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      Turandot replied to the thread Centigrade 17/10/24.
      It looks pretty stiff and and ugly. It’s reversible. The models seemed to be hiding it down so it didn’t stick out. Maybe it’s called a...
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      Turandot reacted to Silver Fox's post in the thread Ruth Langsford TSV 11/10/24 with Like Like.
      I would hazard a guess the MW has nothing to do now with the clothes that carry her label.At first she was involved in the presentations...
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      Turandot reacted to MrMarple's post in the thread Ruth Langsford TSV 11/10/24 with Like Like.
      I’d hazard a guess that I’ve got more input into the brand these days than Marla does anymore.
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      Turandot replied to the thread Ruth Langsford TSV 11/10/24.
      They look old fashioned and frumpy. Just my impression. They could be retro.
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      Turandot replied to the thread Ruth Langsford TSV 11/10/24.
      I saw a show the other day. Marlas’ offerings seem to be morphing into the usual Q garments. Not a fan of her stuff but at least they...
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      Turandot replied to the thread Flashes? Flushes?.
      It was always flushes when I was going through it. They weren’t over in a flash. Makes you wonder how we ever survived with family and...
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      Turandot replied to the thread Seasalt TSV 16/9/24.
      I need a waterproof coat but the sizing issue put me off this one. You could see it was small on Debbie and the model. It was also too...
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