DF putting her foot down


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In my experience fora need parameters otherwise it can become a free for all, with nasty posts which brings a forum down. The gist of the thread is that Ms Flint was putting her foot down but the rules of her group are clear and she has reiterated those rules for everybody's information. What is wrong with that? It seems it is simply because it is her that said it. It's not about sugar coating, because the post I referred to in which a customer says that an Antthony top arrived creased is still there. There is also a post there from someone who is sending Liz Earle stuff back because she has said her face is red. It's clear that some people hate Ms Flint and that shapes their comments but her group has rules and that's is fair enough isn't it? Debbie Flint doesn't bother me and neither does her group but what does bother me is this world is full of nastiness without adding to it because it's just a shopping channel and an inconsequential Facebook group which anyone can take or leave.

So Miss Ellie, can I ask politely of course. What is your opinion of the BCC auction and breaking the rules? This is actually the cause of much of the dislike and distaste of DF, dirty deeds done dirt cheap as AC/DC once sang. You work for a company for years and yet decide to break the rules by bidding in a charity auction. People have been sacked for less, yet the whole thing is neatly dusted away by QVC.
Donna, not only neatly dusted away but in fact since that incident she seems to have had her final morph into employee of the century, she appears to be able to do no wrong.

Flint is canny enough to allow the odd mildly critical comment which will be trotted out every time anyone dares to say she won't allow criticism. Creased garment, get real.
In my experience fora need parameters otherwise it can become a free for all, with nasty posts which brings a forum down. The gist of the thread is that Ms Flint was putting her foot down but the rules of her group are clear and she has reiterated those rules for everybody's information. What is wrong with that? It seems it is simply because it is her that said it. It's not about sugar coating, because the post I referred to in which a customer says that an Antthony top arrived creased is still there. There is also a post there from someone who is sending Liz Earle stuff back because she has said her face is red. It's clear that some people hate Ms Flint and that shapes their comments but her group has rules and that's is fair enough isn't it? Debbie Flint doesn't bother me and neither does her group but what does bother me is this world is full of nastiness without adding to it because it's just a shopping channel and an inconsequential Facebook group which anyone can take or leave.

You're right that DelBoy has a right to run a Facebook group as she sees fit, and that people are free to join or leave as they see fit. I take issue with the suggestion that the world is 'full of nastiness' and these comments are adding to the nastiness. DelBoy deserves all that she gets. And then a bit more. I'm sorry it's not all butterflies and rainbows, but life isn't. And I think we are perfectly entitled to draw attention to the various shortcomings of "Ms Flint" - the auction debacle, the constant self-promotion, the 'me, me, me but let's pretend its actually you' attitude, the Cult of Personality. If DelBoy were as sure of herself as she likes to make out on screen then she'd address these criticisms head on rather than attempt to shut down any conversation about them. That's what dictators do.
I just switch DF off as for me she comes over very false, & has she really lost weight? As for her so called 'books' I can just imagine what they are like.Some people have a very inflated self image & nothing seems to dent it or lead them to question anything they do.I have known people like this & they are best ignored.
Maybe Debbie and Jeremy Clarkson could do a head to head swap...I'm sure she has an opinion on cars.

QVC love a former household name to add to their sales team. We should be careful what we wish for :mysmilie_50:
I have to say I have not noticed Debbie being any slimmer. Maybe she is, but I cannot see it, she looks the same to me. With Catherine Huntley it is obvious, but then she has lost a good few stone.
I just switch DF off as for me she comes over very false, & has she really lost weight? As for her so called 'books' I can just imagine what they are like.Some people have a very inflated self image & nothing seems to dent it or lead them to question anything they do.I have known people like this & they are best ignored.

i agree ignoring is the best thing to do with debbie flint. she more than likely reads this forum and is as cocky as ever even cockier. media? people like limelight and notoriety the less you talk about them the faster they wilt
Stop it Jules you will get us all going.....well looking for our sick bags.
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She's having afternoon tea with her Best friend Sharon Harvey on the Thames let's hope they don't fall in.

Are you sure that you meant to type "don't?" :wink:

Mind you, if she did fall in, that would probably be the plot for novel number 345!
I know what to read now instead of counting sheep at night ...... Zzzzzzzzzz
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Maybe Debbie and Jeremy Clarkson could do a head to head swap...I'm sure she has an opinion on cars.

QVC love a former household name to add to their sales team. We should be careful what we wish for :mysmilie_50:

Anything that gets rid of DF is fine in my book!
Rack of lamb, cherries, apricot - not a cookery book I'd want to read. And 'crack', ugh ! very classy, what age group is this book aimed at ? hormonal teenage boys ???
This topic is only two days old with over 5,000 views but only just over 50 replies. What does that say? Loads of people are interested but not many people want to post an opinion. That also begs a question! Maybe they don't like the topic but dare not say so! I have read Ms Flint's 'announcement' on this resented group page and can see nothing wrong with it. I've been a member of enough fora to know that they have been spoilt by people who care nothing for the rules by posting nasty messages. It is refreshing to see a group which has rules and implements them. I have read at least one thing this morning where someone said that an Antthony item was creased when she received it, so I'm not sure that everything is removed. I may be totally wrong but it seems to me that if you hate someone then you will always find something to get at them about. If Julia Roberts formed a group would she be despised? Dislike Ms Flint as much as you like but anyone can join her group if they wish and, according to the legend, avail themselves of freebies, preferential treatment etc. but if you hate Mr Flint and can't be doing with her group, then let them get on with it.

Maybe 4500 people are her "followers" People are scared to post for fear of getting labled for it, and for the record, DF is "despised" for her arrogance, rudeness, self promotion, hard sell, lack of respect for anyone that doesn't like what she writes or sells, her delusion of grandeur............is that enough to be going on with?
Re: Fruit stall. £500 for turning a trick? That's enough to keep me shopping for Dysons and Lulu G's regularly. Where can I get a short black plastic skirt, high heels and fishnet tights so I can go out standing under lamp-posts at street corners?
I just switch DF off as for me she comes over very false, & has she really lost weight? As for her so called 'books' I can just imagine what they are like.Some people have a very inflated self image & nothing seems to dent it or lead them to question anything they do.I have known people like this & they are best ignored.

Nope, the fat lady hasn't stopped singing yet, in fact, the fat lady "lies" would be a more appropriate title.
That's so funny, didn't know she wrote comedies, probably writing about it all the time cos she isn't getting any, either that or she's a dirty madame..........oh er missus! :mysmilie_14:
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I have just read Fruit Stall again. Then I read last year's Literary Review Bad Sex Award winner. To think that Ben Okri got castigated for writing something about a rocket going off. Our DF's 'secrets and secretions' beats that by a mile.
Re: Fruit stall. £500 for turning a trick? That's enough to keep me shopping for Dysons and Lulu G's regularly. Where can I get a short black plastic skirt, high heels and fishnet tights so I can go out standing under lamp-posts at street corners?

If you order now you could be out there in 3-5 working days . Take your pick from the many ranges Qvhas on offer.

Mr L. always says Goodie is looking for a wall to stand against
I don't know what happened with the BCC auction clearly from comments something untoward happened so obviously I do not condone that. I can understand people disliking Ms Flint for various reasons but the point I make is that it is her group and her rules and that's that. Clearly some people have not been using the group as they should And are are abusing it to make nasty comments and that's not allowed, simple as that. It would be the same if it were someone else's group. As it stands a lot of people like her and her Facebook group and appreciate belonging to a group that doesn't allow nasty posts. People can huff and puff as much as they like but she isn't going anywhere so why not just ignore? Alternatively why not write to Q and make your feelings clear? It is possible that people who dislike her are in the minority and more people like her than not.
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