DF putting her foot down


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I don't know what happened with the BCC auction clearly from comments something untoward happened so obviously I do not condone that. I can understand people disliking Ms Flint for various reasons but the point I make is that it is her group and her rules and that's that. Clearly some people have not been using the group as they should And are are abusing it to make nasty comments and that's not allowed, simple as that. It would be the same if it were someone else's group. As it stands a lot of people like her and her Facebook group and appreciate belonging to a group that doesn't allow nasty posts. People can huff and puff as much as they like but she isn't going anywhere so why not just ignore? Alternatively why not write to Q and make your feelings clear? It is possible that people who dislike her are in the minority and more people like her than not.

Perhaps you should read the thread about the BCC auction maybe then you will realise why so many people dislike her and have such strong feelings towards her ....

I am one of the 5000
Not a fan of DF
Fruit stall looks terrible. She would have done better writing under a pseudonym and kept her social media mouth shut! No intention of reading it I am just going by Julius's quote.
However...I don't like personal comments like I have read on here such as "who would want to rip her basque off..." Or something like that. By all means have a go at her writing, her self-promotion, her social-media obsession, her Del- Boy sales pitch, her BCC fiasco, her cult-leader behaviour...but sorry I don't like reading that.
Just a pity that Ms holier than thou Fint doesn't apply the same ethical rules to everything else she is involved in as she does to her pathetic cults.
Now Julius you must be making this twoddle up ?
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I meant to type twaddle not twoddle, shouldn't have had that extra glass of wine !
I think she's on a retainer from Facebook AND Twitter, the amount of time she constantly refers to them. There are some on here who remember her from her time at QVC before, so, in the age before F and T, what on earth did she plug so vehemently before ???
DF is wholly inappropriate and unprofessional-last night she was talking about her Hobbit feet and bunions whilst raving about real-yes real Clarks shoes. Her self gratification and promotion of her rubbish smutty books is totally inappropriate for a Shopping Channel and I would say that her alleged weight loss is debatable.

Maybe her next book could be titled "I sold my Fruit stall for a bag of Doritos and a Crunchie"
I do not care about her one way or the other. I don't have to watch her, buy her books or join her group. Simple. I know why people dislike Debbie Flint but instead of slagging her off for enforcing the rules of her group which is what this thread is about, be proactive. Boycott the channel, don't buy anything else, set up a petition to have her sacked - as I say I think it is a minority who despise her but if it is a majority who despise her then Q might pay attention. Hate her by all means but her enforcing the rules of her group is not wrong. If I posted over and over again how much I hated reading the same hatred about her on here you would soon tell me to not read it and clear off.
I do not care about her one way or the other. I don't have to watch her, buy her books or join her group. Simple. I know why people dislike Debbie Flint but instead of slagging her off for enforcing the rules of her group which is what this thread is about, be proactive. Boycott the channel, don't buy anything else, set up a petition to have her sacked - as I say I think it is a minority who despise her but if it is a majority who despise her then Q might pay attention. Hate her by all means but her enforcing the rules of her group is not wrong. If I posted over and over again how much I hated reading the same hatred about her on here you would soon tell me to not read it and clear off.

No you don't have to watch her, unless you want to buy something, after all it is a shopping channel, silly me. She wouldn't be despised as much if she didn't use QVC for her own personal gain, many QVC presenters have other careers outside QVC like Jackie Kabler for instance who's an author too, but you don't hear her trying to poach QVC customers, who will be potential buyers of her books, other presenters will at least know they've furthered their career through sheer hard work. Everything DF does is morally wrong, from her trying to decieve charities, to using QVC for free on air promotion of herself and her "novels" I have emailed QVC to complain, as have others, but nothing gets done so untill it does, people will voice their dislike of what she does on here, which we're all entitled to do, but may I suggest you stick to DFs fb grous if you don't like to read about negativity, or truthful facts, as we like to call it.
Is this the right forum for you, Miss Ellie? It's where we express opinions freely about whatever, whoever. Sometimes they're good, sometimes they're not, but when a load of people start complaining about one particular presenter, it should make you think.
Is this the right forum for you, Miss Ellie? It's where we express opinions freely about whatever, whoever. Sometimes they're good, sometimes they're not, but when a load of people start complaining about one particular presenter, it should make you think.

Of course it is a forum for me - where I can 'express opinions freely about whatever, whoever' just as everyone else does. May I remind you and everyone else that the thread is about Debbie Flint 'putting her foot down' regarding the rules of her Facebook group, which she is entitled to do. I am not a member of hers or Q's Facebook group nor do I want to be but I will defend anyone's right to implement the rules of any group. I am sorry that people have complained about her to no avail but we cannot always have what we want in life.
I haven't read this Facebook group but is any form of criticism allowed ? it doesn't have to be nasty.I know DF didn't take it well when a criticism of her book was put on Amazon. just wondering if all the comments have to be positive,because that can make a forum boring. surely you need a mixture of comments which is what you get here.
I haven't read this Facebook group but is any form of criticism allowed ? it doesn't have to be nasty.I know DF didn't take it well when a criticism of her book was put on Amazon. just wondering if all the comments have to be positive,because that can make a forum boring. surely you need a mixture of comments which is what you get here.

Criticism is allowed and comments do not have to be positive. But Debbie asks that negative comments are respectful and not nasty. She asks that complaints be addressed appropriately to QVC and not aired on her group which is about well being and supporting and uplifting to others. With 3000 members, there seems to be more people who like her than don't. I don't think that people have actually really read what the group is about and studied the rules of the group. Too many people flout rules whether it be speeding or using a phone whilst driving or posting whatever they like online not caring whether or not their actions affect others. I can imagine the bile that would be posted if some people were allowed to post what they wanted. People have differences of opinions but they don't have to be nasty. I just think that her announcement regarding her group is fair.
Of course it is a forum for me - where I can 'express opinions freely about whatever, whoever' just as everyone else does. May I remind you and everyone else that the thread is about Debbie Flint 'putting her foot down' regarding the rules of her Facebook group, which she is entitled to do. I am not a member of hers or Q's Facebook group nor do I want to be but I will defend anyone's right to implement the rules of any group. I am sorry that people have complained about her to no avail but we cannot always have what we want in life.

Wow.........not patronising in the slightest.
Who is Debbie Flint to "demand" anything? To DF any criticism to her will be nasty no matter how nicely it's put because she can't accept it, and the fact she has to censor and you're here defending her proves the point exactly. I've seen her replies to people, where were she's been rude and arrogant to people, this isn't the actions of a nice person, DF convinces her followers that she is their friend, she isn't as theyll find out if they say one wrong word about her..........yes, that's true friendship.
Debbie ( she who must be obeyed ) Flint is quick to state the rules on her fb pages and expects people to follow them to the letter, in fact some people obviously become besotted by rules BUT when it suits DF and when it`s something for her own benefit she can ignore rules as she pleases. The BCC debacle was a prime example of that. No doubt she was fully aware of the rules but chose to ignore them. Sounds to me like it`s a case of do as I say, not as I do.
I won't order anything when DF is presenting so she does not get my sale as they all have targets.
Who is Debbie Flint to "demand" anything? To DF any criticism to her will be nasty no matter how nicely it's put because she can't accept it, and the fact she has to censor and you're here defending her proves the point exactly. I've seen her replies to people, where were she's been rude and arrogant to people, this isn't the actions of a nice person, DF convinces her followers that she is their friend, she isn't as theyll find out if they say one wrong word about her..........yes, that's true friendship.
You just have to look at the reply she put on Amazon in response to a critical review of her book to see that she can't accept criticism. She accused the reviewer of being someone who had been chucked out a group she was in because nobody could genuinely not like her book could they?
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