DF putting her foot down


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I haven't read any reviews of her books on Amazon nor her responses. It is naive to imagine that she - and only she - can take issue with people. On another website I am a member of, another member wrote a book and someone who hated this member posted a nasty review about the book on Amazon but Amazon removed it. Had the review been objective criticism instead of a personal attack it would probably have remained. Who is to say that Debbie Flint's critical reviewer wasn't someone just out to make mischief? So to the question 'Who is Debbie Flint to demand anything?' She is the owner of a Facebook group and that group has rules and she has asked that those rules be observed. If it was any other presenter I do not think people would feel the same way. I do not defend rudeness or whatever else she is supposed to have done at all. I am talking purely about her Back To You Facebook group which is her group and she can run it however she likes and if you read her 'rules' they are perfectly fair. If any of us ran a group would we be happy to have all and sundry posting personal attacks and other nasty stuff? I don't think we would. I think people's hatred of the woman is preventing them from commenting on the topic of this thread logically.
Hate is too strong a word to use, in my opinion, because I don't know DF as a person in real life. I do, however, dislike her presenting style and that's why I no longer watch any shows that she is presenting. It started with her unnatural attachment to her iPad, which she seemed incapable of putting down. It continued with her non-stop mentioning of "tweet me." If and when I watch a show, it is to find out about the products and to watch demonstrations. Tweeting about how lovely a presenter looks or other irrelevant things began to grate on me and so, as some of you know, I emailed the CEO with my concerns. His office rang me within two hours and after a lengthy chat they said that the appropriate use of the iPads would be addressed in a future meeting. Since then, many of the iPads are not being clutched by the presenter all the time and are, as far as I can see, less obvious.

However, although DF does occasionally put her iPad down during a show, she still interrupts the guests by asking (begging) viewers to tweet her. Twitter is a social networking 'tool' (I'm not on twitter or Facebook) whereas QVC is a shopping channel and if they think that the only way that they can up their sales is to allow her to beg viewers to tweet, then they are disillusioned.

Maybe DF feels the need to be 'followed' by fawning viewers, but just because the world and his wife are clicking 'likes' and posting comments it doesn't mean that you're popular. Personally, I'd rather rely on real friends who don't have the need to be 'liked' by all and sundry on the online world.

And as for how I feel about the BCC issue, I'll keep that to myself rather than posting something that has to be removed.
I haven't read any reviews of her books on Amazon nor her responses. It is naive to imagine that she - and only she - can take issue with people. On another website I am a member of, another member wrote a book and someone who hated this member posted a nasty review about the book on Amazon but Amazon removed it. Had the review been objective criticism instead of a personal attack it would probably have remained. Who is to say that Debbie Flint's critical reviewer wasn't someone just out to make mischief? So to the question 'Who is Debbie Flint to demand anything?' She is the owner of a Facebook group and that group has rules and she has asked that those rules be observed. If it was any other presenter I do not think people would feel the same way. I do not defend rudeness or whatever else she is supposed to have done at all. I am talking purely about her Back To You Facebook group which is her group and she can run it however she likes and if you read her 'rules' they are perfectly fair. If any of us ran a group would we be happy to have all and sundry posting personal attacks and other nasty stuff? I don't think we would. I think people's hatred of the woman is preventing them from commenting on the topic of this thread logically.

Like I say, who is she to "demand"? because what one person sees as rude, obviously by the person being criticised, someone else might not. What is hilarious to me is how a massive hypocrite she is, because how she can demand people not to be "rude" then go on to be rude herself. No. It's all a big joke to me, she wants people to Tweet her, no doubt hoping her social media fan base will be increase. I don't know who you are Miss Ellie, although I can hazard a guess and don't mean JRs mum in Dallas, but your loyalty to DF is commendable, just remember though, in groups you have to be careful not to speak your mind and be on your guard at all times so you don't post anything negative, I've read on here people who she banished when the person actually said something nice........figure that one out.
In my experience fora need parameters otherwise it can become a free for all, with nasty posts which brings a forum down. The gist of the thread is that Ms Flint was putting her foot down but the rules of her group are clear and she has reiterated those rules for everybody's information. What is wrong with that? It seems it is simply because it is her that said it. It's not about sugar coating, because the post I referred to in which a customer says that an Antthony top arrived creased is still there. There is also a post there from someone who is sending Liz Earle stuff back because she has said her face is red. It's clear that some people hate Ms Flint and that shapes their comments but her group has rules and that's is fair enough isn't it? Debbie Flint doesn't bother me and neither does her group but what does bother me is this world is full of nastiness without adding to it because it's just a shopping channel and an inconsequential Facebook group which anyone can take or leave.

Oh yes, the world is full of nastiness. Many people add to it, probably me too, but that's allowed and perhaps we all just need to get a life and get on with it without whining about shopping channel forums and facebook and Tesco's and spinach and whatever else is inconsequential.

I do find it funny that the person defending her doesnt seem to no anything about the BCC auction or the way DF treats customers when they write a bad review about her books, Perhaps Miss Ellie once you have read about both of these cases your opinion wont be so high of DF, if it is then well ... :mysmilie_11:
Fair enough Toril. However, there are a lot of lonely people out there, and anyone can set up a group, but whether or not it is 'sad' to do that or feel that members of that group are real 'friends' is a matter of opinion but it's clear social media is, for a lot of people, a way of connecting with a lot of other like-minded people. Yesterday (Friday evening), Julia was presenting a show and she also invited viewers to Tweet, and/or phone in. All the presenters do it but Debbie is the one who is castigated for it. I just think if you don't like someone you will find everything about them annoying including them doing things that other people do. I cannot comment on the BCC incident but perhaps there was a warning as to future conduct. We don't know. QVC are certainly not going to tell us what they did about the matter.
No I don't agree with "all and sundry" posting anything they like especially if it is hateful but I'm talking about allowing negative and positive comments about the shows and QVC in general, which is more interesting than one point of view to most people.Onthis site there are moderators who step in if needed but I don't see that happening very often and they seem to be on the ball.
Also the term all and sundry in itself suggests certain people should be discouraged, maybe the ones who are critical ?why not just say up front no critical comments allowed.
I do find it funny that the person defending her doesnt seem to no anything about the BCC auction or the way DF treats customers when they write a bad review about her books, Perhaps Miss Ellie once you have read about both of these cases your opinion wont be so high of DF, if it is then well ... :mysmilie_11:

I do worry that people only read what they want whilst conveniently glossing over the rest. I have always trod my own path and do not follow the herd. I do not care about Debbie Flint one way or the other and do not have either a high or low opinion of her. I am not interested in her and do not defend her per se but I defend her right to run her Facebook group as she sees fit. I do not know what is so hard about that that people do not understand. I am not going to argue about her personality, her make up, her hair, her presenting style, her books or anything else that anyone disliked. I simply defend her right to run her group as she sees fit.
No I don't agree with "all and sundry" posting anything they like especially if it is hateful but I'm talking about allowing negative and positive comments about the shows and QVC in general, which is more interesting than one point of view to most people.Onthis site there are moderators who step in if needed but I don't see that happening very often and they seem to be on the ball.
Also the term all and sundry in itself suggests certain people should be discouraged, maybe the ones who are critical ?why not just say up front no critical comments allowed.

Have you read her 'rules'? Yesterday I read two comments which were uncomplimentary about an Antthony garment and Liz Earle skincare. It is a matter of degrees then what is allowed and what is removed. However, it is a fact that when you run a group you can remove any comments you feel are not in keeping with the ethos of the group as well as deleting personal attacks and resultant replies, and anything that is critical of any presenting personnel or guests. I do not know why people fail to see what is plainly there.
Have you read her 'rules'? Yesterday I read two comments which were uncomplimentary about an Antthony garment and Liz Earle skincare. It is a matter of degrees then what is allowed and what is removed. However, it is a fact that when you run a group you can remove any comments you feel are not in keeping with the ethos of the group as well as deleting personal attacks and resultant replies, and anything that is critical of any presenting personnel or guests. I do not know why people fail to see what is plainly there.[/QUOTE

Are you really saying how good it was of DF to not delete a post that said Anthony's clothing was creased,honestly I despair.
I don't understand this big discussion about DF as it is obvious most posters don't like her so my question is why watch her? We all have a right to an opinion and this forum is a place where you can air them but beware if a member disagrees with your comments you may get a personal message as I did recently in fact I got two off the same person so I ticked the ignore box, end of..
I don't understand this big discussion about DF as it is obvious most posters don't like her so my question is why watch her? We all have a right to an opinion and this forum is a place where you can air them but beware if a member disagrees with your comments you may get a personal message as I did recently in fact I got two off the same person so I ticked the ignore box, end of..

Ooh come on Betty, spill the beans! Who was it? What did they say?!
I don't understand this big discussion about DF as it is obvious most posters don't like her so my question is why watch her? We all have a right to an opinion and this forum is a place where you can air them but beware if a member disagrees with your comments you may get a personal message as I did recently in fact I got two off the same person so I ticked the ignore box, end of..

Oh your lucky you got a personal msg, I normally just get slagged off on Fb by them lol
Have you read her 'rules'? Yesterday I read two comments which were uncomplimentary about an Antthony garment and Liz Earle skincare. It is a matter of degrees then what is allowed and what is removed. However, it is a fact that when you run a group you can remove any comments you feel are not in keeping with the ethos of the group as well as deleting personal attacks and resultant replies, and anything that is critical of any presenting personnel or guests. I do not know why people fail to see what is plainly there.

When you run a group, especially a one sided one like DFs and when you treat people in a disrespectful way like DF does and when you enter an charity auction for your friend to make sure she wins even though you know it's against the rules and immoral, be prepared for people to comment. I don't know why people fail to see what is plainly there. Oh, and for the record, I take it you don't know the personal attacks she aimed at others? No? Ok then.
Shopaholic said "I don't know who you are Miss Ellie, although I can hazard a guess". ???? Have a care what you say Shopaholic because you do not know me at all, so whatever it is you are assuming, you are wrong because I am not known to anyone on this group, I do not know anyone on here, nor do I know anyone on the Facebook group or anyone connected to QVC. As someone posted earlier on, some people need to get a life and stop wasting their time despising a virtual stranger off the telly. And the first rule of internet posting is attack the post - not the poster.
It's a tad ironic that a thread criticising DF for objecting to negative postings has turned so nasty with personal attacks on posters who don't agree with the pack... surely all views should be welcome as long as they are not abusive?
Shopaholic said "I don't know who you are Miss Ellie, although I can hazard a guess". ???? Have a care what you say Shopaholic because you do not know me at all, so whatever it is you are assuming, you are wrong because I am not known to anyone on this group, I do not know anyone on here, nor do I know anyone on the Facebook group or anyone connected to QVC. As someone posted earlier on, some people need to get a life and stop wasting their time despising a virtual stranger off the telly. And the first rule of internet posting is attack the post - not the poster.

I meant "know who you are" figuratively speaking, see how people read in to comments what they want to read a la Debbie Flint? People aren't wasting time despising a virtual stranger, they are despising someone who is rude, arrogant and immoral, you don't need to know someone personally to despise their actions.
When you run a group, especially a one sided one like DFs and when you treat people in a disrespectful way like DF does and when you enter an charity auction for your friend to make sure she wins even though you know it's against the rules and immoral, be prepared for people to comment. I don't know why people fail to see what is plainly there. Oh, and for the record, I take it you don't know the personal attacks she aimed at others? No? Ok then.

Shopaholic, this thread is about Debbie Flint putting her foot down on her Facebook group about what is acceptable and what isn't and and my view and comments relate only to that. I am not going to be drawn into any of the other stuff. If I had the power I would remove your post about you not knowing 'who I am but being able to hazard a guess'. You are letting your emotions run away with you because your comment was personal and totally way off the mark. Shoot first and ask questions later springs to mind .......
I haven't read any abusive posts some people are too sensitive.

There aren't any, think they forget that others can see that too, and I fully agree that some people are just too sensitive and take things personal on behalf of others, others who couldn't care less about them.
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