Morning everyone


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tink - oh good. you should soon be on the men then :)

barbs - never mind, more for us.

ok........the vodka jelly's ready........

Oh er Tink, you saucy minx :p

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evening all. Just got back from sister and family's home. Not bad although her in-laws are v. boring (low I.Q !!) and brother in law uses the F word in every other sentence. He also boasts about drinking 10 pints of Guinness and he burps after every (large) mouthful of food. They've been married over 30 years and devoted to each other...

Mum (89) came with. When we are on our own she's very jolly but in company she is subdued and gets a bit mardey with me. Doing it all again tomorrow. I hate leaving my little cat Eric at home alone all day but BIL says I can't take him with me, bit of a shame. I'll take some foil with me and smuggle some beef and gravy home for him (Eric not BIL).

Got some lovely presents even though we said we weren't spending a lot.

Hope you are all OK, whatever that means to each of us.

Linda xx
i think janie was sick in the bowl, as she's gone very quiet. OH bought hopey one of those

climb and play corner, and DS put it together last night, when he was under the wherthers

and he's put screws in the wrong places and they;re completely stuck,, so funneee, its

broken, so no present for hopey heh eheheheh
hi linda - gawd, that sounds awful. why is there a repeat performance? here, have some vodka jelly....
ooops...that would be on the menD

janie what does that above mean, and no more wherthers for you please, you're leading louis astray.

Nice to see you eric's mum, seems like you had a niceish sort of day, but day 2 might be a trial

but come on in and have a drink, there's only four of us saddos turned up to this party. party poopers

we're not
not me guv - i thiink it was someone on the way to the IW forum....

barbs - you mean to say the combined male brains/brawn can't get the screws out??

louis got a bag of new toys from his favourite auntie which he's ignored. he's had a bit of a play with his catnip but that's about it. back in the wardrobe.
janie what does that above mean, and no more wherthers for you please, you're leading louis astray.

Nice to see you eric's mum, seems like you had a niceish sort of day, but day 2 might be a trial

but come on in and have a drink, there's only four of us saddos turned up to this party. party poopers

we're not

seems i accused tink on the men.
Hi Eric's mum. Are you really going back for more tomorrow?! You are brave!!

Janie is feeling a bit fruity, Babs is a bit sloshed and Tink and I are poorly but having great fun watching t'other two with their various alcoholic concoctions!

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Ps poor Hopey Babs!!! Dried food and no prezzie. I hope you feel suitably guilty :p

He he!

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Me here - wearing my WinnieThePooh PJs, toofies brushed. New flannelette bedlinen. HappySnarly ReadyToSnooze
Good evening everyone,,,I have given up trying to watch TV my husband is snoring so loud I cannot hear it,So I am sat here with my dogs seeing what fun I am missing on here.Snarly sounds cozy in PJs
hi cosy snarly and rubyrat :happy:

er, snarly hon, i know we said dress casual but..........
janie, i'm shocked and suprised at your accusations to poor tink, and you also accussed me earlier of being

drunk, as if i would. no wherthers for me today. son has just showed me how to put hopey on my thingy,

so now you can all see how cute and rotund (he he) she is. capi, she doesn't like any other food, even

bought her one of those special wet foods and she ssniffed it and then ate the bllooming dried stuff,

but it is turkery he eh. Oh yes and none of these 2 strapping men can get the blo..y screws out, they're

in the wrong threads LOL this party is getting good, come on onononon in
oh capi didn't realise you were ill, was wondering why janie was offering you

masks and gloves, thought she was maybe being a bit sort of kinky (if you're

allowed to say that on here
Babs if you're not p*ssed then I want whatever you're on!!! Hopey is lush, such a cutie. I just laughed out loud at your kinky comment, you are mad woman!!!

I am so bored. Hubby is talking about going to bed (a jack hammer woke him at 6am, he's not used to it so is flaking now) and there is faff all on tv. The party seems to be slowing down...may be time for my 2nd bath of the day (got a new stash of goodies to get through) and bed.

I had a lush dinner and some fab prezzies, but, xmas is so over rated. Can't wait for the morning to walk over to Asda - back to normality! Providing I'm better that is.

Nos Da all. I look forward to the gossip in the morning :D

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awwwww.....she's cute :happy: i clicked on it hoping it would get bigger and it just went to your page. tell them guys it's gonna take a real man to get the screws out :bow:
well....snarly in her jammies and cap in bed before 10 and longing for asda........all i can say is the ST forum does not know how to partay!


Awww, give Hopey a (((cwtch))) for me, BarklySparbs - she's gorjuss! My Tiddles (RIP) loved JohnWest tuna only, waddled away from any other brand. You start something once ... lol. Hope I stay awake for VicarOfDibley tonight. Barkly, the saying is UnderTheWeather not UnderTheWerther. As my sickie WelshSister said "NosDa" and the Canuck in me, adds "Y'all." :heart:

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