Just want to say a massive thank you for all your kind "thanks" & "likes", prayers & lovely words!
I did stay up until 2am last nite just to see if my neighbour needed me to help, they have an elderly doggie so if she's called to the hospice I would like to be there to provide practical help for her so she can devote her time to Nigel. Just seems so unfair, so many genuinely lovely people die young thru cancer & other illness.
They're giving him high calorie liquids at the mo' as he's too weak to receive chemo. I know it's unlikley but I've been praying so hard that he can just gain enough weight to have treatment. Whilst he's here there's hope allbeit very slim. His condition is more stable today so please God a miracle can happen! His body is so ravaged now that like I say his survival rate is slim but even if he could just have an extra few weeks that would give him & his wife & children more time to prepare.
The blood platlet donation scheme is a great idea, I will look into it. It's funny, we all have differing views on hair do's, presenting styles, handbags/clothes & we have all sorts of lively debates on here yet when it comes down to the really important stuff we all offer support, guidance & heartfelt messages to each other
. Best love & light to everyone who is a part of this forum & their families xx. Like someone said, it would be a very boring forum if everyone agreed about everything & those who are fighting cancer would want us to carry on having the laughs and differences of opinion :wink::mysmilie_504:
They're giving him high calorie liquids at the mo' as he's too weak to receive chemo. I know it's unlikley but I've been praying so hard that he can just gain enough weight to have treatment. Whilst he's here there's hope allbeit very slim. His condition is more stable today so please God a miracle can happen! His body is so ravaged now that like I say his survival rate is slim but even if he could just have an extra few weeks that would give him & his wife & children more time to prepare.
The blood platlet donation scheme is a great idea, I will look into it. It's funny, we all have differing views on hair do's, presenting styles, handbags/clothes & we have all sorts of lively debates on here yet when it comes down to the really important stuff we all offer support, guidance & heartfelt messages to each other