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      @ Donna: I know, the 200g cleansing balms have been on offer before, in November last year, with the same scents, that was when they...
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      Has anyone bought one of them now and would post the batch code, please?
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      Ani reacted to donna255's post in the thread Elemis TSV 10/11/24 with Like Like.
      I think both Elemis and L'Occitane have just got lazy with their Xmas TSVs. They know they will sell anyway but just can't be arsed...
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      Ani replied to the thread Yankee Candle TSV 11/11/24.
      I think the price is way too much for being a TSV. It's candles, just candles after all! (I bought a YC Christmas set last year for...
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      Ani replied to the thread Mally TSV 10/10/24.
      Thanks! I still haven't received my TSV and maybe won't if they don't solve the delivery issue. :-( Apparently, shade "fair" wasn't...
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      Ani replied to the thread Mally TSV 10/10/24.
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      Ani replied to the thread Aveda TSV 28/10/24.
      What's the difference between the two options? I may try one of them but don't get the difference, if they are coloursafe and for fine...
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      Ani replied to the thread Mally TSV 10/10/24.
      Hi all, Has anyone orderd the TSV in the "fair" shade and received their order? I ordered on the day of the TSV, when "fair" was still...
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      Ani reacted to Sazza's post in the thread Doll10 TSV 18/10/24 with Like Like.
      Ani asked a simple question, it was not to one individual, no-one should feel under pressure to find and post TSVs etc.... Any...
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      Ani reacted to miss molly's post in the thread Doll10 TSV 18/10/24 with Like Like.
      SCW other people may find the info and post here. The pressure does not have to be just on you. It's rude to tell someone to stop asking.
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      Ani replied to the thread Doll10 TSV 18/10/24.
      Excuse me?! How rude! I was asking e v e r y o n e here because sometimes someone reads/learns something elsewhere. If you believe it or...
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      Ani replied to the thread Doll10 TSV 18/10/24.
      Any news so far?
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      Ani replied to the thread Mally TSV 10/10/24.
      Do we already know what the TSV will be?
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      Ani replied to the thread Doll10 TSV 18/10/24.
      How exciting! Another collection of foundation, concealer, lipstick, mascara and brush. Oh and maybe a bag because it's Christmas.:cool:
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      Liz Earle website doing 40% off with this code 40OFF-72SH and if it's over £25 it's free delivery. Just put in a sneaky order :cool...
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