Morning everyone


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

It's a replacement headlight kit to make the lights brighter a bit like LED lights, it's a stupid thing but a bit of a triumph as hubbie said he thought I should leave the lights as they were but then he's not the one squinting in the dark - in the end he surprised me with it !!

sounds a good idea. my lights aren't brill dipped. bright headlights are the bane of my life though cos my car is so low, the lights behind are always right in my rearview mirror.
My car rides quite high so if someone comes up behind you with bright lights shining into your rear view mirror it could be me.

On the pressie front we dampened everything down a couple of years back as its too much pressure on everyone and it's not fair so we only really buy for the children. So didn't get much else. I'm giving my Quacker Factory top an outing tonight as I'm at home - got to wear it Xmas day as I'd look pretty stupid any other time with Santa embroidered down the front. I don't know why I bought it - caught up in the moment last year I think
sounds a good idea. my lights aren't brill dipped. bright headlights are the bane of my life though cos my car is so low, the lights behind are always right in my rearview mirror.
Would that be a sports car janie
whats an mr2 roadster janie, oh hasn't clue, he's been on the werthers, although i'm the champion,

apparently i drank most of my bottle last night, such a record to hold LOL
Very nice Janie, I'm a 4x4 girl but I appreciate a little speed machine I just don't trust myself with one... like my licence too much lol
i am known as a leadfoot i have to say :blush:

such a shame they stopped making them. i love mine. i had the mark 1 version for years and years, fantastic car. then got an mg - terrible, don't ever buy one. went back to the mr2.
WOW thats some car janie, i couldn't get into it with my bad back, you'd have to hoist me in LOL

Been testing pictures with DS here (says i named him after a hand held nintendo DS) he he.

And he's shown me how to put pictures, but unfortunately they're in the drop under the heading

merry christmas, so you can enlarge the pictures of hopey, doesn't work on avators.
I still haven't worked out how to get an avatar SparklyBarbs so you're doing better than I am .
I'll take you through it maybe tomorrow. Its quite easy. takes someone to show you i think.

But sure you did put photo up of louis janie
Hello all - thank goodness that's over!!! Not the best of days - SiL in foul Scrooge-like mood and the turkey was undercooked at the appointed hour so consequently the veg were overcooked when it was eventually ready. I can't even blame the gas pressure because I have an electric oven.......

Anyway, feeling more chilled now after two very large vodkas - not sure about the Werthers! Cut back on prezzies this year but Santa brought me a Roberts digital radio for the kitchen, a bottle of Cabochard EDT and some white port so I'm very happy!

Out to friends for dinner tomorrow night and looking forward to that.
barbs - i managed to get a couple pics of lou in the message - only tiny ones. can't do big ones like min does - but i gave up trying to make him my avatar. i could see it on my profile page but that was all.
If you can do that janie you should be able to do the avatar picture, its just the same way, but under edit avatar, etc.
I think i;m an expert now he he. Thanks disenchanted, sounds like you had some lovely presents, me and janie had
a party earlier, but only a few turned up. And hopey is cute i think, of her diet today though. Had cream and butter,
not together though he he. Oh and janie, i lied i didn't sit on the mince pies , i ate them. sorry
ok girls, think i'll make my way to bed :yawn:

don't forget to turn the light out :wave:
hi disenchanted :happy:

i'm still trying to work out how they melt werthers.
think DD melted them in a pot and added smirnoff to them, and put in a lovely bottle with a bow on it, we all had a bottle each, with different coloured bows. It just tasted like baileys, so i'd two wine glasses of it, and remember nothing after it. Not even going to bed, but it doesn't
happen that i have 2 days of work at christmas in a row, so i was determined to make the most of it, and i sure did. Thank goodness i didnt have the third glass i was thinking of having LOL

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