Alison Young


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I didn’t think that pro biotic drinks/yogurts lowered cholesterol, but were more to help with gut problems. I’ve started to drink Benecol, or the supermarket equivalent, and hoping they work. I definitely don’t want to start taking statins!
Probiotics are for gut health and they help with the gut flora. You can also buy drinks that lower cholesterol (Lidl do them) and they’re in similar little bottles to the yakult and actimel probiotic drinks,
I have IBS , have used Actimel but the best probiotic I use now is Starpowa gut bacteria, it’s been superb.
When you have IBS you get a bit obsessed with how often you go, now I worry no more.
Menopause has definitely affected my gut.
This is useful. I don’t have IBS but suffered with chronic ‘sluggishness’, ie going 1/2 times a week. I will research this. Thanks
For a few seconds, I didn’t recognise Alison Young yesterday selling the TSV with Lorna Koo (sp). She has lost an enormous amount of weight all over her body, not only on her face. She looks a different person. It must have been difficult, as it always is, to drop pounds, so I compliment her. Question is, will the weight come back?
For a few seconds, I didn’t recognise Alison Young yesterday selling the TSV with Lorna Koo (sp). She has lost an enormous amount of weight all over her body, not only on her face. She looks a different person. It must have been difficult, as it always is, to drop pounds, so I compliment her. Question is, will the weight come back?
Saw Sue Cleaver on Loose Women today, she must be shopping at the same place as Alison.
Hardly recognised her.
I didn’t think that pro biotic drinks/yogurts lowered cholesterol, but were more to help with gut problems. I’ve started to drink Benecol, or the supermarket equivalent, and hoping they work. I definitely don’t want to start taking statins!

Vitabotics sells plant sterol supplements. My BIL couldn't handle the side effects so started taking them along with a daily bowl of porridge and Benecol spread instead of butter. His levels have dropped back to normal.

Actually I lost weight with increasing my steps , around 10,000 a day 3-4 times a week.
Exercise is probably more beneficial than diet IMO and I used to get in a size 6 jeans until I hit the menopause.

I'm the complete opposite. I'm disabled and find walking difficult (and dangerous - oops! She's down again!). I cut my food intake to under 800 calories and the weight drops off me.

It must be a family thing as my brother was the same. My mum used to do the Atkins and her own version of 5:2. I used to do the F-Plan (anyone remember that?) and lost loads on that. My loo roll usage doubled, though!

My friend has lost 6 stone on the diabetic (slimming) injections. I'd bet my bottom dollar AY is using them.
Vitabotics sells plant sterol supplements. My BIL couldn't handle the side effects so started taking them along with a daily bowl of porridge and Benecol spread instead of butter. His levels have dropped back to normal.

I'm the complete opposite. I'm disabled and find walking difficult (and dangerous - oops! She's down again!). I cut my food intake to under 800 calories and the weight drops off me.

It must be a family thing as my brother was the same. My mum used to do the Atkins and her own version of 5:2. I used to do the F-Plan (anyone remember that?) and lost loads on that. My loo roll usage doubled, though!

My friend has lost 6 stone on the diabetic (slimming) injections. I'd bet my bottom dollar AY is using them.
Of course she is. See may many other posts. Chunts was first & now the word is out.

Ps: How does your friend get the jabs? Is she diabetic?

PPS: I need some Clinicept mouthwash. It's around 7.00 for 600mls. Which Dew do I buy to get the same thing? I don't have room to store huge tanks of it to make my own via dilution.
For a few seconds, I didn’t recognise Alison Young yesterday selling the TSV with Lorna Koo (sp). She has lost an enormous amount of weight all over her body, not only on her face. She looks a different person. It must have been difficult, as it always is, to drop pounds, so I compliment her. Question is, will the weight come back?
She looks like she did at the start of QVC 30 years ago.
was AY’s hubby not a football player? I’m sure leading up to her engagement then marriage she said that, but she never mentions these days. You’re right in the early days she was a lot slimmer. Sometimes meds (as in my case) cause weight gain, I hate the fact.
was AY’s hubby not a football player? I’m sure leading up to her engagement then marriage she said that, but she never mentions these days. You’re right in the early days she was a lot slimmer. Sometimes meds (as in my case) cause weight gain, I hate the fact.
Yes, Simon something. He was younger than her, I remember. The weird thing was she broke her arm falling off her horse, as usual. Had to get the rings cut off, but never got them repaired. Brought out a look a like Diamonique ring same as Tova's one. Then it disappeared to be replaced by a much simpler ring, which has now disappeared for ages
Yes, Simon something. He was younger than her, I remember. The weird thing was she broke her arm falling off her horse, as usual. Had to get the rings cut off, but never got them repaired. Brought out a look a like Diamonique ring same as Tova's one. Then it disappeared to be replaced by a much simpler ring, which has now disappeared for ages
What surprised me about her ring was that she didn’t have it repaired and if need be resized (unless it was made up of baguettes). I had to have my wedding ring cut iff, but when I got out of hospital I had it repaired.
Yes, Simon something. He was younger than her, I remember. The weird thing was she broke her arm falling off her horse, as usual. Had to get the rings cut off, but never got them repaired. Brought out a look a like Diamonique ring same as Tova's one. Then it disappeared to be replaced by a much simpler ring, which has now disappeared for ages
Simon Rodger.
What surprised me about her ring was that she didn’t have it repaired and if need be resized (unless it was made up of baguettes). I had to have my wedding ring cut iff, but when I got out of hospital I had it repaired.
Yes, there were a number of threads over the years on here saying that. I mean, still could have got the wedding ring repaired.

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