the email


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Apr 27, 2009
I have yet to send 'the email', but thought some of you could glance it over, and if you feel other issues could be raised, or explained better, then feel free.

Dear Mr Muller,

Please forgive this direct email from a once long timer customer of qvc uk, but sadly it is necessary to let you know how your customers view the output of your operation in the UK.

Complaints directly made to the CEO in the UK have largely fallen on deaf ears, so maybe you could wield more influence to bring about much needed change.

QVC in the UK brought an innovative way for us to shop, - direct from our tv sets, a new concept, where before we had mail order or the High Street (Main Street). Just a few years ago it was given the accolade of the largest retail jewellery in the UK, and not so long ago was lauded as the 3rd best shopping company in the country. Sadly QVC is now only 1 star rated on Trust Pilot, so, not good.

Clearly market forces have changed, but customers, many of whom have shopped for decades with the company, have been loudly complaining about.........

1) The cost of P & P and how the amounts are arrived at. Charges are higher for receiving the items than the cost of returning them First Class, and parcels containing glass jars can be less expensive than a lightweight fashion top.

2) Colours - particularly in fashion are clearly listed by someone who is colour blind. An item that is grey, we are told 'but please order the green', or antique rose is clearly an orange coral. A drastic overhaul is needed in this area.

3) New vendors are needed. There has been a gradual decline in the variety of goods offered in the past few years. In the past we were almost spoilt for choice with the different array of products to buy, but now the same items are almost on a repeat loop. Clearly the age of crafting is not what it was, so crafting shows are non-existent, the same with the good jewellery shows and I do not mean Diamonique, Lola Rose, Butler & Wilson or any of the other costume jewellery on offer. We see on the website of QVC US so many different products, so is it not possible to give us more variety too ?

4) Fashion. This is a department that is difficult to quantify, - who are your target market for this ? The youth market is not interested and wouldn't admit to watching QVC anyway, and its clear from the abundance of American Designers, ie Nina Leonard, Anttony, Attitudes by Renee et al that their designs are more suited to the ladies of the Mid West in America, with the stretchy fabric prints that even our slender models struggle to look good in. Hence the amount of stock that is sent to the clearance shops, either as unsold or returns.

5) Beauty. Clearly a huge profit earner for QVC, but can be a huge turn off for viewers who are 'beauty weary' of seeing the same brands again and again.

6) Presenters. Its human nature to love or dislike people on the tv, and its par for the course to be shot at. Presenters can come in for a lot of criticism, and the main problems appear to be with idle chit chat of their own private lives, a lack of information be it sizing or colour, a lack of pride in personal appearance, and obsession with the use of social media. All aspects which can be corrected.

There is a Forum website where airing of views by customers give honest accounts, both critical and praising of QVC. I have listed some of the comments below......

"Some, well a fair number of presenters, are far too cosy in their jobs. They need a kick up the backside as they do not do what they are supposed to do. They are scruffy, unkempt, ipad mad, talk about their own businesses, self promote, preen, primp at the monitors, talk about themselves, etc. The items they sell seem to take second place. I just want the information I need on an item. I want to see it close up, hear the measurements quickly, see the different colours, hear how to use an item."

I" saw C..... on the other day with a guest selling a tooth cleaner. She just would not stop talking over the guest, and smirking at the camera. I was interested in the item, and got so annoyed as I wanted to hear about the item.

She looked scruffy, and I swear the guest looked her up and down, as if to say 'what a scruffy mess you look'.

Yesterday J K kept asking C how old she was. C did not want to say, but K kept going on and in the end C, off camera, told her. Then K said, oh, you are 7 or 8 years younger than me. So if you know how old K is you would be able to work out how old C was. I just thought how rude, if C did not want to say how old she was then that is her choice. Of course, whilst all this was going on the item they were trying to sell was forgotten all about. What a way to run a company. "

".........having men with no interest in fashion presenting it (particularly underwear where they look like rabbits trapped in headlights - more cringeworthy viewing), and females who are clearly clueless and disinterested in DIY etc., then start with their false wows and screeching over guests who actually have something important to add to the product? "

"Who's going to take a hit on credit score to buy a ** overpriced hairdryer? This Easy Pay extension smacks of desperation. Clearly QVC are not selling enough units. For all Abby Horne's pouting, shouting and touting it's just not enough! I've half a mind to buy one just so I can return it to them under the 30d MBG! "

"I'd have a credit check to buy a house or a car - but a HAIRDRYER?! Absolutely bloody well NOT!
I bet people will be upset when it impacts their credit ratings! "

Its clear from viewers/customers comments that the days of our high spending with QVC are now over, and yes, internet shopping has a lot to do with it, but surely even a minor overhaul at your UK operations can do no harm.

With best regards
Concise brissles, I hope he takes note but I fear before long there’ll be pop-ups for DF’s B&B and self published novels if not whole yawning hours devoted. Who can remember that cringing JR “interview” like it was This Morning for her first novel? As for that hairdryer on 6EP, well, still shed loads springs to mind. You’d think by now those that want it, or want to try it, have. Dyson jumping ship to where, Singapore?, will really help sales. Funny 6EP came after that announcement. Q’s finger is so far off the pulse they can’t find the wrist. Their frenetic presentations leave the guest/ambassador redundant and looking awkward. Bored looking models are another problem.
Really excellent. What about adding
Presenters encouraging you to buy as you can send it back but getting "the letter" if they think you have sent too many back.

The amount of time it takes to receive goods and the length of time it takes to refund if anything is returned. Competitors can send goods for free and quicker.
Excellent but I will say one thing with reference to the P&P part. QVC US customers on their forum have complained for years about the high P&P and nothing has ever happened. So think that one will be ignored for sure.

I remember they started a scheme in the US of prepaid return label enclosed with an order, great but they deduced the cost of $6 from your refund. They people found out to return themselves it cost $2-4! That scheme quietly died away.
Really excellent. What about adding
Presenters encouraging you to buy as you can send it back but getting "the letter" if they think you have sent too many back.

The amount of time it takes to receive goods and the length of time it takes to refund if anything is returned. Competitors can send goods for free and quicker.

Ok, good point. Receiving goods and refunds is an issue, and I'll include that.
I also have issues with the blogs. I suppose they are intended to make us warm to the presenters. For me, they have the opposite effect and find that they have made them rather difficult to like. Fed up of DF boasting about her achievements, how proud she is of herself, her books,her retreat.......Also very fed up with JR and her constant showing off. She really needs to get over herself. I don’t care that she is a wonderful cook, writes books, mows her lawn and does Pilates in her garden studio. I don’t care about her kitchen, the colour of her walls or the fact that she once danced on a cruise ship or that she has dress making skills. Presenters using QVC to promote themselves and their businesses should stop now.

Thanks bristles for taking the time to communicate the views of so many.
Don't think this has been covered, but excessive amounts of packaging for small items and also if one item in a set is broken, you usually have to send the whole thing back, vs a replacement being sent out - tons more admin and bureaucracy that alienates customers who are then out of pocket through no fault of their own.
Good for you Brissles I hope you get a reply and they take notice of the points you have made.It is the P&P charges which is the main reason my shopping with QVC is minimal.It has to be a good value TSV which I really want,try & return, or factor in the costs & I compare with other suppliers.I have just caught a clip of Chuntley going on about the voucher.It is so pathetic I haven’t bothered to look at the details.Spend £350 in a short time scale, get a voucher for £35 which has a minimum spend in another short time.What?
Good for you Brissles I hope you get a reply and they take notice of the points you have made.It is the P&P charges which is the main reason my shopping with QVC is minimal.It has to be a good value TSV which I really want,try & return, or factor in the costs & I compare with other suppliers.I have just caught a clip of Chuntley going on about the voucher.It is so pathetic I haven’t bothered to look at the details.Spend £350 in a short time scale, get a voucher for £35 which has a minimum spend in another short time.What?

Yes P&P charges big turn off for me but the main reason I dont watch any more is the presenters. As has been said on here many times Asda,Tesco etc don't go on about families,weddings,what books they have written etc when you are checking out your shopping.
Really excellent. What about adding
Presenters encouraging you to buy as you can send it back but getting "the letter" if they think you have sent too many back.

The amount of time it takes to receive goods and the length of time it takes to refund if anything is returned. Competitors can send goods for free and quicker.

Bristles, this is the first I have gone over the email. It is precise, and articulate as well as being in my opinion,honest as to how we in the UK side of this operation is concerned, and I totally agree with you.

It will be interesting to see what if any reply you get from the land which is corporate east coast. They are very popularity driven, and like to say how much they value their consumers, and will go to great lengths to keep customers happy, and above all, loyal.

I lived and worked in a very good job in the USA, Dallas precisely. You and others will have noticed that I occasionally make references to the American woman, to be honest the average American housewife, sorry to say. But, they can never be compared to the UK woman.

My feeling is that if they think QVC presentations of goods and apparel work there it is bound to work here for us grateful Brit women (I need the sick bucket now).

Good luck, I hope you get somewhere, the only thing missing from your email, was the casual “some of the presenters act like Divas”, sorry couldn’t resist:mysmilie_8:
I have friends in America and a few years ago one visited me with her husband and her then 15 year old daughter. They live in a small town with few stores and a 2 hour drive from the nearest mall. They rely heavily on online and catalogue shopping which is still popular in America by all accounts.
I asked their daughter what she liked most about the UK and without hesitation her answer was the clothes and that there were so many shops within easy distance and so much choice. They`d visited several places over a 3 week period before arriving at mine
I know QVC UK have a number of customers who for whatever reason are unable to visit bricks and mortar shops or aren`t computer savvy enough to shop online but sometimes I think QVC presumes we just have to accept what they give us and be happy with it because they think our options are limited elsewhere.
How can any of us not agree with all your excellent comments, Brissles? Although the fashion complaints probably won't hit home because the women in America don't have our High Street choices and much of the dire offerings can be seen on Judge Judy & reality shows etc.

It might be worth mentioning that many of us admire (sucking-up) how QVC US present their shows calmly, the presenters look polished and are relaxed and polite in marked contrast to QVC UK. It would also (sucking-up even more) reflect in our spending!! Think about that Mr Big-in-charge.
Sorry if I missed it as I read it quickly whilst half asleep - receiving returned used goods and from FB it appears that a lot of brand new non returns are arriving in a very poor state (CH bedspreads with the stuffing out etc). All down to the quality control department either having been disbanded or them sitting on their arses scratching themselves all day.
Lots of good points from everyone. I fear that the email will just be dumped unless it can also be 'got out there' on other platforms. I'm not at all tecchy but I think there must be ways to force a public response.
Just in response to polished US presenters. There is nowhere in the USA where you could work facing the public and not turn up polished, properly dressed, tidy and with immaculate hair and makeup!

All about public image and perceptions.

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