Another Ego mate evening!


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Jun 24, 2008
We've not seen one another since the disasterous summer xmas dinner. To be fair it was only the food that was awful, the day was quite fun. Message...when are you free next? I said Friday, she said what about Saturday? I said I'm working on Saturday, however I'm free in the evening. Great evening it is then, see you around 7.30? Yes, fine I said. She didn't mention dinner, this is unlike her, so maybe it's just drinks and perhaps a few nibbles. Felt a bit rude to ask "will you be feeding us?" because if she wasn't intending to it'd possibly make her feel obliged to do so. Plan was to eat a fairly big lunch at work, and perhaps a tiny little snack before we went, so that I wouldn't be ravenously hungry, but should it turn out there's a meal I won't be too full to eat it.
Arrived, hung coats up, and immediately ushered to the dinner table. Starter was soup and a roll homemade of course. Soup was a decidedly odd colour, white with a very slight hint of green...."Oooh what is it?" I asked...try it and see, she said. It tasted of nothing, and I mean nothing - I said potato (because of the colour and texture), yes she said it's got potato in it, but what else? Leek I said because it's a classic combination, though I couldn't taste any leek..Yes, it's got leeks in it so what else? Turned out after about 10 wrong guesses it was asparagus! "Whaddya think? tasty isn't it?" Yes, delicious I said.
Main meal....stew - Now I know it's a popular meal for those winter months - but I HATE stew, I love dumplings and I can just about eat the potatoes in it. Without admitting I hate stew, I said this is a bit embarrassing but I didn't realise we were having a meal tonight, so I ate quite a large lunch, so may I have just a really small portion? All hell broke loose...."When, just tell me when, have I not fed you?", "You'd not turn up at a restaurant and expect not to eat would you?" Said in a jokey manner, but I could tell that she was genuinely taken aback...I tried to get the conversation back on a more even keel and said I can always make room for dumplings! With that she added two huge dumplings to my thankfully small portion of stew...These aren't any old dumplings..they're suet free! Jeez, they were indescribably awful and if the texture wasn't bad enough, they tasted like she'd bunged an entire pot of mixed herbs to the mix!

Apart from the food, she wasn't being her usual egotistical self and after dinner drinks and chat was really quite pleasant. I think being a last minute arrangement for an evening, I'd have preferred for her to perhaps put on a few nibbles buffet style because the lion's share of the evening was spent sat around the dinner table and then of course there was the matter of offering to help clear up (like you do) - and we did!

This is the first time she's invited us and not mentioned dinner beforehand or asked us what we'd like to eat. I think she's got to the stage where she believes that it goes without saying that she's gonna be cooking and whatever she's cooking will be blooming amazing!
Last two visits though seriously have seen a massive improvement in her behaviour towards me and looking back to the occasion where I was ready to throw in towel completely - I think that her hubby definitely must have told her to rein it in. The cooking now is her only chance to showcase her wonderfulness - However, her cooking is diabolical. I'd much prefer it if she concentrated more upon the friendship side of things and if food's got to feature , a meal out, or even a take away that we all chip in towards and as I said before informal drinks and nibbles. She's improving on the attitude front and Rome wasn't built in a day!
I might suggest a take away for next time, suggesting that she deserves a night off from cooking and see what happens, or perhaps we treat them to a meal at their local carvery. I remember when I asked them what the carvery's like, she said "We wouldn't know - why waste money there when I can cook just as good, if not better food here?" I guess she doesn't see cooking as a chore, and if now it's the only way to promote her egotistical side, it isn't gonna stop any time soon! But hey visits are fairly few and far between!
I think I'm getting a lot more fussy in my old age regarding what I consider to be entertaining. These days my idea of a good night out is a night in, especially in the colder/darker months. All my favourites on tv, and even better if it's not a school night, so no having to get everything sorted out beforehand for an early start.
I enjoy meeting friends for a coffee and a natter in the daytime just so long as it doesn't result in being dragged around endless clothes shops afterwards, a nice stroll along the prom weather permitting's always quite a pleasant way to round off an afternoon.
I enjoy my weekly pub quiz, but apart from that I like an evening out have a structure as in going to see a show, a concert or even going out for a meal. My biggest nightmares are drinks with the girls in loud pubs in the centre of town with music pumping out and a lot of mindless "whooping" going on. I don't care how late I get in (though I usually aim to be home by about 11) I have to tune in to classic fm to get myself back on an even keel! This isn't always easy as anyone trying to make a break for it will be accused of being a party pooper, and there's always someone who suggests going on to a club afterwards....I seriously would rather do a shift at work than do that!
I appreciate having a nice amount of friends don't get me wrong and I prefer meeting up with one or a couple of people as opposed to a large group. Shame 'cause a day or evening spent with an old friend is perfect for me, so if her behaviour towards me stays remains on this trajectory that would be great. The food is here to stay, but at least it gives me something funny to tell you all!
Last two visits though seriously have seen a massive improvement in her behaviour towards me and looking back to the occasion where I was ready to throw in towel completely - I think that her hubby definitely must have told her to rein it in. The cooking now is her only chance to showcase her wonderfulness - However, her cooking is diabolical. I'd much prefer it if she concentrated more upon the friendship side of things and if food's got to feature , a meal out, or even a take away that we all chip in towards and as I said before informal drinks and nibbles. She's improving on the attitude front and Rome wasn't built in a day!
I might suggest a take away for next time, suggesting that she deserves a night off from cooking and see what happens, or perhaps we treat them to a meal at their local carvery. I remember when I asked them what the carvery's like, she said "We wouldn't know - why waste money there when I can cook just as good, if not better food here?" I guess she doesn't see cooking as a chore, and if now it's the only way to promote her egotistical side, it isn't gonna stop any time soon! But hey visits are fairly few and far between!
Thought I'd revive this 'cause we've just had the annual Christmas dinner. Point A - Still stands, point B - Yep still the same (I know cooking a roast dinner for 11 people is difficult) but fgs girl cauliflower cheese needs to have cheese in it, bless her heart but it was more of a cauliflower mush! I took a huge dollop as it's my favourite and she asked why I'd left most of it told her my eyes were bigger than my belly! But I've recently discovered that she makes the worst coffee in the world. I say this because she offered us some coffee after dinner and I was the only person who said "yes please" perhaps the rest of the guests knew something I didn't. To be fair to her, she's a die hard tea drinker, but she told me she was going to make me the best coffee in the world. She said she'd brought it back from her holiday in Cape Verdi, I know she hadn't been there for a while so I suspected that the coffee could be "off" if she hadn't stored it correctly and when I went into the kitchen with her to chat whilst she made it, she grabbed an open half used pack of ground coffee from the back of the cupboard. She put it in the cafetiere and poured a load of milk into a mug, she let it stand for a while and said "Go on try it it's the best coffee in the world" I almost had to spit it out it was that vile and it had bits floating on it. I had to tell her it wasn't to my taste so she kindly made me a lovely cup of tea instead. I told her that she'd have been better off putting it in the freezer or in an airtight container once it's opened especially if you don't use it that often and she graciously accepted my advice. She's still got a big ego, but she continues not to use me as a foil to make herself look superior and she's still a terrible cook - and I can live with that!

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