Julia reveals health issue


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Yes just read it and she does say that. And in her new blog she states, she's had a few very difficult years

Well, I've had 30+ difficult years and could probably produce a "Boxed Set" but I wouldn't expect others to buy it because every one of us have problems and worries in our lives of one form or another. I genuinely wish JR well with her illness along with everyone else currently coping with major health issues and hope 2013 will bring that much needed turning point to a better life.
Maybe there has been more sadness in her life in the last couple of years than just this... JR that is not BL as our posts crossed lol
I genuinely wish JR well but can't help thinking all these revelations about her illness and 'difficult times' were revealed to coincide with the release of her book and generate sales. Cynical...moi?? Probably.
I think a few things have happened, she mentioned in her blog that she had sold her house in Spain.

They sold their house here and were renting before moving again and they sold their house in Spain so who knows what the reasons were behind all that so quite possible other things than her health.

I genuinely wish JR well but can't help thinking all these revelations about her illness and 'difficult times' were revealed to coincide with the release of her book and generate sales. Cynical...moi?? Probably.

You are not alone in this PPC! I do wish her well indeed but the timing to me did seem suspect!
It does strike me as odd that they sold both their properties and haven't bought another. But people do odd things sometimes with good reason and sometimes without.

I know what you mean about her illness but it is in the book so it would have come out. It's a little at odds with her "just keep it in the family" attitude. A difficult last chapter.
I genuinely wish JR well but can't help thinking all these revelations about her illness and 'difficult times' were revealed to coincide with the release of her book and generate sales. Cynical...moi?? Probably.

Im glad u said that was thinking the same myself. Its awful news and i feel for Julia and her family but to announce this just a couple of days before her book was released is very suspect, She should feel her book is strong enough for her core fans to want without this latest news. Id imagine many people will buy the book now just because of her illness which is kinds sad really. Im not one of them however.
She said yesterday that the health chapter was one she hadn't intended to write, but that having done so she didn't want people to know about her illness only by reading her book. As her extended family she was considering our feelings.

But you don't just write something one day and it's on the shelf the next so a cynic would say she could have said something earlier rather than do it to coincide with her book - unless of course she put off doing it as it is a difficult thing to introduce ....
Well of course everything has been timed to ensure maximum sales. This is normal in publishing. It's not a coincidence that politicians affairs or celebrities drug problems get into the news just before the book with all the detail is released.

I do wonder what it is that people expect from JR sometimes. Ok, she wrote a book. The appeal is niche to say the least, but she's done it because she considers there to be a demand and the sales will prove that one way or the other. Now what do you expect her to do? Not mention it? Not publicise it? Apologise for it? Tell people not to buy it?
My very, very best wishes to you Julia..........kick it's ass!! Also very moved by reading the story of Nikki's friends and their troubles, I will remember them all in my prayers xxxxx
Well of course everything has been timed to ensure maximum sales. This is normal in publishing. It's not a coincidence that politicians affairs or celebrities drug problems get into the news just before the book with all the detail is released.

I do wonder what it is that people expect from JR sometimes. Ok, she wrote a book. The appeal is niche to say the least, but she's done it because she considers there to be a demand and the sales will prove that one way or the other. Now what do you expect her to do? Not mention it? Not publicise it? Apologise for it? Tell people not to buy it?

Stephen King did.
I probably shouldn't be surprised by the level of cynicism at the supposed 'timing' of Julia's news, but I am. Sometimes, you know, people are actually telling you the truth. It really isn't beyond logic that she simply thought that she ought to tell people 'in person' via her blog prior to her book's publication so that they would not be shocked when reading it. Just because she planned to do it that way, doesn't make it an attempt at boosting sales. It really doesn't.
I probably shouldn't be surprised by the level of cynicism at the supposed 'timing' of Julia's news, but I am. Sometimes, you know, people are actually telling you the truth. It really isn't beyond logic that she simply thought that she ought to tell people 'in person' via her blog prior to her book's publication so that they would not be shocked when reading it. Just because she planned to do it that way, doesn't make it an attempt at boosting sales. It really doesn't.

Not sure how reading it in her blog is any better than reading it in her book :s
Not sure how reading it in her blog is any better than reading it in her book :s
I think it's more gentle and more personal. If she'd just put it in the book, it might have come across as something she had saved for dramatic purposes.
Let's face it she's damned if she doesn't and she's damned if she does. There's no way she is going to keep everyone happy as each person will have their own opinion as to motives and the definition of right and wrong.

I do agree with you Burlz that having now published it and wanting to make a profit for the sake of the charity donation if nothing else she had no choice but to promote it - and if she's proud of it why shouldn't she?

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