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Is it running out of steam?
I’m not surprised craft customers are complaining!
These four turn up with the same tat as before,remember people may be stupid the first time,but word had got round after the last debacle.
I’m surprised they are getting off lightly with IW customers.
Fun Family Friendship and a very small back room to sell your tat out of,no wonder wyan looks as if he disillusioned already 🤣
Thanks for the detail on a gallery set up. I was also thinking more along the lines of what is their gallery like given the low cost feel of it all? Half a normal sized one? Or just one person doing the lot…
Considering the amount of cock ups with the graphics etc it could be a one man band sort of thing. There's at least 3 people they reference but then do we believe what they say? ;) when I watched the other day there was a still create and craft logo on screen for a couple of mins so they were having problems.
You are supposed to be able to get the Shop Extra broadcasting also via their YouTube channel. They did six hours of live broadcasting last night, but the last two disappeared from Channel 85 Shop Extra red button options to go back to Create & Craft output on both. All extremely confusing. Eventually, I was able to watch the last two hours via the main website, with it not being available on YouTube when I looked. As I said previously, a shopping channel, that’s brand-new on the market, but is fiddly to follow viewing wise throughout the day, moving around platforms wise, has got a difficult route for itself to become established. They have a bit of a chicken and egg situation in the sense that the channel won’t become established until it is selling successfully and it won’t start to sell successfully until it is established. You do wonder in six months time whether it’ll still be broadcasting or not based on the visual business model it current presents.
I have been watching via youtube and the Roku app on my TV. They haven't mentioned Roku for some reason
it’s taken me a while, i blame it on my age.
I couldn’t work out what family friendship and fun was supposed to mean in relation to a shopping channel but the penny has just dropped.
They, the ex ideal world presenters, have worked together for so many years, they became friends and now consider themselves family and they are having fun.
Stuff the mugs sorry I mean customers who buy into the hype, they see themselves as the shopping telly equivalent of internent influencers with their own set of followers who will blindly buy whatever they recommend.

i could be wrong I often am but Tis where my meandering thoughts have landed. 😳
I think this is meant to emulate how being a family business builds trust (rather than corporate). But what you need to remember is that a family business is still a business. They used to have their suppliers do these little promos that emphasised how it's a family run business and quality control is primary. They still do on the Create and Craft channel. To give sincerity. Though I think it has become what you are suggesting so agree completely.
to late to edit but if most of their faithful followers are of the more mature persuasion and less internet savvy might they find it hard to reconnect with their shopping gurus
I guess if they're on Sky/Freesat/VM cable they'll see some of SE on C&C/CE, if they're not internet-savvy.

But will former IW watchers, given the IW logo is still on Freeview 51, even know that their former IW friends are over on C&C/CE/SE resurrecting the worst aspects of a TV Shopping channel, attempting to take that one down too.

If it were me, I'd get IW administrators and pay for a promo on IW 51 telling viewers how to get to Shop Extra.

Btw, I think the reason they've called it Shop Extra is the apparent re-branding of the Create Extra channel. If you go to ShopExtra.co.uk it redirects to createand craft.com where the secondary channel info, guide, info, programmes is progressively re-branded Shop Extra logo on the site.

So whether SE will spin-off if successful, or CE wil become SE completely, we'll see.

Like @Jazzydrury I give it up to Christmas/ New Year, when they assess the sales and future potential.
He knew everyone in the building on a first name basis, and that says a lot. He made such an effort with every person but also each of his shows. One of the friendliest people I've ever met and easiest to work with. Not got a single bad word to say about him
@snakesnakesnake Snake.... Simon .... Are you Peter Simon? Be honest. 😁

What are the things this forum got very wrong, or wide of the mark?
My Name is Den thanks Paul Wright et al. for allowing the return of: “Proper Shopping TV.” I have seen absolutely no difference whatsoever so far in the style of presentation of this channel to the style of presentation of the channel it seeks to replace. Very similar if not identical products for sale, also, and very similar, If not identical sales techniques. If I’ve missed any startling differences, somebody tell me and I’ll correct what I’ve said.
Think that's half the problem. They think what they're doing *is* 'proper shopping tv'. When it's just a crass form of it.

They seem to think shouting, waffle, over-exaggeration, hyperbole, ignorance, mistruths, over-excitedness, fake bonhomie and falseness is the way to do TV Shopping.

They could actually try 'selling' and 'professionalism'.
I still haven't managed to see this channel, they're always still showing craft. I tried pressing the red button and nothing happened and it was on a smart tv. I've not tried on the main telly but oh is usually watching that at the time these shows air
Lucky you! 😜

If you really want to watch this abomination, then try createandcraft.com or YouTube, 6-10pm (create extra), 10pm-12am (create and craft). Or Sky/Freesat/VMedia.
@snakesnakesnake Snake.... Simon .... Are you Peter Simon? Be honest. 😁

What are the things this forum got very wrong, or wide of the mark?
I have to admit, I take it with a pinch of salt re folk on here who say they work or have worked on the channels. Not saying they're all fake accounts by any means, however neither do I think they're all genuine ;)
Strange after less than a week, They seem to have halted for tonight at least Shop Extra going to Sky 673 with HD, but staying on Sky 680. Will it affect Virgin Media and Freesat.

The fact after Tonight there doesn’t seem to have a schedule at least on Sky EPG

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