QVC Returns Process


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Registered Shopper
Jul 9, 2008
I bought a trellis earlier this year and its falling apart. I phoned QVC for a refund a week ago. They said they will send a label and arrange for it to be picked up by Hermes. A week has passed and no label but the Hermes courier has turned up to collect the broken trellis. I am so annoyed. Why cant QVC email me the label so I can print the wretched thing off and attach it to the parcel. I asked them why thats not possible they just said thats how it is. They really get on my pip!
They are so behind the times Boffy. I had a text from them today asking me to contact them because they couldn't take a payment due. My card expired and I updated my account a week ago. The Elemis TSV order has gone through but the second part of an old Nails Inc order has declined. I had to go through the process I the phone with customer service to update card payment again. What an absolute palaver!
Thats a nuisance. Possibly delay due to postal strikes!
But I agree with you, why cant they email it? I can only think that if they post you can only use it once, whereas if they emailed it, then you could print off more. But as they have already contacted the courier, they could have an arrangement that the courier provides the label. I know some do.
I bought a trellis earlier this year and its falling apart. I phoned QVC for a refund a week ago. They said they will send a label and arrange for it to be picked up by Hermes. A week has passed and no label but the Hermes courier has turned up to collect the broken trellis. I am so annoyed. Why cant QVC email me the label so I can print the wretched thing off and attach it to the parcel. I asked them why thats not possible they just said thats how it is. They really get on my pip!
Just reading that has really riled me. Even though I’m not the one who experienced it, I’m livid! They are absolutely useless.
Same thing happened to me recently I waited two weeks for a label. The poor Evri courier came three times as Q had booked the collection. I called them several times to be told no we can't email label as faulty item. In the end I complained and they arranged for DPD to collect and they put label on the parcel. Obviously they are not in a hurry to refund money which is thankfully now back in my account. Surely if they emailed labels it would be so much less hassle for them and less calls.
Q's policies and methods of providing customer service belong in a museum at this stage!
In a digital age they stubbornly cling to their analogue ways of doing things, when all around them have moved with the times.
I'm sure staff in Knowsley must cringe sometimes when implementing, explaining or justifying the Q way, as it's so ridiculous and inefficient.
Not a bit wonder they give 60 day mbg if. It takes that long just to get the bliddy label never mine actually getting the courier to collect and deliver to Q.

It should be possible to go to your account and print off a returns label for specific orders.
When you see how Amazon do things... I really feel that Q need to poach staff who have a clue in this area of business from the market leader... which would be Amazon.
From warehouse staff including the once award winning customer services they haven’t a clue how behind the times they are in comparison to other companies. Even those companies who are efficient are having economic problems so how a useless company like Q are still in business is beyond me, surely even the rip off postage profits can’t shore them up indefinitely.

Since 99% of their income is from beauty it makes you think just how much of a mark up there is when it is financing a deadbeat company to the extent it is.
When you see how Amazon do things... I really feel that Q need to poach staff who have a clue in this area of business from the market leader... which would be Amazon.
Amazon are brilliant. You need to return an item you just pop into your local store which has the Evri collection printer. Scan the code you get from Amazon and a label is printed off. This is then scanned put on the parcel and before we've left the shop there is a notification that the parcel is on its way back to Amazon. Refund usually back on the cc within a couple of days.
The only problem we had was when our Ninja foodi packed up after about 35 days. We had to speak to their customer service which is not in the UK and they were supposed to have arranged for RM to pick up within 2 days. No one came from RM so we had to contact CS again. Went through the procedure and an email from RM popped up immediately with a label and details of when they would collect. Amazon and RM each blamed one another for the problem. The young man at Amazon who sorted it out rang on the day it was collected to ensure it had been picked up.
Amazon are brilliant. You need to return an item you just pop into your local store which has the Evri collection printer. Scan the code you get from Amazon and a label is printed off. This is then scanned put on the parcel and before we've left the shop there is a notification that the parcel is on its way back to Amazon. Refund usually back on the cc within a couple of days.
The only problem we had was when our Ninja foodi packed up after about 35 days. We had to speak to their customer service which is not in the UK and they were supposed to have arranged for RM to pick up within 2 days. No one came from RM so we had to contact CS again. Went through the procedure and an email from RM popped up immediately with a label and details of when they would collect. Amazon and RM each blamed one another for the problem. The young man at Amazon who sorted it out rang on the day it was collected to ensure it had been picked up.
Oh yes amazing Amazon I second that 👍
Infact it was quite exciting going to the petrol station locker and pressing code in for it and the locker opening 😆 I must get out more but I was very impressed 🤗
EVRI JUST CALLED TO COLLECT MY PARCEL which is all ready and sitting by the door, but they couldn't collect as I haven't received the label yet.

What a shambles, and a waste of time and petrol.

And they had to select "Parcel not ready" as the reason, which I was not pleased about because it IS READY, but that was the only option they had, so I get the blame.

They will try again Monday.
I had similar problems when I thought I was going have to return my rechargeable Bell & Howell fan. I requested a returns label, and explained that I no longer had the receipt or original packaging. When the label arrived it had no instructions whatsoever Just a label with a QR code on it, I had to call C/S to find out what I needed to do. Just as I was hunting around for a suitable container in which to repackage it, I tested it one last time, to find it working perfectly, the doorbell went and it was Hermes who'd come to collect it. I told them it was no longer necessary, apologised and sent him away. It wouldn't have been ready had I needed to return it still - pretty poor showing in this day and age.
They need to pull their socks up big time, in most areas of the business, as hard as it is to believe, the "Stans" will start shopping elsewhere eventually!

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