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      Turandot replied to the thread Anne Dawson.
      That is what I used to do and the roots didn’t notice so much. I wasn’t as grey as Ann though.Since chemo and hair loss I have let it...
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      Turandot reacted to donna255's post in the thread Not as many brands on QVC anymore? with Like Like.
      Lulu the singer was only the BA for Time Bomb, no matter how QVC tried to push it as Lulu's Time Bomb. No doubt QVC dropped the brand...
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      Turandot replied to the thread Fashion clearance.
      Melissa loves and owns everything. Her wardrobe must be overflowing.
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      What happened to Lulu Guinness on Q. I remember how we used to anticipate the TSVs. Also the other Lulu. I liked philosophy. There is...
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      Turandot replied to the thread Amazon TSV 19/12/24.
      Glad I come here and get real information. I watched the presentation and he sounded shifty.
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      Turandot replied to the thread Amazon TSV 19/12/24.
      I seriously considered getting this until I heard Lees babble about it. He reminds me of a used care salesman. Say anything to get it...
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      The problem I have is not only the bulk but also the effect on the hair. I suffer from static and Cozee home stuff as well as other...
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      Turandot replied to the thread Andi Peters.
      Me and my son were talking about Andi Peters after his soft interview of Starmer. His view is he is popular with the age group who...
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      Turandot replied to the thread Catherine Huntley.
      I went on an extreme diet years ago to lose baby weight and I went too far . Looked terrible. It doesn’t suit me to be really thin.It’s...
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      Turandot reacted to candycane's post in the thread Catherine Huntley with Like Like.
      If you haven't lost a few stone then you're no one it would seem. When I saw Sara Davies last week she looked to have lost stones...
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      Turandot replied to the thread Catherine Huntley.
      Think she’s skinnier and lost it off her face. The hair is lighter.
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      To answer your question Grizelda, it's the sparkling dresses, skirts and trousers I wouldn't be wearing. The so-called Party Season...
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      Turandot replied to the thread RUth Langsford TSV 22/11/24.
      I think in areas that have become gentrified there is a proliferation of dogs. My little area is like that but if I want to go to parks...
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      Turandot replied to the thread RUth Langsford TSV 22/11/24.
      I live in London and there is a big anti dog drive in certain boroughs to limit where you can take a dog. Most people I know pick up...
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      Turandot reacted to Patsy's post in the thread RUth Langsford TSV 22/11/24 with Like Like.
      A certain section of the country think dogs are unclean.
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