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I always thought there was a good one off drama about a character like his. When there was quality one off dramas on television forty years plus ago. Maybe there has even been one? Essentially, about a former mainstream, somewhat small fry TV host, now selling pillows, women’s tights (as opposed to men’s), and ovens on a shopping television channel watched by thousands rather than millions. Lost in the good old days of decades gone by when he was on the front covers of Picture Post and The Radio Times. Now relying on seaside postcard humour that he still thinks will get the old ladies watching chortling away. Looking tired and old and wishing he didn’t. YOU MUST INSURE THIS GUSSET PROTECTOR…PUT IT ON YOUR HOUSEHOLD INSURANCE POLICY.
Not having seen him for a few weeks. He looks tired and he looks ill. I think somebody else mentioned they thought similar earlier on. You actually, in a sense, feel sorry for him having to put himself through such an indignity as this. But probably a fairly well paid one. He also seems to have forgotten what time of year it is. It appears that he thinks it's Christmas Eve and time to put plastic tat to melt around the hearth.
Not having seen him for a few weeks. He looks tired and he looks ill. I think somebody else mentioned they thought similar earlier on. You actually, in a sense, feel sorry for him having to put himself through such an indignity as this. But probably a fairly well paid one. He also seems to have forgotten what time of year it is. It appears that he thinks it's Christmas Eve and time to put plastic tat to melt around the hearth.
It was me who said he looks ill, have a feeling it’s more to do with the cameras
It was me who said he looks ill, have a feeling it’s more to do with the cameras
I agree. He's making them ill.

Love the 1970s' Southern Television type silent intermissions as somebody else said. Have they run out of voice overs to put on instead? Now talking about Alan Balli..

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