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I am so pleased to read this, l am really fed up with people constantly criticising Ophelia, she seems to me to be a pleasant and fun presenter and deserves a break from peoples constant criticisms.
I think she’s awful and, though she’s had plenty of time to improve, she hasn’t. Unprofessional and lacking in presentation skills. She reminds me of an apprentice allowed on set for the first time without her training partner. She’s totally unsuited to QVC. However each to their own and it would be a very sad world if we were all the same.
Nice to see the other Brummie Lady on the Silentnight show. I think she’s also called Laura. She comes across as very professional, doesn’t shout or have a squeaky voice.
I like her too. I thought Alex Kramer was very rude to call her aggressive during the 9 o’clock hour last night when she did the hand over for the TSV ( at about 8.45) Laura looked quite hurt, and she wasn’t being aggressive at all. I think AK can be quite mean at times, she can come over as being a bit too full of herself!
I like her too. I thought Alex Kramer was very rude to call her aggressive during the 9 o’clock hour last night when she did the hand over for the TSV ( at about 8.45) Laura looked quite hurt, and she wasn’t being aggressive at all. I think AK can be quite mean at times, she can come over as being a bit too full of herself!
I didn’t see that. Perhaps it was a touch of jealousy? I think that this Laura may be going to do maternity cover to Rezza as she did for Squeaky Beaky Laura.

It sure does make a change for QVC to take on a decent, professional presenter. And the best thin - she doesn’t shout or mumble 👍
I think she’s awful and, though she’s had plenty of time to improve, she hasn’t. Unprofessional and lacking in presentation skills. She reminds me of an apprentice allowed on set for the first time without her training partner. She’s totally unsuited to QVC. However each to their own and it would be a very sad world if we were all the same.
It would. I saw Ophelia on a cake show and she was outstanding. They should bump Andi Peters and get Ophelia on the food shows, they would double their sales. There's nothing like seeing someone enjoying their food without a care in the world and looking lovely while they are doing it!

It would. I saw Ophelia on a cake show and she was outstanding. They should bump Andi Peters and get Ophelia on the food shows, they would double their sales. There's nothing like seeing someone enjoying their food without a care in the world and looking lovely while they are doing it!

At least Ophelia is down to earth and genuinely a lovely person.
Unlike the wannabe authors and the woke gender pushing merchants!
Whilst I agree with some of your opinions, except those referring to Ophelia. I have stated on this site in the past that we use our fingers to post our thoughts, not our faces! It is very difficult nay impossible to see facial expressions of fun, laughter, tongue in cheek and anger. We have to accept it and move on.

Many of my posts are sidetracked or ignored or angrily commented on.
It is for this reason that I have decided to move on. I suspect that the people I am thinking about I would not like to meet for coffee or lunch.

I don't find this to be a particularly friendly place. Also, because I was, and still am a Moderator on a very serious discussion site. This site needs moderators badly.
Sorry to hear this, Ohno. I haven't read the comments about Ophelia because I don't know anything about her, but I don't agree with what you've said, and certainly don't think it's at all unfriendly here. But obviously if this is how you feel.

It would. I saw Ophelia on a cake show and she was outstanding. They should bump Andi Peters and get Ophelia on the food shows, they would double their sales. There's nothing like seeing someone enjoying their food without a care in the world and looking lovely while they are doing it!

Andi Peters should have been shown the door years ago, in my opinion. Very rude and minus talent.
If the BA on the shoe show at midday say gorgeous and lovely one more time, I’m going to throw something at the tv. And is Victoria Fitz-Knowall auditioning for a role at Halloween as she looks like a pumpkin. I’m extra crabby today as I’ve got sciatica 🤬
At least Ophelia is down to earth and genuinely a lovely person.
Unlike the wannabe authors and the woke gender pushing merchants!

If the BA on the shoe show at midday say gorgeous and lovely one more time, I’m going to throw something at the tv. And is Victoria Fitz-Knowall auditioning for a role at Halloween as she looks like a pumpkin. I’m extra crabby today as I’ve got sciatica 🤬
Sciatica is hell. Hope you get some relief soon.
I'm confused -Are there two Lauras? I can only think of the Brummie lass who's just returned from maternity leave, I think she's got a high pitched voice now people have mentioned it but other than that she seems pleasant and seems to know what she's doing presenter wise - I like her. If we're talking about high pitched, then Kathryn Goldsmith's your girl, especially when she gets excited about a product, but bless her, she owns it and has a proper good laugh about it and when a presenter is so happy and cheerful, what's not to like? Anyway, back to the Lauras - Is the lady I mentioned "squeaky beaky" Laura? 'cause I'm struggling to find where the beaky comes into it - I guess it's just a rhyme. I'm all for nicknames but I have to say I prefer the ones that are based upon their presenting style such as Del Boy - hats off to whoever came up with that one! I have to admit that I giggled at "ol' spaniel ears" and "helmet head" but at least a hairstyle is something that can easily be changed, but I do wince a bit when names start to slide into school playground territory - It's a fine line.
Honestly I think there's only one presenter I really don't like and that's AY as her demeanour's aggressive and now she's embarked on the all inclusive agenda it's having a negative effect on her presenting skills. I'm all for inclusivity but skincare? It's unnecessary for a start - everybody has skin fgs. I'd be a lot more impressed if they extended this to the fashion department and included transgender models and cosmetics too, how about giving proper advice and demonstrations? 'Cause at the moment this half hearted attempt just pays lip service to the cause and is more insulting than anything else - "If you're a man, woman, trans, non-binary or identify as a teapot (ok not the teapot) you can use this cleanser on your skin - Well no $hit Sherlock!!!
Problem is the blurring and confusion about the terms: gender and sex. Sex is defined by science and biology and there are two (male and female) unless there is a medical condition. And male and female sexes can have very different skin. Men exfoliate their faces when shaving etc
Gender is a cultural and societal term, relating to behaviour and identification and thus, there can be a spectrum.
AY confuses these terms. When she speaks about PHYSICAL properties or results of skincare, she is commenting on their biological effect, therefore she could comment on different sexes.
A trans woman would biologically have the same physical skin as a man, if they both went through a male puberty. This is why trans women should not compete in women’s sports because they have a biological advantage.
AY is trying to be “ with it” but getting it so, so wrong.
Yes there are two Laura’s, both very similar looking, and both Brummies. It’s easy to get them muddled up!
I did a bit of a google search and yes, the other Laura is Laura Crombie and I may be right in thinking that she started at Q before Laura Fleming, the one I remembered. I seem to remember that Laura Crombie started around about the time the introduction of Annaliese and Ophelia was such a talking point so she kinda faded into the background. I haven't seen her that many times but what I have seen hasn't prompted me to pass comment, good or otherwise
I did a bit of a google search and yes, the other Laura is Laura Crombie and I may be right in thinking that she started at Q before Laura Fleming, the one I remembered. I seem to remember that Laura Crombie started around about the time the introduction of Annaliese and Ophelia was such a talking point so she kinda faded into the background. I haven't seen her that many times but what I have seen hasn't prompted me to pass comment, good or otherwise
It was other way round Laura Fleming started first.

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