Menopause Your Way


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I wonder if QVC will start on male issues 🤔 because men do have a male menopause (andropause) ……. midlife crisis, buying sports cars, 😉, viagra etc.

On second thoughts, QVC …… please don’t! Just concentrate on clothes, beauty etc etc and let the medical professionals deal with the menopause.
I remember my granny telling me I shouldn't be having a bath when I was on my period. Thankfully my mum didn't think like that.

I had a hysterectomy early on in my life as I was so poorly every month. I had endometriosis and was full of painkillers just to get myself to school then work. They made me so very sick but I had to take them. Doctors at the hospital wouldn't do the operation as they couldn't guarantee they wouldn't damage my bladder and bowel. Everything inside me was sticking together. Anyway after years of pain a lady surgeon said she could do it. She told me to have faith in her, I believed her.

Husband was having fits as he had to sign a form basically saying we wouldn't sue if anything was damaged.

Anyway thankfully all went well. I went straight into the menopause and hospital said I couldn't have any HRT as my granny had died of breast cancer. So basically was told to suck it up. But after all the years of pain the menopause was nothing. I know some people have bad problems, but I don't think shopping channels should be interfering with it at all. They just want to make money out of women's suffering. It's so wrong.

I have never regretted having the operation and although I couldn't ever have kids, my niece and nephew are wonderful and I love them dearly. They are like my own.

So sadly when I see men wanting to be women, I feel that they have no idea what being female is really like and they will never know and I don't think for a moment they would want the pain I had and the operation I had to have, they only want the nice bits that go with being a woman. Sorry this is a bit of an essay, but sometimes this gender thing and menopause stuff does my head in.
I remember my granny telling me I shouldn't be having a bath when I was on my period. Thankfully my mum didn't think like that.

I had a hysterectomy early on in my life as I was so poorly every month. I had endometriosis and was full of painkillers just to get myself to school then work. They made me so very sick but I had to take them. Doctors at the hospital wouldn't do the operation as they couldn't guarantee they wouldn't damage my bladder and bowel. Everything inside me was sticking together. Anyway after years of pain a lady surgeon said she could do it. She told me to have faith in her, I believed her.

Husband was having fits as he had to sign a form basically saying we wouldn't sue if anything was damaged.

Anyway thankfully all went well. I went straight into the menopause and hospital said I couldn't have any HRT as my granny had died of breast cancer. So basically was told to suck it up. But after all the years of pain the menopause was nothing. I know some people have bad problems, but I don't think shopping channels should be interfering with it at all. They just want to make money out of women's suffering. It's so wrong.

I have never regretted having the operation and although I couldn't ever have kids, my niece and nephew are wonderful and I love them dearly. They are like my own.

So sadly when I see men wanting to be women, I feel that they have no idea what being female is really like and they will never know and I don't think for a moment they would want the pain I had and the operation I had to have, they only want the nice bits that go with being a woman. Sorry this is a bit of an essay, but sometimes this gender thing and menopause stuff does my head in.
QVC only operate to make money. No emotion is involved. And I am certain that men who have had a sex change operation can never understand or experience what it is to be female.
I didn't see it. I'm glad. I think it would have made me fume. I don't think anyone's being a prude by finding all of this distasteful.
Yeah I was just so shocked … 😮 👍 such an intimate bodily function and certainly not something you discuss In front of a male presenter whilst the female model is standing there in her underwear 🥺

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