Morning everyone


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Smarties???? We always used to get those tubes of smarties and jelly tots when we were kids - more years ago than I care to think. Hmmmm, there's a ton of sweeties in the kitchen which I'm only considering because the big bag of peanuts has far more calories. I am not a choccie fan however, so the nuts may be nibbled ooeer.

yep smarties always have a tube every year :mysmilie_504:
its maybe just the way you're seeing things janie after alll those vodka wherthers you had :) you'll be sorry tomorrow
hadn't noticed colours changing, must be the vodkas and the chocolat. Capi seems to have gone quiet in the
corner, give her a shake, or is she admiring her Lulu bag, and stroking it. Anyone else here yet, or are you all
lurking, come on on on in
I can't keep up with this rainbow!!! So where is everyone then?>?

Oh pants. I can't work this new laptop, the keys are in the wrong place, and I can't blame the drink either\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\!!


Nora, I have to get hubby a tube of jelly tots every year as he had them as a child\\\! Oh fgs, getting on my own nerves now!!!
Babs no LG bag for me1\! I did have a Ted Baker shopper though. And the reason I'm so slow is this poxy, ahem I mean lovely super duper laptop!!!
Merry Christmas everyone. From a full of food Tink with a banging headache, a raging temperature and a touch of drama queen!

Hope you all have had a good day whatever you've been doing.

I'm watching LOTR and trying not to drop off.
oh capi //// is the damm computer /// your christmas present /// LOL
oh poor you Tink, sounds awful, take a hot whiskey, if you have any, if not try vodka and
wherthers, i've brought some and its in the corner , near the cat dish, help yourself
oh capi //// is the damm computer /// your christmas present /// LOL

Yes!! It is fab really, but I am not used to a proper keyboard now, am a bit spazzy can you tell?!! Haha!

oh poor you Tink, sounds awful, take a hot whiskey, if you have any, if not try vodka and
wherthers, i've brought some and its in the corner , near the cat dish, help yourself

Ah so that's what Rossi & Casey have been on. They're going mental at the mo, chasing each other in circuits around the house. How are Hopey and Louis? The girls had turkey and gravy today, followed by real turkey and pork - expecting someone to throw up soon!!!
hopey is lying collapsed on the floor, she's exhausted, moved from the cushion to the floor and it was too
much for her LOL. She had dried turkey food, doesn't like the proper stuff, so her treat later will be butter,
or maybe some cream ////// i really don't approve of you giving rossi and casey drink capi, i;m much
suprised, and i hope they calm down later //////
hi tink - did you get your penicillin?

LOTR? not my cup of tea. waiting for downton *hic*
you forgot the hic cup hic :glass: this party is very quiet and tame isn't it
I did Janie so I'm hoping to feel better soon. LOTR wasn't really my choice either although I do like the films/books. Have managed to shake the need for sleep.

No booze for me but that's always the case for me. I'm very happily tee total.

No shopping for me today either. Saw a couple of things in Next but not sure they'll be in the sale.
There's bugger all on telly. I've watched Dallas and lusted over Bobby, exhausted my recordings on the Sky box and now I'm stumped...May have to join the husband on his xbox. Yes Babs, it's very tame. Not how I remember parties ;)

Pusses are coming down from the Werthers vodka now! Bought hub a laser for them and he's been winding them up all day. Hoping they'll sleep right through and give me a lie in rather than getting me up at 6 as usual.

Ok, who snuck in and threw up in the punch bowl?!!

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tink - oh good. you should soon be on the men then :)

barbs - never mind, more for us.

ok........the vodka jelly's ready........
cap - fear not, dallas is on again at 11pm.....

wow - i never seem to find time to catch up with sky recordings. it's always full up. mind you there are some things i keep. if the sky box conks out, do you lose the lot? or can they save the harddrive?

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