I tip my postman he's very helpful if he's got a parcel or something that needs to be signed for he always leaves it with a neighbour which saves me a trip to the sorting office, but ever since we've had the 'wheelie' bins and especially now we have our own mini recycling centre's (four...
Over the years I've had two of my cats that absolutely loved bleach, when bleaching the loo I had to make sure the seat was down or the door was closed otherwise I'm sure they'd have been in it! If I'd used in when cleaning they'd smell it and would try washing my hands, most odd !
I don't mind what it is, not too big or too small, don't mind if it's a mutt or a pedigree but I do want want a young puppy not an adult rescue as I won't necessarily know it's history an how it would be with the kittens, that way hopefully they'll all gel well together.
I've always worked...
Will do FP as long as I can work out how to do it. I've also decided that now I've retired I'm going to get a puppy too, but want to settle the kittens in first so they are well established before hand !
Love the photo's FP they're gorgeous!
It's now been over a year since I've lost my old puss and feel I'm ready to have another one, a friend's cat had kittens last week an yesterday I went to see them to pick the two I want, they were so lovely I just wanted to bring the whole litter home...
Janie is it possible to have a large rabbit run or an aviary type cage erected in the garden for him, that way he could be outside enjoying the fresh air, sunshine and grass etc but remain safely tucked away from anything that was dangerous for him?
Good new Janie, I'm sure Louis will come on in leaps and bounds now his tube is out. If you're concerned about him eating the food your neighbour puts out for the foxes could you ask her not to put it out until after nine o'clock or whenever and keep Loius in at night so he couldn't get to it?
When I opened the link FP there was a banner at the top saying 'this page is in Italian would you like to translate it?' so I said yes and although the audio on the video was still Italian the rest of the page changed to English including the transcript at the bottom of the page, I couldn't...
My sisters are very keen gardeners so I asked them, they also have animals so are careful what they use and they've suggested you try salt on it, don't know if it'll work but it's worth a try, or perhaps you could try one of those flame weed wands?
Good grief doing sprouts and carrots for 27 people!
Good luck with that, sounds like you need to arrange a veg peeling party and I think you'll probably need more than one bag !!