organisation has had (and paid handsomely for) their training AND the merchandise.

In my opinion this is a disgraceful waste of money whether it comes from the public purse or your grocery price rises (yep, even supermarkets have been 'captured').

M&S have lost my custom. In-store at the very least. They allow any male saying they're female into their changing rooms even if they turn up with a full beard in men's clothes. Again, I developed early and had my first bra fitting there. Having men in the women's changing rooms would have made me as a very self-conscious young girl, run a mile.

Women (natural-born) make up the vast majority of most retailers customers yet they insist on pandering to the vocal few who have no intention of actually going through with a sex change. The vocal few, by the way, who target kids and teens with their rubbish. My partner's autistic nephew was targeted online and was convinced he wanted a sex change because he was gay. Thankfully, he was seen by a psychologist who made him understand the difference between sexual attraction and being in the 'wrong' body.

The adoption of their single spaces 'inclusivity' is bad enough but when it's abused by some men who just want their sexual kicks rewarded, it's disgusting and disturbing. There have been several cases where a camera has been planted in toilets and changing rooms which is extremely violating.

We're mostly ladies here but I'd ask anyone to spread the word that this IS happening, especially the men who would strongly object to their partner, sister, mum or daughter being subjected to this nonsense. It will be difficult for some as young people have already been subjected to this new cult of misogyny (yes, I'm a drama queen!), or online where women are being doxxed and even sacked for refusing to believe the fairytale. The pushback by women (and some men) is gaining momentum, though. My partner only saw the light as he's a huge sports fan and can't believe men are competing against or playing contact sports with women and girls. I believe this is the case for many men.
You can blame Stonewall for it. Since 2015 (and when they started losing money from the LGB sector), they've started to take up the TQ+ mantra.

They provide 'training' for schools and tell them to be 'inclusive' they should be providing mixed toilets etc. This would have been mortifying for me as I started periods at 8 and was the only girl in school to have them. Having to share toilets or changing rooms with the boys would have been a nightmare for me.

They also get hundreds of thousands of pounds from councils, the police, schools, the NHS and even the government for 'advice' and 'training' at the taxpayer's expense.

Anywhere you see a rainbow lanyard or badge you can be pretty sure that the person/company/organisation has had (and paid handsomely for) their training AND the merchandise.

In my opinion this is a disgraceful waste of money whether it comes from the public purse or your grocery price rises (yep, even supermarkets have been 'captured').

M&S have lost my custom. In-store at the very least. They allow any male saying they're female into their changing rooms even if they turn up with a full beard in men's clothes. Again, I developed early and had my first bra fitting there. Having men in the women's changing rooms would have made me as a very self-conscious young girl, run a mile.

Women (natural-born) make up the vast majority of most retailers customers yet they insist on pandering to the vocal few who have no intention of actually going through with a sex change. The vocal few, by the way, who target kids and teens with their rubbish. My partner's autistic nephew was targeted online and was convinced he wanted a sex change because he was gay. Thankfully, he was seen by a psychologist who made him understand the difference between sexual attraction and being in the 'wrong' body.

The adoption of their single spaces 'inclusivity' is bad enough but when it's abused by some men who just want their sexual kicks rewarded, it's disgusting and disturbing. There have been several cases where a camera has been planted in toilets and changing rooms which is extremely violating.

We're mostly ladies here but I'd ask anyone to spread the word that this IS happening, especially the men who would strongly object to their partner, sister, mum or daughter being subjected to this nonsense. It will be difficult for some as young people have already been subjected to this new cult of misogyny (yes, I'm a drama queen!), or online where women are being doxxed and even sacked for refusing to believe the fairytale. The pushback by women (and some men) is gaining momentum, though. My partner only saw the light as he's a huge sports fan and can't believe men are competing against or playing contact sports with women and girls. I believe this is the case for many men.
It’s disgusting the M and S policy.
I was so shy as a teen I wouldn’t even go to the communal womens ones. Painfully shy.
They are doing so much damage to others mental health by stressing women who just want some decent privacy when they visit the loo. I have never marched on the streets against a policy but this I would I’m sure … peacefully but i would have to share my disgrace .. I have a gay nephew so it ks nothing to do with any prejudice. It’s about female and males not mixing when I want to walk into a toilet cubicle and facilities and not feel vunerable .. I’m a post menopause ( still have symptoms of course but no monthly’s ) and I feel vunerable let alone how a young teen girl would feel
It’s disgusting the M and S policy.
I was so shy as a teen I wouldn’t even go to the communal womens ones. Painfully shy.
They are doing so much damage to others mental health by stressing women who just want some decent privacy when they visit the loo. I have never marched on the streets against a policy but this I would I’m sure … peacefully but i would have to share my disgrace .. I have a gay nephew so it ks nothing to do with any prejudice. It’s about female and males not mixing when I want to walk into a toilet cubicle and facilities and not feel vunerable .. I’m a post menopause ( still have symptoms of course but no monthly’s ) and I feel vunerable let alone how a young teen girl would feel
Ps and changing rooms
Gender neutral loos are horrible if you have to queue past men using urinals to get to the cubicles. The Old Vic has just reopened with GN loos and I got a survey asking about them. I said as the urinals were in a separate room I didnt have to enter they were OK, but it would not be OK if I were expected to spend the interval seeing people urinate. (Indeed I would send in a complaint.) Last week I was at the Young Vic and the cubicle loo was crowded whereas the other looked to have urinals straight inside the door. So I queued!😂 But I'm sure there are times, lets say a very heavy period incident, where you are in a state, in the ladies, and dont want men nearby.

It seems to me that hard earned women's rights are being degraded these days, but not men's. Look at sport where trans women can easily outstrip the performances of biological women. Caitlyn Jenner agrees this is unfair. I heard on LBC that now the NHS has removed the words woman and women from their pages about ovarian and cervical cancer and replaced with gender neutral nouns! FFS. Now of course if you go to the section on prostate cancer, it still contains the words man and men. Of course it does. There was a trans woman guest on LBC who said this was ridiculous so who on earth pushes these things through?

Talking about hospital wards, I have been on women's wards with people with a penis because at Charing X they do a lot of gender reassignments, and I was there for several surgeries after breast cancer. I didnt find it problematic though.
I went to the Royal Festival Hall during the Jubilee weekend. Went to the toilet before the show, none of us in the queue (regular visitors) noticed that the "ladies on the left" and "gents on the right" were now gender neutral. The result was a longer queue as men were in there (just what we need)! Luckily not all the toilets were GN.
A bit of levity (I hope you agree)

Cartoon motorbike and uterous 286670123.png
The advert for Apecin caffeine shampoo really gets on my chesticles where that female says that it is popular with women and whispers the words 'over forty' like being a woman over forty is something to be embarrassed about!

Imagine the outcry if she whispered popular with gays, trans, LGBTQXYZ+

I was in a charity shop today and they had a poster up for pride stating that they are proud to support the LGBQ etc community, I politely asked where their poster showing support for the straight middle aged woman community was because I felt discriminated against and the manager didn't know what to say.
You can blame Stonewall for it. Since 2015 (and when they started losing money from the LGB sector), they've started to take up the TQ+ mantra.

They provide 'training' for schools and tell them to be 'inclusive' they should be providing mixed toilets etc. This would have been mortifying for me as I started periods at 8 and was the only girl in school to have them. Having to share toilets or changing rooms with the boys would have been a nightmare for me.

They also get hundreds of thousands of pounds from councils, the police, schools, the NHS and even the government for 'advice' and 'training' at the taxpayer's expense.

Anywhere you see a rainbow lanyard or badge you can be pretty sure that the person/company/organisation has had (and paid handsomely for) their training AND the merchandise.

In my opinion this is a disgraceful waste of money whether it comes from the public purse or your grocery price rises (yep, even supermarkets have been 'captured').

M&S have lost my custom. In-store at the very least. They allow any male saying they're female into their changing rooms even if they turn up with a full beard in men's clothes. Again, I developed early and had my first bra fitting there. Having men in the women's changing rooms would have made me as a very self-conscious young girl, run a mile.

Women (natural-born) make up the vast majority of most retailers customers yet they insist on pandering to the vocal few who have no intention of actually going through with a sex change. The vocal few, by the way, who target kids and teens with their rubbish. My partner's autistic nephew was targeted online and was convinced he wanted a sex change because he was gay. Thankfully, he was seen by a psychologist who made him understand the difference between sexual attraction and being in the 'wrong' body.

The adoption of their single spaces 'inclusivity' is bad enough but when it's abused by some men who just want their sexual kicks rewarded, it's disgusting and disturbing. There have been several cases where a camera has been planted in toilets and changing rooms which is extremely violating.

We're mostly ladies here but I'd ask anyone to spread the word that this IS happening, especially the men who would strongly object to their partner, sister, mum or daughter being subjected to this nonsense. It will be difficult for some as young people have already been subjected to this new cult of misogyny (yes, I'm a drama queen!), or online where women are being doxxed and even sacked for refusing to believe the fairytale. The pushback by women (and some men) is gaining momentum, though. My partner only saw the light as he's a huge sports fan and can't believe men are competing against or playing contact sports with women and girls. I believe this is the case for many men.

Spot on AE.

There has got to be a backlash against all this. How do you explain to a young girl who is taken into the toilet by her Mum, that the person with a beard and doing his flies up as 'it' exits the toilet that 'its' a woman ? It confuses a child from the get go and it has to stop.
It’s disgusting the M and S policy.
I was so shy as a teen I wouldn’t even go to the communal womens ones. Painfully shy.
They are doing so much damage to others mental health by stressing women who just want some decent privacy when they visit the loo. I have never marched on the streets against a policy but this I would I’m sure … peacefully but i would have to share my disgrace .. I have a gay nephew so it ks nothing to do with any prejudice. It’s about female and males not mixing when I want to walk into a toilet cubicle and facilities and not feel vunerable .. I’m a post menopause ( still have symptoms of course but no monthly’s ) and I feel vunerable let alone how a young teen girl would feel

If you decide to march, there are quite a few going on this year.

But - and it's a big one - be prepared for protesters at all the women's marches. One when ahead in Manchester last month. They were meeting at Emmeline Pankhurst's statue but when they got there, they found it had been surrounded by transwomen dressed in black like Provos!

A fuss was made, police called and the women were told to move. The irony. has Piers Morgan interviewing one of them. It's worth watching until the end. It shows exactly what women who believe in basic biology are up against.
I am probably very old fashioned. I was born female and have never wanted to be anything else. My brother was born male and never wanted to be a girl. I certainly would never go into a Mixed toilet ever!!
I don't want mixed hospital wards, and I have no idea what non binary is. Not sure I even want to know. My husband has played football all his life and his views on all this is pretty fierce. (in his world men are men and women are women and anything else is just sick). Yes there are gay footballers not sure he understands that either. He would never go into a mixed changing room or mixed toilets
Now they want to change the word maternity to something else. What the hell, who gives birth, certainly not men. All beyond me I'm afraid and all my friends and family.
If you decide to march, there are quite a few going on this year.

But - and it's a big one - be prepared for protesters at all the women's marches. One when ahead in Manchester last month. They were meeting at Emmeline Pankhurst's statue but when they got there, they found it had been surrounded by transwomen dressed in black like Provos!

A fuss was made, police called and the women were told to move. The irony. has Piers Morgan interviewing one of them. It's worth watching until the end. It shows exactly what women who believe in basic biology are up against.

They need their mouth washed out with a bar of carbolic soap.

See what I did there? Using non-binary pro-nouns instead of he, she, his or her, I'm so down with the cool kids.
I am probably very old fashioned. I was born female and have never wanted to be anything else. My brother was born male and never wanted to be a girl. I certainly would never go into a Mixed toilet ever!!
I don't want mixed hospital wards, and I have no idea what non binary is. Not sure I even want to know. My husband has played football all his life and his views on all this is pretty fierce. (in his world men are men and women are women and anything else is just sick). Yes there are gay footballers not sure he understands that either. He would never go into a mixed changing room or mixed toilets
Now they want to change the word maternity to something else. What the hell, who gives birth, certainly not men. All beyond me I'm afraid and all my friends and family.

This gender business has only surfaced in the past few years. We can all agree there are those that "don't fit the bill" but they must be in the 0.00001 percent of the population, yet we have wandered into dangerous territory of brainwashing little children that they are in the wrong body if a little girl likes wearing dungarees instead of frocks, and little lads like playing with their Action Man doll (as my brother did back in the early 60's) !!

If we look, there has been a tendency to have celebrity led 'fads', which desperate people actually suffer from but no end were jumping on the bandwagon - ie endless interviews by slebs suffering with manic depression, er where are they now ? Then there was a period where slebs were confessing to drinking more than they should, and now we have the boring menopause brigade.

This situation has all been blown up by the media and social media - like you say Catz the majority of people like you, me and those around us, are seeing a world that's going to hell in a handcart.
I’m short and fat yet supermarkets would laugh if I dared suggest that only pet food (which I don’t need) should be put on the top shelves which I’m unable to reach or that aircraft seats should be wider so my butt fits better, no they just say suck it up.
I have a lot of difficulty reaching high shelves and usually what I want is always on the top shelf. Usually some kind (taller) person sees me struggling and gets things down for me. Like you LATI, I have to suck it up as well. Not fair on shorter, older ladies. (of which I am one). Think my butt is ok though. :unsure:
I'm 5'7 and I never fail to want the last bottle of lemonade thats pushed right to the back of the top shelf, So being taller is sometimes not the answer.
I’m 5’ 8” and quite resourceful when it comes to reaching things at the back of top shelves. It’s usually the 2 pint red top milks.
Once, in Aldi I used a empty box from the adjoining cold meats counter to “lasso” one and drag it forward and yesterday in the Co-op I used a pair of tongs from the near by bakery counter to grab the handle….

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