Julia reveals health issue


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It's true that you never really know what someone's gone thru, pain, survival, fear, and the unimaginable loss of your mothers when you & they were young.

My Mum is a vulcher for my Q beauty purchases in my stash. I had an order from IW sent to her address to avoid them extra P&P. Guess where MY Linda Lusardi, cleanse and radiance, (TWIN PACK), has gone?! Let's just say it will be a miracle is either tube makes it to my address lol. But seriously, I feel very blessed to have her and I love to treat her. I've told her, no Mother's day extras tho' she gets my treats througout the year haha. My mum lost her mum to asthma when she was just 13 & her mum was 33. I just cannot imagine how it feels to loose a loving parent at a young age. My heart goes out to anyone that has. Little consolation at times, but I personally believe that we certainly do continue the next chapter when our earthly bodies cease. There are so many profound genuine mediumship readings & even photo evidence now.

I was in a mediumship develipment circle once for a while. I never did get hold of anyone related to others in the circle like the tutor requested, but I did get a young girl who wanted me to get in contact with one of my friend's daughters. Fearing that she may think I was some kind of fruit loop I bit the bullet & contacted Becky. Turns out it was her best friend who died having taken her own life at 14 about 10-12 years ago. I told Becky what I had been told & it was amazingly accurate & specific. Her friend was telling her not to worry. Becky was going through a worrying time having had a baby girl with severe disabilities. She had begged for her old friend to find a way of contacting her as she was scared to visit a medium incase they couldn't make a connection. Turns out her friend managed to do just that xx.

Just re-read my post & just wanted to say that I didn't want to spook/upset anyone. Just wanted to say that for what it's worth I honestly don't believe that this life is the end & people meet up again, just my view. I also think that after a fair old stint "upstairs" we can be reincarnated together also.

I found that interesting Nikki. Just before I read your post I had been reading something on that very subject where the author was saying not enough discussion takes place on this subject as people can be spooked/upset as you said, or the person who's had 'experiences' is reluctant to talk about them for fear of being considered less than the full shilling. Also today Russell Brand was on TV saying that we don't explore our spiritual side in the modern world. Thanks for posting.
You are very welcome Apple & thank you for your reply. I just wanted to explain one of my experiences about a totally genuine case of something coming thru that I didn't know about. I didn't know Becky & her mum when Becky was at school so I had no idea about her friend passing at 14. Like I say, I was nervous at first telling Becky as the messages didn't make sense to me. They made absolute sense to Becky tho', she was so happy afterwards. It's something she's prayed hard for for a long time, years. There were less obvious validations too like her friend's clothing, her fav jacket.

I left the development circle as I felt that the tutor, lovely lady but wanted the process to follow a specific route. I honestly don't think it can. Suffice to say hopefully it brings some comfort to people who have lost dearly beloved ones.
Is there any way that I can watch the video of Julia's interview on The Morning Show? I would so much like to see it as I missed the program.
I probably shouldn't be surprised by the level of cynicism at the supposed 'timing' of Julia's news, but I am. Sometimes, you know, people are actually telling you the truth. It really isn't beyond logic that she simply thought that she ought to tell people 'in person' via her blog prior to her book's publication so that they would not be shocked when reading it. Just because she planned to do it that way, doesn't make it an attempt at boosting sales. It really doesn't.

Thank you for this post, Nicky:bear:
I personally doubt that she would scheme to make a profit using her illness as a publicity stunt......and if she did time it as such, is it such a crime?
I think like most of us, faced with a life threatening illness, we don't know what to do, or may not be clear headed to think logically.

When I was misdiagnosed in 2001 as having Mantle cell lymphoma and was told by the consultant that my illness had no treatment and no cure, I requested that it was kept a secret, but of course, because I was in charge of a large dept and someone had to take over,and it involved a lot changes etc it could not be so. Even then I personally only told my best friend, I kept it a secret from my family, who are all abroad.

With Julia, being the number 1 presenter, she could not keep her illness a secret, could she ? It had to come out , did she have a choice when to inform people like QVC viewers? Some explanation would have been due in the long run, why she was away so often....cannot blame the Norovirus all the time.

She was writing a book, there was no way, she could not tell about her illness in it.... as she might have wanted it to be like a kind of her life and experiences, something she wanted to leave behind for her children , and loved ones.

Could it not be coincidental that her treatment made changes in her looks just about the same time as the book was coming out, or was that part of her scheme too?

Maybe, she wanted people who were forever laughing about her size, know that there was a reason for her to balloon out.

It is very obvious that her face has the swollen look that people on steroids have.

There had been so many posts about her going off , taking time to write her book etc, etc, how she might have had cosmetic surgery etc.....whereas, she might have been taking time to have treatment.

We don't know what she is going through, and all we can think of is, has she planned to publish her book and has let out the news of her illness to coincide so that she can capitalise on her illness!

Has anyone who thinks that she has schemed, thought for a moment that she may not have, and that if she happens to read what has been said , how hurt she will be in her present condition?

It is not like having a go at her toe-post sandals or her size 8 or her long hair or such things when she is well and fit. She might be at low ebb at the moment and vulnerable and may not be able to cope these things as she might have done when she was fit .... she may not be able to laugh it off.
Yes C I agree. Like Debra Jane said there's never a good time to release such news. It must have taken a huge leap of faith to divulge it on top of the awful fear & concern Julia had. The majority of people can come to terms privately with such news and their health. Clearly Julia did this until she felt that she couldn't keep it private any longer. There's the book, plus like we say, the bodily changes, swelling & so on.

I think she spoke from the heart & was honest. That's all anyone can expect of a person. I think she has handled it superbly. I watched her show with Mally last night & she was exactly the same as always, great to see them together.
I know many of you have been praying for Nigel and his family, thank you so much for your kind words & prayers. Sadly Nigel lost his battle with cancer & passed away last night, at the age of 39, leaving his young children and devoted wife, mum, brother & sisters.
We knew his prognosis wasn't good as his form of cancer was aggressive. The physical deteriation was very swift, faster than anyone could have imagined.

I have prayed over & over that his passing into the next chapter is peaceful & loving as it should be and that his dad is there to meet him. I have also prayed for the family & his mum. I can't imagine what it must be like for anyone to loose their child.

Sorry to be the bearer of such sad news but I know many of you would want to know in order to say a prayer for him & his family.

The staff at the hospices are fantastic, goodness knows what they witness & how they carry on with their wonderful support to the next set of patients, week in week out.
Something like this makes me realise how special they are. The same nurses and support staff will have to carry on dealing with the never ending stream of patients with no time to reflect on the last.

One last thing...If any of you or your friends & family experience unexplained noticable weight loss, weight gain, irritable bowel, regular nausea for no apparent reason please, please see your doctor. If not happy with the response you get & don't think it has been sufficiently diagnosed please see another doc. Just note when your regular doc is on their day off & book in to see someone else! Apologies for stating the obvious but so many people leave it until it's too late to treat xxxx.
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Hi Nikki, until now I hadn't seen this thread, so apologies if I have not passed on my thoughts to you before now xxxx

I am truly sorry to hear about Nigel and even more upset to read that very sadly he lost his battle with this dreadful disease and passed away last night. My thoughts and much love are with you hunni and naturally Nigel's wife, children and family too. How shocking and heartbreaking for everybody.

An immediate family member of mine passed very quicky too after diagnosis, and even now 3 years later I have times when I just cannot comprehend the shock of it all. He had a pain in his side and went for an examination thinking it was just muscular or something, but a scan revealed lung cancer. We were all expecting a physiotherapy referral or something, so to be told that he was terminal was just devastating. He passed 10 days later. So when I say I understand your shock, pain and sadness, I genuinely do. Therefore, please feel free to message at any time if you need any support at all.

Big hugs xxxxxxxxxxx
Ahhh Spooky, that's terrible about your family member. Must have felt surreal, there's no planned closure is there at the time, it's all so sudden. No one can prepare in a matter of days to say goodbye to someone whom you love, incredibly sad.

I'm concerned about Nigel's mum as she's my neighbour, I see her most days. I've offered practical help, support, if they need anything, little things like looking after their dog if they want to get away for a bit or don't want to get home straight away any evening.
I just feel frustrated as I'm helpless in the situation. God knows what she is & will go through & nothing I say can really help.

He was a lovely guy, always kept in contact with all his family, even those who weren't popular bless him.

Thanks Spooky, that was a lovely offer of support, deeply appreciated XXXX.
Nikki, It is my prayer that Family and Friends are able to celebrate Nigel's life :heart: and find some consolation. My signature for March is timely ... x Snarly
Very sorry to hear about Nigel, Nikki:bear: No words to express at moments like this, but I hope you will understand that my thoughts are with you and my deepest condolences to Nigel's family and friends. May his soul rest in peace.
Oh Nikki ,i'm so sorry to hear the very sad news. my sincere condolences to his family and friends.
You sound like a wonderful neighbour and i'm sure your support is greatly appreciated by the family at this difficult time. xx
Nikki im so sorry to read about Nigel. There is no right time for something like this to happen but 39 is just too young! You sound like a lovely friend and neighbour and im sure you will be a great comfort to Nigels mum and family during the hard times ahead.
Nikki, I have been debating whether to ask this or not, is it the same gentleman who was featured in the Daily Mail not long ago? If it is, I feel so much for those little cherubs!!!
I just wanted to say a BIG MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone, you have all been so lovely. I admire the fact that you have replied & aknowleged my post earlier. Many people can't express how they feel when untimely deaths are mentioned as they feel akward/embarassed, hence I truly appreciate your thoughtful words.
I live in a small road, we've all known each other for years so as you can imagine we're all completely stunned & saddened.
I have talked to my neighbour the other side & we have agreed to keep an eye on Nigel's mum. I have a strong feeling that it can't have fully sunk in yet, which is only natural given the speed of Nigel's physical deteriation. Thankfully I believe he was mentally as sharp as ever until he was sedated.

I'm going to have a list of questions when I go "upstairs", 1 being why do the kindest, gentle people suffer like this ??! His wife is his teenage sweetheart. They were inseparable since they dated & got married & had their children.

Like has been said, we should enjoy every day and accept that we're mortal. Also, early detection is the key to successfully treating & beating cancer.
Best love to every one of you, Nikki xxxx.
I'm one of those who can't always find the words Nikki, but your friend Nigel and his family have been in my thoughts and prayers since I read your first post about it, and I was so so sorry to hear that he'd passed away..

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