Menopause Your Way


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If anyone bought those "leakproof" pants and then found they leaked, they could send them back free for a full refund.

I pity the person who then buys them as an unchecked outlet bargain, because despite QVC saying they check returns, we all know they don't.
Surely they wouldn’t sell them as a outlet bargain would they
What did everyone think of panorama last night?
I recorded and watched it earlier.

As usual with these programmes they ask a question, give a little info then leave us all hanging.

Since I've been using HRT (and, boy, did I have a job getting it!), the Newson Clinics have exploded. Which shows there are a LOT of desperate women out there.

I'd seen Louise Newson on shows and appreciated her shedding light on HRT and how to get it. I'd already been fighting to get it for a long time. I did not want to take a pill as I'm aware they can cause more problems than a topical. I'd heard of gels and was interested to hear Lorraine was using them. I did my research - mainly the Menopause Matters forum, but also from my cousin who is a nurse in the USA - went back to the GP who pulled out the BNF, ran her finger down the page, went past Oestrogen and told me there was no such thing. Pills or go away.

Not being one to put up with crap from a GP who'd rocked up in her running gear and obviously thought all ills are cured by exercise (which being on crutches and overweight I clearly didn't do), I asked for a referral. And got one. To a female gynae who told me menopause only lasts 2 years and women only want HRT to make themselves attractive to younger men.

I was truly offended by this! I have no interest in attracting younger men (Mr.AE is younger than me anyway).

I eventually found a (sane) gynae who listened and prescribed the HRT that suits me at the lowest dose I'm good on, along with regular scans as my nan had endometrial cancer and she didn't want to take risks (though I'm way overdue thanks to Covid and a struggling NHS).

I do think Panorama did a bit of a crap job and could have signposted women to more services and been a bit more helpful than just labouring the point that Newson clinics aren't all they're cracked up to be. Though they did also mention the explosion in meno snake oil and its sellers so that was a good thing.
I see it’s Pippa’s turn to wear the comedy glasses!! Changed channel as soon as I saw the word menopause. One day last week I inadvertently watched some of the menopause show. I was doing some baking in the kitchen, and half watching the morning show. Without realising, the top of the hour came, and on came menopause your way. I’d left the tv remote on the kitchen table and couldn’t be bothered to walk over to fetch it. Pippa is sat with a ‘panel’ most of who looked too young for the menopause, so just sat nodding wisely. ‘I’m nine years into my peri menopause!’ shrieked Pippa (WHAT??) Admiring looks from her coven. Then she says something about the days when her hormones are ‘raging’. That all ties in nicely with the overpriced supliments she’s flogging. Next comes some sort of heated pad. Apparently since she’s heading into the menopause, she suffers with the most painful and debilitating periods, and needs to sit with a hot water bottle on her stomach,which again ties in nicely with the flogging of the heated pad thing. More admiration from the coven. The next guest appears remotely on the screen behind her, flogging what looks like a cross between a mini pad and an instrument of torture, which when worn against your undercarriage, appears to administer electric shocks to the nether regions. In time, this will stop you pi££ing yourself. None of the panel admits to having this particular problem, not even Pippa herself! At this point I suddenly could be bothered to walk across the kitchen to retrieve the remote, and watched a repeat of Homes under the Hammer instead.

Yes, I know incontinence is not a laughing matter, but that made me LOL.
I see it’s Pippa’s turn to wear the comedy glasses!! Changed channel as soon as I saw the word menopause. One day last week I inadvertently watched some of the menopause show. I was doing some baking in the kitchen, and half watching the morning show. Without realising, the top of the hour came, and on came menopause your way. I’d left the tv remote on the kitchen table and couldn’t be bothered to walk over to fetch it. Pippa is sat with a ‘panel’ most of who looked too young for the menopause, so just sat nodding wisely. ‘I’m nine years into my peri menopause!’ shrieked Pippa (WHAT??) Admiring looks from her coven. Then she says something about the days when her hormones are ‘raging’. That all ties in nicely with the overpriced supliments she’s flogging. Next comes some sort of heated pad. Apparently since she’s heading into the menopause, she suffers with the most painful and debilitating periods, and needs to sit with a hot water bottle on her stomach,which again ties in nicely with the flogging of the heated pad thing. More admiration from the coven. The next guest appears remotely on the screen behind her, flogging what looks like a cross between a mini pad and an instrument of torture, which when worn against your undercarriage, appears to administer electric shocks to the nether regions. In time, this will stop you pi££ing yourself. None of the panel admits to having this particular problem, not even Pippa herself! At this point I suddenly could be bothered to walk across the kitchen to retrieve the remote, and watched a repeat of Homes under the Hammer instead.

They say you can wash and wear and then return clothing for a full refund. Of course, there will be unprincipled people who would return used knickers without washing them. Nasty types, eh?
I used to be embarrassed when unwrapping my ‘sanitary wear’ in the ladies loos at school and later work, the crinkly noise let everyone else in there know what I was doing. Seems so silly now I’m looking back, but at the time (1960’s-90’s) periods weren’t really talked about.

Old superstitions
Yep. Watch out ladies. Or you'll get burned at the stake!
My husband says he never had any problem with the menopause.
It comes later for men. And most won't discuss it as it's not manly.

I worked in a geriatric and EMI (elderly mentally ill) unit for a while. The studies on dementia and how family members can be helped to cope were fascinating but the thing that was most ignored was male incontinence. Which surprised me as in our unit there was a 60/40 split of female to male urinary incontinence.

It happens later with men and it's easier to handle in men who are not suffering with dementia as they can use a catheter rather than pads. Less stress on the skin, fewer leaks. But the unit always smelled of wee because the men would go in the plant pots! Someone decided to get rid of them but then they went in the corners or behind doors.

Old age happens to us all but men seem to get an easier ride. No surprise there. They also get gropier! Men older than 80 or even 90 would frequently chase female staff down the corridor with their bits dangling out of their pyjamas. On their Zimmers! I'm pretty glad it was before widespread camera use.

But if there was one thing I learned at that particular unit it was to always make sure you get enough calcium and vitamin D or use HRT for a while if you need to as it's both heart and bone protective.

Osteoporosis is a terrible thing to live with if you have it quite badly. Patients would say how painful it was to have bones crumble, particularly vertebrae. Far more painful than joint pain according to them.

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