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Oh wow janie, best news i could have heard this time of the morning. I'm so happy for you and louis. Patience is a virtue,

well worth all this waiting WOW WOWO WOWOWO XXXXXXX
Aww fantastic news!!!!!

Look out next door mog, he he!!!

Well chuffed for you both :D

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hi everyone - sorry not to report in yesterday, was a long day but lou had his tube removed in the evening - he was a good boy apparently :sun: then the vet brought him back to the consulting room and under his instruction, i gave him the first injection. he was an angel :whew: because he was being such a good boy, i asked james to look at his hitchy claw and he let him trim all 4 claws on that foot. he then started to growl so james didn't offer to do the other foot :wink: but the one claw that he kept getting caught on things is now ok :sun:

i'm really scared he's going to go downhill now but as usual, taking it a step at a time. while we were there, the on-call vet arrived and i told her how much better louis was (she was the one who recommended the specialist hospital). she said "ohhh, a cat with pancreatitis? it will be a looooooooong time before you can say he's better!" depressed me a bit and wished i'd never told her. louis had a bad day yesterday - i went out for a couple hours in the morning and came back to find the stockinette hooked round his tooth again so he was upset and soaked in dribble. got him cleaned up and changed the dressing, only for it to happen again. so i was so glad to get rid of the darn thing. he looks a mess because the fur round his neck is dishevelled and partly shaved and his white throat is stained red from the dribble (stockinette was bright red and the dye came out) but i'm sure he'll soon be handsome as ever :heart:

next step is he can go out at the weekend/monday depending on how well the hole has healed up. james thinks it will shrink in and scab over in 2-3 days. then, if he remains well, i have to phone the vet in a month to ask how to reduce the steroid dose. next after another month, more blood tests (2 months from now). if the liver enzymes are even more raised then, the specialist vet wants to do a scan. if they remain at the same raised level they are now, he said he won't be too concerned.

this is going to be a difficult month because the specialist vet wants no changes at all to his diet so that if he does become poorly, he knows it's the new steroid not working. trouble is of course, we've no idea what he's going to find outside. i know for instance, the moronic women next door put big piles of dog food out for the foxes. if he's still well at the end of the month, i can then get fresh venison and cook that for him and he can have that with his venison prescription diet. after that, a few more things can be introduced. as a veggie, i don't have the first clue so i'll be asking for advice :wink: fingers, toes and eyes crossed we get that far :nod:
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There are more positives here than negatives Janie. Once he can go out is it worth having a word with the lady next door and explaining the situation? If she has a cat, she must have some sensible bones.It is 4 weeks since Katya's fur was shaved for her op and the grow back is very slow , just a downy effect on her skin. I'm sure Louis will be as beautifully furry all over before too long. You have done marvels so far , so don't be scared of what's coming up, We are all here to sound off to if needed.
Oh janie, my heart goes out to you. But never listen to specialist vets, what do they know, i could sing now "the power of love", and add determination. You've come so far, and the tests are good, so take one step at a time. Look and see how much you've come through and poor louis. This is good time for him now, maybe a bit more normality, and getting out to that cat next door, whos been sitting in his garden. LOL . You know we're all here for you and louis and will be thinking of you and sending positive vibes. It WILL be okay. The damm tube is out, so onwards and upwards now, next step ......xx
Good new Janie, I'm sure Louis will come on in leaps and bounds now his tube is out. If you're concerned about him eating the food your neighbour puts out for the foxes could you ask her not to put it out until after nine o'clock or whenever and keep Loius in at night so he couldn't get to it?
thanks everyone :sun:

it's easier said than done with the couple next door. one isn't too bad, the other is really scary and has a massive lesbian chip on her shoulder. without going into too much detail, she has a foul temper and attitude and has fallen out with most people in the road, so living next door, it was obvious my time would come. about 18 months ago she tried to kick my front door down when she was drunk at the same time calling me every obscenity under the sun. i was so terrifed, i rang the police and meedless to say we haven't spoken since. they are however animal lovers. these are the ones who copy every thing i do - anything i do to the house, i come home to see a mirror image etc and got a cat that looks like louis because they liked the look of louis - he's the one who keeps me awake all night. they have 3 cats and 3 dogs in a minute house and postage stamp garden. even called a cat lou. i don't say morons for nothing.

so......i mustered up every bit of courage i had and knocked the door - the drunk works so i went this afternoon to speak to the one who uses the drunk as a meal ticket. i was very polite and explained how louis' life could depend on it and how the vet had said he coulsn't even have catnip in case he ate it and she said they put out dog food and even worse cooked chicken and that he could come across that anywhere. so i said well no, i might find a discarded chicken leg at the beach but people as a rule don't leave food outdoors especially where we live cos we have a huge rat problem.

she then said couldn't i keep him in at night and i said well he sleeps all day and wants to be out at night especially as that's when THEIR cats are in the garden. once i uncover the cat flap he will go crazy if it's locked. also she then went on to say although she puts the food out in the evening, she puts so much out the foxes don't eat it all so it's there all day anyway. she said all she can do is keep an eye on it - as though she can watch for louis 24 hrs a day!

so i am now in a terrible dilemma. the vet said he accepts he will catch and eat mice but he must NOT have lamb, chicken, beef, milk, cereals, nothing he has ever eaten before apart from mice. i don't know what to do - i've longed for this day but now i am so frightened if i let him out he will eat the chicken (he may not eat the dog food but 100% certain he'd eat the chicken) and we'll be right back where we started. i would not put louis through this again so it means i would lose him :( i just don't know what to do :(
Hopefully, if your neighbour is an animal lover, she'll oblige by feeding the foxes after Louis's bed time Janie. Nerve wracking times for you but you've both been such fighters, I'm sure you'll both overcome the next hurdle with your usual aplomb:) Great news about the tube and sending every good wish to our little man for the next step on his journey to good health. Special hugs from me. (((((((xxx))))))
Just read your latest post Janie. What a situation, and a pair of idiots next door. I think I'd be tempted to keep Louis in for a good while longer to be honest, just in case he encounters a set back that he can well do without after all he's been through. Shame cats don't adapt to leads as well as dogs or you could take him for controlled outings:(
i just don't know if either of us can bear it mam. now he's feeling better he so wants to go out and it's been well over 3 months now. they are hateful people who care about nothing but themselves.
janie, what about as a last resort, you do get one of those cat leads and take him a good dander
round somewhere. I was thinking of doing that with hopey when we moved. You could drive
somewhere and at least he'd be able to be outside. It mightn't be what you and he wanted, but
i wouldnt let hopey outside in those circumstances. Horrible people who will get what they deserve
in the long run. You just can;t control what he eats once he;s out that door. Sorry i can;t think of
anything else to help :(
Janie my next door neighbour was worried that her cats Thelma and Louise would mug the kittens and disorientate them so they would get lost and not find their way home when they first went outside so I bought cat harnesses for them and for the first fortnight I took them out in the harnesses every day to learn about their neighbourhood. The harnesses were easy to get on and didn't hurt them and in fact they would purr when they saw me putting my outdoor shoes on and getting the harnesses. Louis is bound to be a little nervous about going out again, even if he wants to, so he might enjoy having you with him. Even if the neighbours co-operate you can't be entirely confident he isn't going to find forbidden food somewhere.
barbs and FP - louis would never tolerate it. as i've said before, he's a difficult cat and very wilfull. he was semi-wild and full grown when he was taken to the shelter. they tamed him enpugh to be a house pet. it's not at all like having a docile mog or a kitten. i've decided i will go round again when lou is ready to go out and ask them again. put myself at their mercy if you will. if they flatly refuse then i will ring the vet even though it's pretty obvious what he'll say but at that stage i have nothing to lose. it doesn't help that they are thick and she doesn't grasp the concept that it is familiar food he mustn't eat. for instance, she said it would be alright becaus eit's high quality dog food - totally irrelevant.

i honestly don't believe louis would find anything other than wildlife to eat around here. it is very rural and only 12 houses in the lane - there are no other cats apart from theirs so no cat flaps to go through and because we are infested with rats, all the other neighbours have more sense than to leave food out. so this, like all the other problems with living here, are down to them.
FP - can'timagine how nice it must be to have a neighbour so considerate.

barbs - we musn't knock the specialist vet. don't forget my vet was completely barking up the wrong tree. i've had a few issues with david - like not giving louis the anti sickness medicine - but he is a brainiac. it was him who made the diagnosis and devised the treatment plan which has worked. although much younger and less experienced than james, he calls the shots and james and i do exactly what he says. he will also willingly answer any questions i have with his decisions and explain in full how he came to them. if he doesn't have experience in a particular thing, like yesterday when i asked him about restarting program, he will say so. so all in all, i'm happy to follow his lead. he does tend to be pessimistic but i think he's just laying it on the line rather than give false hope.
Janie is it possible to have a large rabbit run or an aviary type cage erected in the garden for him, that way he could be outside enjoying the fresh air, sunshine and grass etc but remain safely tucked away from anything that was dangerous for him?
Janie is it possible to have a large rabbit run or an aviary type cage erected in the garden for him, that way he could be outside enjoying the fresh air, sunshine and grass etc but remain safely tucked away from anything that was dangerous for him?

Beat me to it DD - I was going to suggest that. My brother made one years ago when they first got three very tiny kittens and were worried about leaving them outside unattended but wanted to get them used to the great outdoors. I thought they were a bit young but it worked.
not really DD. for one thing, my garden is about the size of most people's patios. also i'm on my own and would have to find a tradesman to do it. more importantly i think louis would feel just as confined - it's not fresh air he craves, it's freedom - he likes to stalk the wildlife, wander off in the fields, fight the locals etc. but thanks for the suggestion.

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