Does My Bum Look Big In This?


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Well you'll just have to buy the book , maybe it'll even be on QVC. I think i should get it free, (although i think someone else did suggest it maybe first) LOL, but i'm encouraging minim to do it :) You can keep us up to date with your cute beautiful kittens also FP . please
Well you'll just have to buy the book , maybe it'll even be on QVC. I think i should get it free, (although i think someone else did suggest it maybe first) LOL, but i'm encouraging minim to do it :) You can keep us up to date with your cute beautiful kittens also FP . please

You're quite right BarblySparks, it was my brainwave and I want to be Meg's agent's agent. :mysmilie_503:
Oh Mam, i knew someone else had suggested it first, so maybe i could be included in the deal, as i;ve been encouraging minim
to write the book, and hopefully they'll be enough money for us all to share it, we might even have to include Mr. Fish, darn
this is getting worse now, less money for us all, and i thought this could maybe solve my retirement problem. Minim you'll
have to get a wiggle on and start writing PLEASE :)
There is nothing elegant and agile about Alf either. Well other than how he looks I suppose. He's a hooje lump of a cat who lumps and bumps about the place. Harvey is very agile, light-footed and careful. If I'm downstairs and they're upstairs I can tell which one has just jumped off the bed. Barely there bump = Harvey. Helluva wallop = Alf.
Yeah Hopey is not very delicate or light footed either, you certainly know when she's jumped off the bed, and i have
bells on her collar, so we can hear them ding a linging as she clumps down the stairs, and she just pushes the door
wide open to mark her entrance into a room :)
Cats are very strange, there's no fathoming out what goes on in their heads.

Mine are 15 and 8 and for no apparent reason about a year ago they started walking round the room on shelves and furniture, it drives me nuts! I have Turtle mats at entry doorways which catches the worse of wet paws, but not all.

There is a sofa at either end of the room so which ever door they come in from, it's "up" and scaling the room via units, mantlepiece, coffee tables, armchairs to get to the kitchen or wherever they fancy crashing out for a few hours which, this time of the year, is where the central heating pipes run under the floor! They do the route in reverse to go out!

I'm very grateful they don't get up on the kitchen tops, but I could understand that if they could smell food etc. I think they've being doing this for too long now to be a phase, and a water pistol would be a bit messy. Ah well….
Hopey walks round the tele to get to the window sills to look outside. Lucky enough she doesn't bother about the kitchen shelves,
although she is a terrible scratcher. We rent this house, and she's ruined the chairs in the dining room. Lucky enough the rest of
the furniture is mine. I don't think i could squirt her with a water pistol, and i have scratching posts round the house, and one still
not quite put up in the garage, to help stop this, but i think its probably too late now. Oh but sometimes i would love to hoover her
never mind the floors. Don't notice them until i put my glasses on, and then go WOW, forever cleaning windowsills etc, but i
suppose you have to put up with that. :)
Neither of mine get on the work surfaces. Alfie is too lazy to try I reckon. He's a big cat but he's got very short legs so his ability to jump up is that of a much smaller cat. Harvey could easily get on the work surfaces but he's a good boy and doesn't even try. And I shut the kitchen door when I'm not in there.

Harvey makes me laugh when I'm feeding them. I'm standing there sorting out their food and there's this white paw "helping". He can reach the work surface by stretching up. He feels his way about and when he finds something, usually a tea towel, pulls it towards him so he ends up with a tea towel on his head. I have to push everything out of reach when I'm feeding them because he will grab whatever he can find. Bowl, fork, scissors, pouch of food. He doesn't do it at any other time tho.
Cats are very strange, there's no fathoming out what goes on in their heads.

Mine are 15 and 8 and for no apparent reason about a year ago they started walking round the room on shelves and furniture, it drives me nuts! I have Turtle mats at entry doorways which catches the worse of wet paws, but not all.

There is a sofa at either end of the room so which ever door they come in from, it's "up" and scaling the room via units, mantlepiece, coffee tables, armchairs to get to the kitchen or wherever they fancy crashing out for a few hours which, this time of the year, is where the central heating pipes run under the floor! They do the route in reverse to go out!

I'm very grateful they don't get up on the kitchen tops, but I could understand that if they could smell food etc. I think they've being doing this for too long now to be a phase, and a water pistol would be a bit messy. Ah well….

It sounds as if they're playing 'pirates' to see which of them can get all the way round the room without touching the floor!
been giggling at all the quirks.

barbs - i kept meaning to ask you about that glass!

when i was a child i had a grey cat - smokey. he went in the bath too. we didn't have a cat flap and he mainly went in and out the kitchen windows - it was a big kitchen with 3 windows and a door. one day i was lolling in the bath with the window open and smokey appeared, jumped through and landed in the bath. i don't know who was more surprised, me or him but there was a huge commotion while we both tried to get out. lol
Janie, Hopey won't drink water from a dish, she'll only drink it from a pint glass. And they don't like fresh water, so it often sits for a day or two,
and its amazing to see how far down the glass she can get. Its really funny, as we have a glass in the living room and one up on the landing.
And in the good weather, she drinks from the QVC solar powered fountains, and the water is yuckky in them. They are weird creatures, but so
loveable :)
Alfie never seems to drink water at all, although it is always there for him. He eats wet cat food though, and is healthy and "happy". Apart from being a naughty, grumpy old man, most of the time! Lol
Janie, Hopey won't drink water from a dish, she'll only drink it from a pint glass. And they don't like fresh water, so it often sits for a day or two,
and its amazing to see how far down the glass she can get. Its really funny, as we have a glass in the living room and one up on the landing.
And in the good weather, she drinks from the QVC solar powered fountains, and the water is yuckky in them. They are weird creatures, but so
loveable :)

they are funny aren't they, with their little quirks. i always assumed they didn't like fresh water until louis started demanding it straight from the tap! i thought the chlorine needed to evaporate off a bit.
I thought so also, my two DD and DS told me that. They've been lying to me LOL. I think louis has you wrapped round his little paw, just as he should have :_

Meg prefers something a little stronger - if she can get it ....​
Ha ha go for it Meg. Hopey has been known to try and lick the vodka glass, but i'm not sharing LOL

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