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Problem is the blurring and confusion about the terms: gender and sex. Sex is defined by science and biology and there are two (male and female) unless there is a medical condition. And male and female sexes can have very different skin. Men exfoliate their faces when shaving etc
Gender is a cultural and societal term, relating to behaviour and identification and thus, there can be a spectrum.
AY confuses these terms. When she speaks about PHYSICAL properties or results of skincare, she is commenting on their biological effect, therefore she could comment on different sexes.
A trans woman would biologically have the same physical skin as a man, if they both went through a male puberty. This is why trans women should not compete in women’s sports because they have a biological advantage.
AY is trying to be “ with it” but getting it so, so wrong.
Yes, she's getting is wrong. She should put a sock in it. I doubt that she will.
It would make far more sense to just say “everyone” as Battiola73 suggested. There are only two sexes but multiple genders. Heaven help up if she starts reeling that long list off.

As someone said on another thread (I think) everybody has skin and so it shouldn’t matter what you call yourself. “Everybody” covers everyone with skin.
Laura Fleming has a very squeaky voice and gabbles along at the rate of knots. Laura Crombie does not.

Regarding AY, why can’t she just say Unisex or is that not permissible? Or to make it easier why not suitable for everyone and all skin types.
Exactly as everyone means exactly that = everyone. I suppose they need to be seen as keeping up with what's going on in the world, but like so many places they're not actually really "doing" anything to help or champion these causes, they're just empty words and if anything they rankle with people. The shop in which I work is the same, the shop itself is festooned with rainbow flags, big decals on the floor, the staff are encouraged to wear rainbow badges and have their pronouns under their name. Call me old fashioned but if they can't work out that I'm female then that's not my problem and if they want to refer to me as she, her , that old woman or Fanny Fannackerpan - I couldn't give a monkeys! We have a young woman who says she's "non binary" so has they/them on her badge, that's all very well, but it's not gonna stop anyone from calling out "excuse me miss" or saying "ladies first" or what have you - they're still gonna be "misgendered" from time to time unless the person they're dealing with knows them personally or has a good look at their chest area to read their badge. Now behind the scenes well you'd could be excused for thinking you'd walked into a gay bar, there's even rainbow posters stuck on the toilet doors inside and out. Don't get me wrong, I don't think anybody should be discriminated against in the work place because of their sexual preferences (Paedos excepted) or be treated with disrespect . Yes of course these incidences should be taken seriously and dealt with in a dignified and appropriate manner. When I first started working there over 20 years ago there was a poster on the wall and this was outlined in our welcome pack "we do not tolerate, racism, sexism, homophobia etc and I'll be honest I've not witnessed any behaviours that breached these rules until all this baloney came into force because now you're half afraid to open your mouth in case you say the wrong thing!
Oh dear God. Let's face it we've had the best years of QVC, decent programmes, presenters and prices, all of which are now long since past.
I barely watch at all now, and I'm up to here with "diversity. I'm old school - male and female. In the old days before scans, a mother giving birth would say "is it a boy or girl ' no ****** in-betweens to discuss. End of.
Same with Strictly- that's getting a wide berth too.
Oh dear God. Let's face it we've had the best years of QVC, decent programmes, presenters and prices, all of which are now long since past.
I barely watch at all now, and I'm up to here with "diversity. I'm old school - male and female. In the old days before scans, a mother giving birth would say "is it a boy or girl ' no ****** in-betweens to discuss. End of.
Same with Strictly- that's getting a wide berth too.
Me too, but I'll tell you something - If anybody at work was heard saying anything remotely like that they'd be up for a disciplinary. It's a lot harder to ignore when it's literally shoved down your throat every day in your workplace and there's no switching channels or escape from it there. As soon as you walk through the staff entrance, you literally have to walk through a series of rainbow corridors, emblazoned with posters and pictures and literature and like I said you can't even escape it in the toilet and that's if you haven't already bumped into Martin - sorry Martine who's a bloke in a frock! Our once fairly entertaining in house magazine is now nothing more than a boring wokefest all in the name of diversity - only there's no diversity 'cause there's a whole bunch of people who it doesn't appeal to whatsoever - Ironic really!
Just to add to this story a couple of years ago our annual summer party was turned into a celebration of gay pride and the theme was gay icons, come along dressed as your favourite gay icon and we'll crown our king and queen at the end of the evening....None of the oldies turned up...oh dear! Oh and they've stopped doing the party now 'cause we can't afford it!
Laura Fleming has a very squeaky voice and gabbles along at the rate of knots. Laura Crombie does not.

Regarding AY, why can’t she just say Unisex or is that not permissible? Or to make it easier why not suitable for everyone and all skin types.
Laura Crombie is much easier on the ears and - at the moment, I think - a better presenter.
Back to Ophelia. I think she did well in the Denim & Co hour at 11-12am today. She gave out the correct information, model(l)ed? well, was clear and concise and didn't try to hog the limelight. Credit where credit's due.
Ophelia has certainly improved as a presenter.

However, I can’t concentrate when she’s on air because I start counting the number of times she says, “as well.” I always switch channels because it’s a better to keep sane than seeing if her “as well” count is higher than in her previous shows when I have better things to do with my time. 🙂
Ophelia has certainly improved as a presenter.

However, I can’t concentrate when she’s on air because I start counting the number of times she says, “as well.” I always switch channels because it’s a better to keep sane than seeing if her “as well” count is higher than in her previous shows when I have better things to do with my time. 🙂
She has improved a lot. I understand what you mean about getting hung up on presenters' repetitions of their pet phrases. The more you hear them, the more they stand out. Dale's pet phrase is, 'of course'. I have to turn him off because he says it over and over again. It irritates me no end. I enjoy QVC, but often these little things get to me.
Oh dear God. Let's face it we've had the best years of QVC, decent programmes, presenters and prices, all of which are now long since past.
I barely watch at all now, and I'm up to here with "diversity. I'm old school - male and female. In the old days before scans, a mother giving birth would say "is it a boy or girl ' no ****** in-betweens to discuss. End of.
Same with Strictly- that's getting a wide berth too.

I worry that us old school’ are a dying breed.
Owphelia on an Isabel fashion show has just stated that the blouse she is wearing is two sizes larger than her true size as she likes them loose. As the shoulder fit is perfect on her and it does up without gaping over her bust it’s probably the correct size. Shame she didn’t go up a size in her jeans😮😳
Owphelia on an Isabel fashion show has just stated that the blouse she is wearing is two sizes larger than her true size as she likes them loose. As the shoulder fit is perfect on her and it does up without gaping over her bust it’s probably the correct size. Shame she didn’t go up a size in her jeans😮😳
Clothes that are too tight are not classy, but maybe that's the look she wants.
I've always thought Ophelia has a lovely figure. She's young! Tight jeans are in. Now, on me at my age . . . . .

I still wear them though :p

Ophelia has a very small waist and wide hips/thighs, so finding jeans that fit in both areas might be difficult for her. Wide leg jeans are in style just now. I don't think they would flatter her, however. If she wanted my advice (which I very much doubt) she should wear clothes to accentuate her small waist with belted dresses/skirts and jeans that are looser, but not too oversized.
Ophelia has a very small waist and wide hips/thighs, so finding jeans that fit in both areas might be difficult for her. Wide leg jeans are in style just now. I don't think they would flatter her, however. If she wanted my advice (which I very much doubt) she should wear clothes to accentuate her small waist with belted dresses/skirts and jeans that are looser, but not too oversized.
I've seen some in the wide leg jeans, imo they are not flattering and the ones that I've seen look like clowns. I expected to look up and see red noses and funny hats.
Exactly as everyone means exactly that = everyone. I suppose they need to be seen as keeping up with what's going on in the world, but like so many places they're not actually really "doing" anything to help or champion these causes, they're just empty words and if anything they rankle with people. The shop in which I work is the same, the shop itself is festooned with rainbow flags, big decals on the floor, the staff are encouraged to wear rainbow badges and have their pronouns under their name. Call me old fashioned but if they can't work out that I'm female then that's not my problem and if they want to refer to me as she, her , that old woman or Fanny Fannackerpan - I couldn't give a monkeys! We have a young woman who says she's "non binary" so has they/them on her badge, that's all very well, but it's not gonna stop anyone from calling out "excuse me miss" or saying "ladies first" or what have you - they're still gonna be "misgendered" from time to time unless the person they're dealing with knows them personally or has a good look at their chest area to read their badge. Now behind the scenes well you'd could be excused for thinking you'd walked into a gay bar, there's even rainbow posters stuck on the toilet doors inside and out. Don't get me wrong, I don't think anybody should be discriminated against in the work place because of their sexual preferences (Paedos excepted) or be treated with disrespect . Yes of course these incidences should be taken seriously and dealt with in a dignified and appropriate manner. When I first started working there over 20 years ago there was a poster on the wall and this was outlined in our welcome pack "we do not tolerate, racism, sexism, homophobia etc and I'll be honest I've not witnessed any behaviours that breached these rules until all this baloney came into force because now you're half afraid to open your mouth in case you say the wrong thing!

I was misgendered decades ago by a copper doing spot checks. I was on my motorbike wearing a camouflage jacket. I didn't flounce off to report him while insisting he be re-educated. I just answered his questions and went on my way, leaving him scratching his head at the young bloke with a high voice and, possibly on closer inspection, had a pair of breasts.

I was also misgendered when I came out of the Gents after needing a wee. The Ladies had been locked and my ex was outside keeping an eye out for other men wanting to use the toilets. A copper stopped me on the way out and I honestly thought I was going to be in trouble for using the wrong toilets (no such worries for men using the Ladies these days!). Apparently, those toilets had been used by gay men looking for a partner and the copper was going to take my ex and I in for cottaging!

We had a stern talking to and let go when he realised I was a young girl. I bet having short hair and a penchant for army surplus came doesn't get anyone into trouble these days!

I was relieved at the time that the copper never asked why a young teen girl was with a man a decade older and clearly not her dad was doing outside a toilet fairly late in the evening, but that's how the Bradford child sex abusers got away with it, I suppose.

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