It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......


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It was just about covering the ground when I got up this morning, then melted a bit. It's snowing hard now though.
Its snowing hard in NW London but not settling,however once the temperature drops i'm sure the normal chaos will ensue.
Stay safe everyone.
Snowing in Surrey but we've also had rain so its not settling. We are prone to getting more than our fair share though so it'll be interesting to see what happens if its continues overnight.

My car is officially useless in the snow. A small, stupidly powerful rear wheel drive ... so if snows I'm usually tucked up at home for a day or two.
We've got snow in Northants. A light covering of 2 cms this morning, where I live, and it's been snowing again since just before 11.00 a.m. Our school remains open even when there's a heavy snowfall. The staff struggle in but often some of the children, who live within spitting distance, stay off because their parents decide it's a good option. :eek: I was on playground duty this morning, and the children had a whale of a time outside and they all observed the rule of 'no snowball fights.' I could have done with a hood on my coat though.
Clear blue skies and bright sunshine in Cardiff.
We were promised snow overnight but apart from a few icy sleet showers there's been nothing.

Reading this thread's making me shiver though!
No snow where I am in the North of Scotland :happy:

Used to love it when I was a kid especially when we got sent home from school
but now I have to struggle in to work whatever the weather so am glad we dont have any
snow in my part of Notts! We were already white over from the previous two nights but it started falling about around 9.30am and I was due out on a ladies wot lunch - I thought no, we'll have to cancel, but no, my lift turned up and off we went and had a nice time..I got dropped back home about 20 minutes ago, but it had stopped snowing and even some sunshine..snow's all well and good when you can stay home and look at it thru the window!
We've had the lot weatherwise today in east London. Woke up to snow, the sun came out and it melted, then sleet but heavy snow forecast for tonight and the temperature is dropping.....
All the cars had a thick white covering this morning but I think that was just a very heavy frost as I live very near the Thames but it had melted away by mid morning. It has tried half heartedly to snow a couple of times during the day but not enough to lay and it's just a dark, dreary, damp day. Wouldn't mind seeing some as long as it's all gone by Friday when I have to go to hospital for my treatment. We're such wimps in London. :grin:
This is a pic from an upstairs window just before it got dark

All the cars had a thick white covering this morning but I think that was just a very heavy frost as I live very near the Thames but it had melted away by mid morning. It has tried half heartedly to snow a couple of times during the day but not enough to lay and it's just a dark, dreary, damp day. Wouldn't mind seeing some as long as it's all gone by Friday when I have to go to hospital for my treatment. We're such wimps in London. :grin:

Hope all goes well for you on Fri sue. Not going. to ask what it is but hope its not too serious.
Hi Diamond Diva

Our garden ends just behind the greenhouse, the two rows of small trees are in our garden but the falling down shed at the back isn't lol.

Hope everything goes well with your appointment Sue.
Thanks LE Lover and Waterlily I don't tend to say much about my MS but I started a drug treatment called Tysabri last May and it is an infusion every 4 weeks in a day unit at Kingston Hospital. It's a serious drug that can't be given by the hospital staff so a specialist nurse from the drug company comes to the hospital to do it and we are monitored very carefully throughtout the process and blood is taken every time to see if there are any detrimental changes to liver or kidney function and whatever else they test for. It's quite social really cos it's the same small group of 7 who attend and we have a good old chat and a giggle. Tysabri is considered to be the most effective treatment currently available to stop relapses and so hopefully halt progression and I feel very lucky to be on it as it's very expensive but it does carry a risk of PMLwhich is a rare potentially fatal brain infection, but it's a very small risk in the first 2 years and after that it does increase so we have to sign consent forms again to continue with the treatment. There is a blood test that we all had to have to show if we carry the JCV virus that causes PML and unfortunately I tested positive for antibodies but it's still a very small risk that I am willing to take and I will have an MRI scan yearly (or sooner if we have any concerns) to look for changes in the brain. After the two years of infusions are up I will sit down with my Neuro to assess the benefits and risk factors again and hopefully if it is working well and I am stable I won't hesitate to continue with it. I know that there are a few fms with MS and it's surprising how many people know someone with it so I have provided links in blue for anyone who is interested in finding out more about the treatment.
Good luck for Friday PPC. Haven't actually heard of the Tysabri before. DD's is still (hopefully) stable and no relapse in the last twelve months..they lengthened the gap from 12 months to 18 months for hospital appts which is good, and she's still not on drugs. Long may it continue... Let us know how you get on.
I resisted drug treatment for 9 years Busy but my relapses were becomming frequent and aggressive so in the end I wanted to start this treatment badly and feel 'lucky' to be on it. Thank goodness your DD is doing so well and I pray her MS has reached a plateau and fingers crossed she will continue for many years without relapsing, as can be the case for some.

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