Am I just old fashioned?


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In the same vein, forget Twitter and mobiles - I've always had a THING about being interrupted by other peoples small children i.e. If I am in conversation with an adult and their child demands attention, my conversation is ignored and all the attention is directed to the offspring first, while I am sat there sucking breath !! If I did that as a child, my Mother in no uncertain terms would tell me not to interrupt as it was bad manners, and to wait until she had finished talking.

seems to be unheard of these days. the little emperor/princess rules. and yes, drives me nuts too.
I blocked my great nieces on my FB account janie.
Only way to stay sane.

it doesn't really bother me minim, i scim through the drivel. just don't understand why people feel compelled to post it.
Funnily enough, I've done the same minim with a few of my nieces and nephews, main one because I hate to see pictures of my 13 y/o neice looking about 20 with her makeup slapped on getting drunk with her party friends. Breaks my heart.
Parents have to take some responsibility - my nieces and nephews come to visit their grandparents and spend their time glued to phones, game boys etc. In the good old days my my mum would have made me put whatever toy aside to engage with the people in the room!!
Funnily enough, I've done the same minim with a few of my nieces and nephews, main one because I hate to see pictures of my 13 y/o neice looking about 20 with her makeup slapped on getting drunk with her party friends. Breaks my heart.

one of my friends came off fb because he was so fed up with seeing the language his grandson used. i tried to talk him out of it because said grandson and his mum, my friend's daughter are in new zealand but it upset him so much he left fb.
my mobile contract is up for renewal and I have had loads of phone calls from my provider in the last few days telling me I am eligible for an upgrade to an iPhone! Now, I LOVE technology, but in it's place. When I tell them that I don't want an iPhone, in fact any smart phone at all, they react as though I have just landed from another planet. The way I see it, I haven't got one, have managed without one, and don't want to pay £30+ a month to use one! If I want to use the internet, I will wait until I get home, as the world won't fall apart if I can't search for something immediately. My phone can send texts, it makes calls, and it has my diary on it. I will actually be downgrading my contract rather than upgrading it.
As for twitter - I don't give a shiny ***** what the world and his wife are doing every second. Instead of tweeting about it, why don't they just do it, live their lives and get on with it. We are beginning to forget how to actually talk to each other. Technology has its place and it is crucial, but social "networking"?-sorry, but I honestly think it's the opposite. These social sites are making us forget how to actually talk to each other.
Sorry if I have offended
When the technical world crashes, which it will one day. Apart from the serious consequences that will affect all our everyday lives, I'm deeply concerned for the people in supermarkets who are unable to make a decision on what food to buy without discussing it up and down every aisle with whoever it may concern…how will these poor people cope!

Another bugbear is people having loud conversations in restaurants, if you need to be contactable all the time, please have the courtesy to have the phone on vibrate and go to the loo or outside to have your conversation - the rest of us don't want to listen!

I bought a pay-as-you-go mobile after the car broke down a while ago, made me realise how stuck I would have been if it had been somewhere more remote. It comes in handy occasionally but I doubt I use it more than three or four times a year.
I told a woman off in Costa Coffee a few weeks ago.

She was in front of me in a long slow queue and rabbiting on her phone all the while. When it was her turn to be served she didn't know what she wanted (too busy phoning to check the menu while queuing) so now she discusses her choice with the person on the other end of the phone. Then it took ages to pay - she couldn't find her purse - she was far too busy phoning to get her money ready while queuing.

I told her how much of my time she had wasted but I didn't get much reaction as she was still chatting to her mate.
I told a woman off in Costa Coffee a few weeks ago.

She was in front of me in a long slow queue and rabbiting on her phone all the while. When it was her turn to be served she didn't know what she wanted (too busy phoning to check the menu while queuing) so now she discusses her choice with the person on the other end of the phone. Then it took ages to pay - she couldn't find her purse - she was far too busy phoning to get her money ready while queuing.

I told her how much of my time she had wasted but I didn't get much reaction as she was still chatting to her mate.

You could have said you were a diabetic EM!
LMAO all. txting i can't do and twitter is ?????? FB I DO do tho can't abide/understand those who live their lives out on it!!! Depresses me too when i see the filthy language they use (never fail to reprimand my kids and their buddies in the hope that they'll catch themselves on at some stage). Keep well everyone xx
Last year my husband and I took a friend out for a meal, her phone rang and she spent 15mins having a conversation,
I thought it was the height of rudeness and she should know better, she's in her 60's. So easy to say I'm out with friends I'll phone you back when I get home. Needless to say we haven't taken her out again.
My son, who's in his early 30's came off FB as he thought it was full of mindless drivel, I've never bothered with it, although it can be good to keep in touch with family abroad, but i prefer Skype as you can have a proper conversation.
Mobiles in restaurants is a pet hate of mine, especially those ignorant fops who insist on having them on the table throughout.
my daughter has a blackcurrant phone and is literally on it 22 hours a day. she is an excellent roller skater but is even pinging on it when she is skating..madness, there can be too much communication methinks
Oh, and yesterday on La Q during a presentation of bare minerals, La Flint asked the guest a question and then proceeded to ignore her answer as she was tapping on her iPad reading twits. Utterly rude. Stop it at once.
I only got a mobile when it was given to me by a friend!!!!! Its PAYG and trust me £10 can last for months.

A friend's daughter has a baby in fact a 3 year old and a 6 month old. With both her mobile was never out of her hand, she even texts when feeding baby its bottle. She just shoves bottle in baby's mouth and texts with other hand. Drives her mother nuts but she did the same with the 3 year old when he was a baby.
I have a Facebook account but rarely post. I am "friends" with my niece (17) and nephew (21) and they & their friends write very funny witty posts, certainly no bad language or bully boy tactics.

I don't understand Twitter. I registered when there was all that hoo-haa on here about Dawn Bibby and CHuntley's tweets but never could find them. Forgotten password etc now.

I don't understand why QVC have gone overboard with this tweeting lark (sorry!). What value does it add to the sales process ?
my daughter has a blackcurrant phone and is literally on it 22 hours a day. she is an excellent roller skater but is even pinging on it when she is skating..madness, there can be too much communication methinks

... BlackBerry?

I can't imagine skating & using a phone.
Mind, I can't imagine skating any more.

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