Ali Youngs hair


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She's another one who would benefit from a haircut and styling. Her hair's too thin to let it lie long and lank and her face is crying out for a shorter style. Beauty + expert? Come on, Alison - wakey, wakey.
Didn't see her hair last night but sometimes her hair looks ok. Sometimes not. Bit like mine!
I saw this earlier when Akimbo put the link up previously. I totally agree that there are at least two presenters who should not have long hair, but then again, I'm thinking they probably love their hair that way. I had long hair almost all of my life, then there came a point when I thought actually that it was not flattering, especially after I stopped smoking and put a lot of weight on, despite efforts to avoid it. Several months ago, I had it cut and I actually think I look younger than I did with the long hair. Each to their own, but I do think there comes a time when the 'girlie' long hair does not suit older women, with very few exceptions.

I can't stand JF but when I do see her, I feel like taking scissors myself to that hair, also with AY.

Incidentally, do any of the members use EGO hair dryer, I just wondered what it was like?
I got the travel set as a TSV but the concentrator nozzle wouldn't stay attached. ('twas a common problem according to the reviews). I wanted a small hairdryer for travelling but rediscovered my daughter's mini pink hairdryer which came with hairclips & bobbles that fits the bill perfectly saving me a few quid.
Alison's hair was not a good ad for whatever styling tool she was promoting.

Alison seems to have aged all of a sudden too and there's a few presenters/models who need to tone down the yellow hair in my opinion, makes them look brassy and sallow skinned.
I saw the beginning of the show when Alison mentioned a hair styling product and I'm sure I heard her say jokingly it gave her the poodle look.....Or if you want the poodle look stay tuned ,something like that.
At least Alison can laugh at herself. I'm sure her self esteem has taken quite a knock recently, with her thyroid problem causing weight gain and skin problems. Fair play to her for soldiering on, I say. Those more vain would have retired and cried themselves to sleep.
I saw the beginning of the show when Alison mentioned a hair styling product and I'm sure I heard her say jokingly it gave her the poodle look.....Or if you want the poodle look stay tuned ,something like that.

At least Alison can laugh at herself. I'm sure her self esteem has taken quite a knock recently, with her thyroid problem causing weight gain and skin problems. Fair play to her for soldiering on, I say. Those more vain would have retired and cried themselves to sleep.

There you have the main reason why I really like Ali Young. She's got a sense of humour, she will make a joke with herself as the butt of it, not just at the expense of others.

In some respects, Chloe is a bit like Ali. She drops clangers, laughs at herself and doesn't take everything too seriously. Mind you, I wouldn't want to see Chloe lined up as a replacement for Ali. Plus, I think Jill Franks would be done to death if Ali moved on and they didn't install her as the beauty queen in Ali's place.
liz earle should cut her hair she looks so aged in the cleanse and polish product of the month advert. the hair parted down the middle hanging quite lank just dragged her face down
liz earle should cut her hair she looks so aged in the cleanse and polish product of the month advert. the hair parted down the middle hanging quite lank just dragged her face down

Have you seen the picture of her with Julia at Julia's book launch - on Julia's blog this week? She looks so young I thought it was someone else!
At least Alison can laugh at herself. I'm sure her self esteem has taken quite a knock recently, with her thyroid problem causing weight gain and skin problems. Fair play to her for soldiering on, I say. Those more vain would have retired and cried themselves to sleep.

She mentioned her thyroid problem a while back when presenting a show with hair thickening products. She said she would have bought the product a few years ago when she had viral thyroiditis but wouldn't need it now, so I got the impression the illness was not ongoing.
well liz earle looks much better in the julia video...what a to do re julias book launch :mysmilie_7:
well liz earle looks much better in the julia video...what a to do re julias book launch :mysmilie_7:

Surprisingly she's made more of a meal about it than Debbie has made... so far, at least. If Debbie gets a "real" book - maybe there will be a book signing event or two...?
She mentioned her thyroid problem a while back when presenting a show with hair thickening products. She said she would have bought the product a few years ago when she had viral thyroiditis but wouldn't need it now, so I got the impression the illness was not ongoing.

Severe thyroiditis can leave one with a permanently damaged and underactive thyroid gland, which would account for her weight gain. Being a lady who has taken extreme care of her appearance, I am pretty darn sure she is not carrying that extra weight through choice or idleness!
She has mentioned her ongoing thyroid issues recently when demonstrating some skincare product or other, I heard it myself.

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