Logic says it will be their downfall but the facts seem to show otherwise and they are getting away with it 23 years later, with people still rushing in to buy and profits going up. They undoubtedly have some very good bargains which blind many to the faults. I am quite principled and pretty careful about what I buy and even I don't see myself stopping my Q purchasing altogether. I have cut right down though since October and I'm very proud of myself! Also hearing stories like boffy's make me stronger.
Totally agree - no matter how antiquated their business model and how many people they p off, they will always make money. I used to work for a certain High Street bank which was without a doubt the worst place I ever worked - constant change and churn, vast sums wasted on vanity projects that never came to fruition (including hiring ridiculously expensive contractors/friends) all the while peeing off staff and customers...but still they make money.
It's that whole 'too big to fail' concept and as long as that applies, why should they change anything.