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miss molly
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    • miss molly
      miss molly reacted to merryone's post in the thread Dentures! with Like Like.
      Thanks for everybody's good wishes, nothing's changed as it's early day but I have been signed off from work for a couple of weeks. My...
    • miss molly
      miss molly reacted to Craftalot's post in the thread Catherine Huntley with Like Like.
      Is that the diet that comes in a little weekly pen?
    • miss molly
      miss molly replied to the thread Catherine Huntley.
      Same diet as Alison Young 🙄
    • miss molly
      miss molly replied to the thread Laura Geller TSV 24/11/24.
      Ohhh no I am back using LG blushes and loving them. Q have a blush and brush for £21 & p&p at the moment...
    • miss molly
      miss molly reacted to Vienna's post in the thread Dentures! with Like Like.
      Mr V had his full upper set replaced with dentures and much of what you`ve said and experienced is exactly what he went through too. I...
    • miss molly
      miss molly replied to the thread Dentures!.
      How are you doing Merryone. Hope you are feeling a bit better. If you are not up to going back to work get a Doctors sick note. I used...
    • miss molly
      miss molly replied to the thread Neom TSV 26/10/24.
      Yep deffo they can do it if they want. Good way to get people to try the products ect. Lot's of amazing kits on other websites from...
    • miss molly
      miss molly reacted to donna255's post in the thread Neom TSV 26/10/24 with Like Like.
      But QVC and Neom could have decided to give customers a great deal without pushing the price up. No, profit more inportant.
    • miss molly
      miss molly reacted to ClaireKelly's post in the thread Elemis TSV 10/11/24 with Like Like.
      I know Elemis is more expensive, but look at the sizes! 30ml face cream and 50ml cleansing balm. Tiny sizes.
    • miss molly
      miss molly reacted to Ant7t's post in the thread Dentures! with Like Like.
      My aunt, born in 1961, when young (yes this is related) had a car accident where she went through the windscreen. Because of that she...
    • miss molly
      miss molly reacted to Sazza's post in the thread Yankee Candle TSV 11/11/24 with Like Like.
      At this stage no-one can say whether it will be anything like the old TSVs or not.
    • miss molly
      miss molly reacted to merryone's post in the thread Dentures! with Like Like.
      I'm not sure I'd have enough bone for implants...I mean I may have but they wouldn't be able to consider that for another good few...
    • miss molly
      miss molly replied to the thread Dentures!.
      Merryone did you ask about Implants? I know they are more expensive but they are Permanent? I know you are talking about going back to...
    • miss molly
      miss molly reacted to Sazza's post in the thread Boots Star Gifts with Like Like.
      Thanks for reminder, it is a good one!!!
    • miss molly
      miss molly replied to the thread Boots Star Gifts.
      The Bobbi Brown one is on today. If you want one get it quick great value.
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