Alison Young


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Perfect thank you @misiuszka just placed my order.
Great - hope you get the results I have (y) I love everything about this company but the main thing is their supplements actually work (well for me but also going by all the reviews for most people) And the prices are competitive too especially if you buy 3 months worth, which as it can take upto 3 months (apparently) for your body to "process" them makes sense. I noticed a difference within a month with the sugar cravings one(Berberine) and the Magnesium and Zinc (sleep) but with the collagen it took about 6 weeks before I noticed a difference in my skin.
Great - hope you get the results I have (y) I love everything about this company but the main thing is their supplements actually work (well for me but also going by all the reviews for most people) And the prices are competitive too especially if you buy 3 months worth, which as it can take upto 3 months (apparently) for your body to "process" them makes sense. I noticed a difference within a month with the sugar cravings one(Berberine) and the Magnesium and Zinc (sleep) but with the collagen it took about 6 weeks before I noticed a difference in my skin.
I took time to read the reviews and read about the company as well. I’ll let you know. Thank for sharing. Looking forward to seeing how I get on.
Thank you, I ordered the Berberine as I had tried the Metabolic Gold with no success. I also ordered the Marine Collagen as my regular order through Amazon is out of stock.
I was on the SoBodyCo collagen for ages - it seemed to make my hair grow quickly but that's about it. This one has definitely improved the condition of my skin (y) :D
Blimey, looks like she's off out clubbing later ...

Alison is onscreen now. She looks incredible. The best I’ve ever seen her. So fresh and healthy looking. Dare I say…….very sexy in a pleather skirt 😬
Of course she is. See may many other posts. Chunts was first & now the word is out.

Ps: How does your friend get the jabs? Is she diabetic?

PPS: I need some Clinicept mouthwash. It's around 7.00 for 600mls. Which Dew do I buy to get the same thing? I don't have room to store huge tanks of it to make my own via dilution.

Sorry for the delay. I've been up and down lately, but more down... That's life.

She developed diabetes due to her weight so was prescribed the weekly jab. She's lost another stone since you posted.

Funny you should ask as Q are now selling Dew.

I use mostly the Sanitiser/Disinfect (it's the salt in water version). I use it for anything you can use the Clinisept for. I've been on long-term antibiotics for almost a year to help damp inflammation but it's not had any effect on the folliculitis I have between my hairline and ears. I started spraying Dew several times a day a few weeks ago and it seems to be helping. A Lot.

The scented (and unscented but it's quicker to identify with the scent version) to clean up anything greasy/dirty. It's a potassium in water mix so has a much higher pH. It WILL mark some hard surfaces if you don't rinse it off if they're pH sensitive. Marble is something I'd never use it near but even hard stone can be affected - as my granite trivet will attest. Steel seems to be fine but I rinse my sinks just in case.

Back to the mouthwash. It's quite a bit saltier than Clinisept. Dew told me 50/50 dilution but I usually dilute more.
Could you complain rather than cancel your account? I don't think she will stop saying this nonsense.

I doubt complaining will help.

There seems to have been some kind of revolution going on behind the scenes where companies have found themselves employing a load of woke youngsters (the Bud Light advertising execs fiasco springs to mind). They bring them in for social media but they seem to spread. Once they've all been Stonewalled and drunk the Kool Aid, that's it.

It's not just Q either, sadly.
Alison is onscreen now. She looks incredible. The best I’ve ever seen her. So fresh and healthy looking. Dare I say…….very sexy in a pleather skirt 😬
Dear me, put your specs on. She might have been able to carry that outfit off until you look at her feet. Another worrying thing is that she looks like she's had 6 vodkas and I believe she doesn't even drink. Pleather skirts make no one look sexy I'm afraid. Please do find another word apart from incredible.

I'm not being horrid. If she had worn a nicer outfit that fitted her, brushed her hair and not borrowed one of your tops, she would have been reasonably presentable.

Hmmm. Metabolic Gold. I had a look at the ingredients and think it's a pile of meta-bollocks.

Artichoke is "good" for the liver, as is milk thistle. Nothing in that supplement will make you lose weight. You can add baobab powder (it's fairly high fibre) to your meals and that might help you "go" but you can buy the powder for just over a tenner for 500g. The bergamot is high in flavonoids but you can buy cheaper flavonoids from various places. Flavonoids are known as Vitamin P and are found in tea, berries and wine.

My sister has just found out she's genetically pre-disposed to having high cholesterol so we're all supposed to get tested. Of course, the rest of my family have handed in the letter to their GPs and been tested. I handed in mine (it's a generic letter telling the surgery that relatives of the named person need testing), but my surgery are refusing as it's addressed to my sister not me. Duh.

Anyway, my sister has tried statins and not got on with them at all. She's now having the new jab but has been advised to eat foods that bind to fats like porridge, Benecol instead of butter or spread and drink the Benecol drinks. She also has diverticulitis and has had success calming it by adding inulin to drinks and taking psyllium husk capsules with meals.

It's not lowered her cholesterol by a lot but it is helping. She's also having the happy side effect of fewer troubled toilet times and noticed she sleeps better if she puts the inulin in her evening drinks. Peak Supps sells inulin and baobab powder as well as many other supplements at very reasonable prices. They're on eBay, Amazon and sell direct. They also sell citrus bergamot capsules starting at £9.49 for 30.

I sound like a walking ad for them but it's just my experience buying from them. Good prices and good service.
I was rather surprised when I was flicking around QVC last night and caught the off the shoulder number. Never has she worn something like this in the 20+ years she had been on QVC. I did think, oh dear, she does not have the shoulders for it.

AY has suffered an under active thyroid for years now. The number of times on this site has the comment made about how much weight she put on. It is very hard to lose weight on an under active thyroid. So to be honest the supplements will do sh*t, they may make her feel better but not lose weight. She must have been given the famous jab by her doctor on prescription.
I was rather surprised when I was flicking around QVC last night and caught the off the shoulder number. Never has she worn something like this in the 20+ years she had been on QVC. I did think, oh dear, she does not have the shoulders for it.

AY has suffered an under active thyroid for years now. The number of times on this site has the comment made about how much weight she put on. It is very hard to lose weight on an under active thyroid. So to be honest the supplements will do sh*t, they may make her feel better but not lose weight. She must have been given the famous jab by her doctor on prescription.
She may be pre diabetic, in which case her doctor would prescribe the 'fat jab'.

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