My first day back at work went ok, but largely because I was able to start an hour earlier therefore I had enough time to have a coffee and have something to eat before I left. I had a bowl of rice pudding with a dollop of jam, and that kept my stomach satisfied for quite a while. I had a cup of tea in my break and drunk some of my vanilla meal shake, and then at lunch time I drank some more of it and that kept me going until I finished my shift at 2pm. My colleagues told me they looked great etc. My speech was a little laboured but I could communicate with colleagues and customers without any problems. The manager who did my return to work interview asked me whether I wanted any management support and a meeting with the occupational health rep, of course I said yes. Day off today, back tomorrow for one shift (another short one) then I've got a week's holiday before I go back to full hours, but hopefully I'll hear from occupational health in some shape or form before so something can be worked out. I guess I'll not be able to see how a full day goes without trying it, but at the moment I cannot envisage being able to rush to get to work for 7am and to be able to sustain my hunger during a longer shift. I've even toyed with the idea of doing perhaps split shifts for a while lets say four hours in the morning then another 4 hour shift later, but it would be a proper pain in the backside. I do live in walking distance from work, however, it's not really near enough to make it viable, there's not a direct bus service too and from either and I don't really expect OH to keep having to come and collect me and drop me off etc as parking spaces are like gold dust around here and he suffers badly with joint pain. Anyway there's a long way to go and hopefully work will understand the logistics and try and help.