Stacey's Plea for Amica


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When Amica's dog was stolen Pippa/Pipa tweeted about it several times and said it was her friend's dog and the friend is terminally ill. I devoutly hoped it was just her gigantic mouth in overdrive and this was an exaggeration and I still hope that.
Sorry again guys but once the breast cancer has spread to other areas such as lungs, bones, liver etc, it is terminal as it is incurable. It is known as secondary or metastatic cancer and some of us with it are trying to make the public aware of this and get more research into this specific area. We try to make the best of things and can live normal lives for the most part until treatment makes it too difficult.
Sorry again guys but once the breast cancer has spread to other areas such as lungs, bones, liver etc, it is terminal as it is incurable. It is known as secondary or metastatic cancer and some of us with it are trying to make the public aware of this and get more research into this specific area. We try to make the best of things and can live normal lives for the most part until treatment makes it too difficult.

I was with my father in the oncologist's office when he told us exactly this. My father had skin cancer originally, but then got secondary cancer in other places.

I love Amica, just looking at her lovely smiling face and knowing what she has been through and more importantly, what she has ahead of her, makes me upset and I am hard faced! God bless her and give her strength.
Should we really be discussing and speculating over someone else's health and well being? Even if it is because we care, it's hardly appropriate, surely?
Should we really be discussing and speculating over someone else's health and well being? Even if it is because we care, it's hardly appropriate, surely?
This started of as a thread to support Amica and now it has turned into something which i'm not comfortable reading, and don't think we should be discussing. Too personal
Sorry again guys but once the breast cancer has spread to other areas such as lungs, bones, liver etc, it is terminal as it is incurable. It is known as secondary or metastatic cancer and some of us with it are trying to make the public aware of this and get more research into this specific area. We try to make the best of things and can live normal lives for the most part until treatment makes it too difficult.

Firstly i'm so sorry you're fighting this cruel disease and i send you all my love and strength. keep on fighting.

My point is as far as i know none of us know for certain the severity and extent of Amica's condition and i don't feel its our place to speculate sorry but that is just the way i feel.
This started of as a thread to support Amica and now it has turned into something which i'm not comfortable reading, and don't think we should be discussing. Too personal

Yes, like many threads, it turned into something the original poster did not intend.

It seems we're all very fond of Amica, let's wish her the best possible outcome and leave it at that.
I'm sorry that people are uncomfortable with my comment and its responses. I too learned of it on Twitter (not via Pipa) when Amica's dog was missing. Figured that it was therefore no secret, if not exactly common knowledge. Personally I don't think there's anything inappropriate or taboo about talking about Amica's illness, especially when people are expressing nothing but sadness and sympathy.
To those battling this illness, my Prayers and Blessings go out to you. I will be seeing my doctor tomorrow to check out some marks on my ear. It 'didn't just go away' and maybe that's the thought we should take from this thread. If you suspect something, HaveItChecked. Now.
I've not seen Amica in a while, sending her positive vibes, also everyone else fighting this terrible illness.

I was travelling home from hospital today on the Medilink bus and because we'd all been standing so long in the rain waiting for it we'd all been chatting - this lovely lady was telling a few of us that she was in for an op next Tuesday - it was obvious she'd suffered - her lip was pulled down at one side, she'd had cancer removed from her throat and she's to have her lip done next made me feel so humble, when it's brought home to you how some people suffer and how you often take good health for granted.

As for the power of prayer, I'm a great believer in that - once when my Dad was really poorly a few years ago I asked the owner of a Yahoo group I belong to to ask all the members to pray for him as I just didn't know what else to do, I thought we were going to lose him...but he's still with us and turned 88 this year, so I'm sure it can and does work.
To those battling this illness, my Prayers and Blessings go out to you. I will be seeing my doctor tomorrow to check out some marks on my ear. It 'didn't just go away' and maybe that's the thought we should take from this thread. If you suspect something, HaveItChecked. Now.

I have a mole on my foot and the chiropodist advised me to get it checked. I couldn't see it. Luckily i work in a plastic surgery ward, and one of the doctors had a look at it. Said they could cut it out, but nothing to worry about. Touch wood. I'll keep an eye on it though. Good luck tomorrow snarly, will be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts x
To those battling this illness, my Prayers and Blessings go out to you. I will be seeing my doctor tomorrow to check out some marks on my ear. It 'didn't just go away' and maybe that's the thought we should take from this thread. If you suspect something, HaveItChecked. Now.

Good luck tmrw Snarly.
I'm sorry that people are uncomfortable with my comment and its responses. I too learned of it on Twitter (not via Pipa) when Amica's dog was missing. Figured that it was therefore no secret, if not exactly common knowledge. Personally I don't think there's anything inappropriate or taboo about talking about Amica's illness, especially when people are expressing nothing but sadness and sympathy.
I understand that it was meant with the very best of intentions.
Awww, thanks ever so much, Lovelies, for YourThoughts. BusyMum, thanks for sharing your Dad's story, I so BelieveInPrayer. Glad you're OkeyDokey OurBarklySparbs! Hmmm, may have to return home from the doctor via TheBakery. Now, that's-a-plan. <=^.^=> x Snarly
Awww, thanks ever so much, Lovelies, for YourThoughts. BusyMum, thanks for sharing your Dad's story, I so BelieveInPrayer. Glad you're OkeyDokey OurBarklySparbs! Hmmm, may have to return home from the doctor via TheBakery. Now, that's-a-plan. <=^.^=> x Snarly

Good luck for tomorrow snarly, praying for you.
Best wishes Snarly. :bear:

There are times when a magic wand would be brilliant. Sod winning the Lottery. Best wishes to all our fighting friends. :bear::bear::bear:

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