DF putting her foot down


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Shopaholic said "I don't know who you are Miss Ellie, although I can hazard a guess". ???? Have a care what you say Shopaholic because you do not know me at all, so whatever it is you are assuming, you are wrong because I am not known to anyone on this group, I do not know anyone on here, nor do I know anyone on the Facebook group or anyone connected to QVC. As someone posted earlier on, some people need to get a life and stop wasting their time despising a virtual stranger off the telly. And the first rule of internet posting is attack the post - not the poster.

Alrite Debs! If ya say so, mate! ;)
Shopaholic, this thread is about Debbie Flint putting her foot down on her Facebook group about what is acceptable and what isn't and and my view and comments relate only to that. I am not going to be drawn into any of the other stuff. If I had the power I would remove your post about you not knowing 'who I am but being able to hazard a guess'. You are letting your emotions run away with you because your comment was personal and totally way off the mark. Shoot first and ask questions later springs to mind .......

Oh dear, have I gave the impression I'm emotional? See, again, just shows you can't know what a person means or feels by a simple comment. No I'm not in the least bit emotional, far from it :mysmilie_14: actually, I'm only leaving my opinions, not heart felt emotional ones, just opinions so sorry if you think they should be removed. I don't think I've said anything derogatory or abusive, just the facts as I see them. Sorry if you have read in to it otherwise :happy:
Poor old Debs! She does elicit strong reactions. Perhaps she should feature in the new Marmite ad campaign that's plucking zzzzz-list "celebs" (such as Dean Gaffney) from obscurity and thrusting them back into the limelight? Part of being in the media is to develop a thick skin and deal with the inevitable hostile and judgemental comments that often have little justification. Recently somebody at work asked me what I though of Nicki Minaj. I replied: "I think she is a talentless little scrubber!" That seemed to shock everyone. I was kind of shocked myself at the intensity of my own feelings. Anthea Turner is another one I don't like. Her 90s flicky hair, lack of sincerity, just everything about her p*sses me right off!
The thing with shopping telly is that while it is highly controlled and mediated, it is almost totally unscripted and the presenters are talking directly to viewers in their own homes, making it quite a personal medium. We feel we get to know them when in fact we probably don't. You don't honestly think Claire Sutton plays the blonde bimbette 24/7, do you? Of course she doesn't. She has a formula that works well on the telly. Why would she change it? It would be like changing the recipe for Heinz tomato soup.

Love her or hate her, Flint has been on our screens for years, therefore we (rightly or wrongly) feel we know her better than perhaps some other people. Human beings are judgemental by nature. It's part of our instinct for survival. Snap decisions. Quick! I like this person. I don't like that person. We decide in a matter of seconds. Debbie's problem is that she doesn't know how to maintain a professional distance. All her twittering and facebooking probably takes her closer to the comments than she ought to be. She confuses the virtual world with the real one, as many do, and she bites back, because the comments hurt. You'd have thought after all these years she'd be more at ease with herself but she is working in a fickle medium.

I must myself learn to develop a thick skin for I will soon be more and more in the media. Sorry to all those peeps who hate my guts! I don't deny you're entitled to your opinions and I suppose I am fair target, as, I suppose, is Debs. I don't do the whole Facebeook and Twitter thing. I couldn't care less for it! Nobody likes everybody and some people are more divisive than others.

Personally I love reading people's bitchy comments about celebs! Makes me laugh!
Miss Ellie, there's something about your style of writing that intrigues me - it's written very tightly and very accurately. Like writing is your trade. Are you "Ms. Flint's" publicist, or have a connexion with her?
I don't like anthea turnoff either ....not many celebs I feel like that ....or johnathan Ross ...I have to record hi shows and fast forward to the guests that I wish to see....can't sit though him at all ....tess daily ...Katherine Jenkins ...vernan Kay ....most celebs are in their own little worlds to be fair but these I can't warm to ...Nicole ..doodad...xfsctor and Cheryl ...Cole ....oh no sorry sorry Fernandez whatsathingy lol.....
Well Julius I certainly do no hate you,I find your posts amusing.

Aw thanks Lynn. Keep an eye out in the red-tops, AND DON'T WORRY QVC PR TEAM! My next piece that's coming out has nothing to do with showbiz! BUT WATCH OUT THOUGH! I'll give you a DAMN good run for your money!
Miss Ellie, there's something about your style of writing that intrigues me - it's written very tightly and very accurately. Like writing is your trade. Are you "Ms. Flint's" publicist, or have a connexion with her?

"Tightly and accurately," - it's not Flint then! Not if her "Fruit Stall" novel is anything to go by! ;)
I don't understand this big discussion about DF as it is obvious most posters don't like her so my question is why watch her? We all have a right to an opinion and this forum is a place where you can air them but beware if a member disagrees with your comments you may get a personal message as I did recently in fact I got two off the same person so I ticked the ignore box, end of..

Yes, I think you're talking about me, aren't you. And it's not quite as you're describing here, is it. In fact, I responded to one of your posts because I didn't quite agree with your sentiments, and you launched a personal attack on me with no provocation. Your post was subsequently removed by Sazza, the reason being 'personal attacks'. What you forgot to mention was that I told you that I didn't know exactly why you were so regularly rude and aggressive towards me but if you didn't like my posts so much why didn't you click the 'ignore' button. In fact, it is you who refuses to accept any disagreement with your comments, instead attacking the person who disagrees with you. Your post: 'We all have a right to an opinion" is laughable given this fact.
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Blimey. There's no such thing as bad publicity. So this thread, with all the hits it has probably had, only puts DF more "out there". If you like her, or respect her rules...fine. If you can't stand her then best stop fuelling the attention threads like this give her.

And I like reading your posts too Julius.
The thing with shopping telly is that while it is highly controlled and mediated, it is almost totally unscripted and the presenters are talking directly to viewers in their own homes, making it quite a personal medium. We feel we get to know them when in fact we probably don't. You don't honestly think Claire Sutton plays the blonde bimbette 24/7, do you? Of course she doesn't. She has a formula that works well on the telly. Why would she change it? It would be like changing the recipe for Heinz tomato soup.

You're spot on with this, Julius. And I don't hate you either, I find your posts well-written and entertaining. I think you've got a decent fanbase here, unlike DelBoy!
Miss Ellie, there's something about your style of writing that intrigues me - it's written very tightly and very accurately. Like writing is your trade. Are you "Ms. Flint's" publicist, or have a connexion with her?

I will assume that this question is a serious one. 'Tightly and very accurately'. Too many people don't stick to the point and go off at a tangent. Writing is not my trade. I am not Ms Flint's publicist nor do I have any connection with her.
No need to say Sorry as if it were your fault, Shopperholic. By all means say something pleasant so that an atmosphere of peaceful co-operation exists between us all on this forum. But Miss Ellie, in my opinion, was using rather bullying language in saying the she wished she had the power to remove your post.
I will assume that this question is a serious one. 'Tightly and very accurately'. Too many people don't stick to the point and go off at a tangent. Writing is not my trade. I am not Ms Flint's publicist nor do I have any connection with her.

It was a serious question. And thank you for answering it so directly: you didn't have to. I disagree vehemently with your sentiments regarding Debbie Flint, but you express them beautifully. I think the problem here is that you're being very 'letter of the law' and the rest of us are being a bit 'spirit of the law'. If I've read it correctly, you take objection to the idea that DF can't decide what can and cannot be posted about her and Q products in her own forum. As it's 'her' group, then 'she' can run it as she sees fit. It's difficult to disagree with you here. What I think the rest of us disagree with is not so much her entitlement to do this, but how that decision feeds in to a wider dislike of her as autocratic, megalomanic and self-serving: it's just more evidence. I would recommend you acquaint yourself with the Breast Cancer Care auction - she didn't exactly cover herself in glory here. She is also, I think, fair game for criticism over and above that of a mere mortal such as we because (a) she puts herself on television in, as Julius puts it, 'our sitting rooms' and (b) she actively solicits our opinions through her constant entreatments to tweet her. I would also mention in response to 'too many people don't stick to the point and go off at a tangent' that this is supposed to be a light-hearted forum and not some academic exercise, so som degree of tangentiality should, surely be allowed?

I for one hope you continue posting: even though I don't agree with you on this issue I enjoy reading all posts have something useful to say.
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Fair enough Toril. However, there are a lot of lonely people out there, and anyone can set up a group, but whether or not it is 'sad' to do that or feel that members of that group are real 'friends' is a matter of opinion but it's clear social media is, for a lot of people, a way of connecting with a lot of other like-minded people. Yesterday (Friday evening), Julia was presenting a show and she also invited viewers to Tweet, and/or phone in. All the presenters do it but Debbie is the one who is castigated for it. I just think if you don't like someone you will find everything about them annoying including them doing things that other people do. I cannot comment on the BCC incident but perhaps there was a warning as to future conduct. We don't know. QVC are certainly not going to tell us what they did about the matter.

I understand that social media is a way for people to connect and thousands of people are on Twitter and Facebook. I was not commenting on those who do reply on DF's Twitter page, but was simply pointing out that, for me, it seems as though it is she who needs the contact from others. Maybe to demonstrate popularity?

She is perfectly free to 'manage' her own Twitter/Facebook as she sees fit but, unless I've misunderstood the other posters, it would appear that posts are deleted randomly if they don't "fit.". In a way it's a little like the reviews on QVC ............ they're supposedly impartial and yet some of us have had reviews refused that do follow the guidelines and which aren't derogatory.
I think we have the right to voice our opinions about DF because we are paying her wages. As for the suggestion that we don't have to watch her, yes we do if she is demonstrating a product which we are thinking of buying. What annoys a lot of forum members is that we would like DF to behave in a more professional way, telling us the interesting points about the product in question, its use and fitness for various purposes, its choice of colours, price, easy pay options etc. What we find infuriating is that she uses us as a captive audience for her self-publicity, instead of doing the job she was presumably hired for, to present the product for us to examine through our screens.
No need to say Sorry as if it were your fault, Shopperholic. By all means say something pleasant so that an atmosphere of peaceful co-operation exists between us all on this forum. But Miss Ellie, in my opinion, was using rather bullying language in saying the she wished she had the power to remove your post.

The inference was that Shopaholic did not know who I was but could hazard a guess. I took the statement the only way I could and found it offensive. Having a different view in no way justifies assumptions about me. I notice that recent posts are acknowledging that Ms Flint can do what she likes with her group - my point exactly.
No need to say Sorry as if it were your fault, Shopperholic. By all means say something pleasant so that an atmosphere of peaceful co-operation exists between us all on this forum. But Miss Ellie, in my opinion, was using rather bullying language in saying the she wished she had the power to remove your post.

Aw thanks Lover, I do agree with you, it seems Miss Ellie thinks it's her way or no way as she spits her dummy out the pram. I'd never demand someone's comment was removed simply because I didn't agree with it, thank you :mysmilie_508:
The inference was that Shopaholic did not know who I was but could hazard a guess. I took the statement the only way I could and found it offensive. Having a different view in no way justifies assumptions about me. I notice that recent posts are acknowledging that Ms Flint can do what she likes with her group - my point exactly.

And I infered right back at you saying you took my point wrong...........again.
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