Julia reveals health issue


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I don't know Julia personally, but i somehow feel gutted and shocked about her illness and i'm not sure why.??

Maybe its because i'm older than her, and this makes me realise how precious life is and how lucky i am,

and maybe i shouldn't take health so much for granted :(

I do understand what you mean. I really didn't want to be 50. Ages doesn't bother me particularly and I know I look younger than my years (yes, yes I know ... cocky or what!) but I really felt my last birthday. I've thought about it a lot and I know its about my mum. She died at 53. I've always known she was quite young when she died but being 50 myself has really brought it home. Her life was cut far too short. And irrationally I'm thinking what if I only have three years left. Selfish and stupid but I still think it ... sometimes.
Oh Tinks, i'm so sorry you lost your mum when she was so young. Hugs to you x

Now you told us last week about your excellent blood test results so you sound very healthy and have many decades ahead.of you. Its bound to play on your mind and i totally understand it , none of us know what life has in store for us If you have these thoughts go and grab life by the balls, live life to the full and enjoy yourself.
I do understand what you mean. I really didn't want to be 50. Ages doesn't bother me particularly and I know I look younger than my years (yes, yes I know ... cocky or what!) but I really felt my last birthday. I've thought about it a lot and I know its about my mum. She died at 53. I've always known she was quite young when she died but being 50 myself has really brought it home. Her life was cut far too short. And irrationally I'm thinking what if I only have three years left. Selfish and stupid but I still think it ... sometimes.

I know what you mean Tinks - my mother died on her 61st birthday that just happened to fall on Mother's Day that year - and I was 60 last year. There's no rational reason to believe that history will repeat itself but....

Sorry to read about the terrible stories in this thread - it's sad reading them and remembering friends and family I've lost - but good that things are sounding positive for Julia.
Tinks and Disenchanted, sorry for your loss. My Mum's sister passed away at the age of 36 when I was just 14. I was always told that we were very alike in looks and personality, and we were both asthmatic. As the years went by there were other similarities - both had 4 chdren, a first girl, then 2 boys, and the a little girl after a big gap, and our kids had exactly the same number of years between them, if that makes sense. I must admit that I had a very heavy heart when I turned 36 and just a growing sense if dread.

Last year I celebrated the big 40 and people kept asking me how I felt and whether I was dreading it. They were a bit surprised when I said I was looking forward to it, and just very happy to be alive!

I agree with everyone, very sad stories on this thread, and it really makes you realise that you have to appreciate, celebrate and really live each day to the max, because none of us know what tomorrow will bring.
aww...hugs... Nothing ever prepares you for losing a parent, I know that much - it'll be 13 years this year for my Mum and I still miss her, still talk to her - all the hype round Mother's Day can be too much of a reminder - even Q sent me a flyer about Mother's Day - I felt like emailing them and saying "I haven't ****** got a Mother any more"! Those of you with "parallels", I think I would be the same, wondering if history was going to repeat itself, but I've spent most of my 65 years worrying about something or other and most of it ain't happened yet, so, as LEL so succinctly put it, go grab life by the balls and live it - for sure I have days when I feel like grabbing SOMETHING by the balls...(love it LEL!) ... :grin:
BusyMum, you always come accross as a lovely person from your posts. When I first lost my dear mum 19 years ago I too used to get upset by all the hype around mother's day. It only served to remind me that I no longer had one, but now I just think that I am a mum too so it is my day as well and my lovely son will visit and spoil me as always.
All the best to Julia ,
We have a family friend who was diagnosed with the illness when she delivered her first child .The daughter is 15 now and she is fine .My mom too had cancer 18 yrs back ,she was fine and now three years back she got another type of cancer .Feel really sad for people who are suffering through this illness and the family who stand by them
AllTheBest to Julia as she fights on and brings awareness about this illness. On Feb14th I signed on to donate my organs and had since wondered about donating BoneMarrow. Reading about her today, prompted me to check it out, but Snarly's not a cub anymore! 49 is the cut-off. My (((cwtch/hug))) to ThoseInBattle :heart: x Snarly
Boots loyalty cards allow you to sign on to the organ donor register. They are welcome to any of my bits - but already a bit old in the tooth - eyes still good - not sure what else is good. I usually donate blood as contrary to popular myth that they want the rare blood groups, they want the universal blood donor groups such a o positive and negative. I can't donate at the moment as had an operation but will be back next year. As long as one doesn't have a break of 2 years, it is possible to give blood until age of 70. There are other restrictions such as no travel to malaria zones, weight to be at least 8 stone among others.
Oh Tinks, i'm so sorry you lost your mum when she was so young. Hugs to you x

Now you told us last week about your excellent blood test results so you sound very healthy and have many decades ahead.of you. Its bound to play on your mind and i totally understand it , none of us know what life has in store for us If you have these thoughts go and grab life by the balls, live life to the full and enjoy yourself.

You are such a sweetheart. And so supportive. Thank you.
BusyMum, you always come accross as a lovely person from your posts. When I first lost my dear mum 19 years ago I too used to get upset by all the hype around mother's day. It only served to remind me that I no longer had one, but now I just think that I am a mum too so it is my day as well and my lovely son will visit and spoil me as always.

what a kind thing to say China Girl - you've made my day! I shall get spoilt too, by DD, and my Mum will get some flowers even tho they will be going to the cemetery, and no doubt I'll shed a tear or two while I talk to her there. You never know you you've got till it's gone...
It's true that you never really know what someone's gone thru, pain, survival, fear, and the unimaginable loss of your mothers when you & they were young.

My Mum is a vulcher for my Q beauty purchases in my stash. I had an order from IW sent to her address to avoid them extra P&P. Guess where MY Linda Lusardi, cleanse and radiance, (TWIN PACK), has gone?! Let's just say it will be a miracle is either tube makes it to my address lol. But seriously, I feel very blessed to have her and I love to treat her. I've told her, no Mother's day extras tho' she gets my treats througout the year haha. My mum lost her mum to asthma when she was just 13 & her mum was 33. I just cannot imagine how it feels to loose a loving parent at a young age. My heart goes out to anyone that has. Little consolation at times, but I personally believe that we certainly do continue the next chapter when our earthly bodies cease. There are so many profound genuine mediumship readings & even photo evidence now.

I was in a mediumship develipment circle once for a while. I never did get hold of anyone related to others in the circle like the tutor requested, but I did get a young girl who wanted me to get in contact with one of my friend's daughters. Fearing that she may think I was some kind of fruit loop I bit the bullet & contacted Becky. Turns out it was her best friend who died having taken her own life at 14 about 10-12 years ago. I told Becky what I had been told & it was amazingly accurate & specific. Her friend was telling her not to worry. Becky was going through a worrying time having had a baby girl with severe disabilities. She had begged for her old friend to find a way of contacting her as she was scared to visit a medium incase they couldn't make a connection. Turns out her friend managed to do just that xx.

Just re-read my post & just wanted to say that I didn't want to spook/upset anyone. Just wanted to say that for what it's worth I honestly don't believe that this life is the end & people meet up again, just my view. I also think that after a fair old stint "upstairs" we can be reincarnated together also.
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I do understand what you mean. I really didn't want to be 50. Ages doesn't bother me particularly and I know I look younger than my years (yes, yes I know ... cocky or what!) but I really felt my last birthday. I've thought about it a lot and I know its about my mum. She died at 53. I've always known she was quite young when she died but being 50 myself has really brought it home. Her life was cut far too short. And irrationally I'm thinking what if I only have three years left. Selfish and stupid but I still think it ... sometimes.

Oh Tinkerbelle, thats so young to loose your mum, i lost mine when she was 62 and i suppose turning 60 was hard for me, because of
that also. I still miss my mum and think of her, as i'm sure we all do. Mums are special :star:.
If you look at video from the morning show today she says it all started in April last year.
She probably wants us all to buy her book. Noticed they didn't seem to sell many this morning or on advanced
orders. But she looks good and fair play to her. Felt sad for her when she said she couldn't work and drive home
after it, it was too much for her, but her lovely man Chris drove her home.She's very lucky to have her family round
her, and she's very strong and positive, which is brill :star:

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