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Good luck for Wednesday Janie, hoping to hear some good news for the new year. He looks gorgeous in that photo and so healthy with that beautiful glossy coat.

and you can't even see his bald patches - he has a big shaved area both sides and tummy. it's past the suedey feel now - one side is slowly getting longer, the other side is a mass of tiny curls where it meets the white tummy - so cute :heart:
dear auntie frazzled, all my other aunties :mysmilie_482:– and meg :heart:

mama said i had to tell you my news :dull: she told me yesterday but by the time we got home and i had to spend a good hour washing that smell off :puke:, i was too tired so i had a kip in my den in her wardrobe instead :sleepy:

anyway, she took me to the place that smells funny :sad: at least it was my uncle james, not that load of torturers at the other place. first thing he did was weigh me and i’ve put on a kilo!!:grin: mama was so thrilled she said i had to tell you. uncle james however was tutting about how i musn’t put any more on. there’s just no pleasing some people :dull: i tried to tell him, if he’d let me go outside, i could run some of it off :mysmilie_490:

main thing is, i’m back to my fighting weight :muscle: i can’t wait to show that lookalike next door who’s boss :mysmilie_62: two nights in a row he’s been sitting in MY back garden bold as brass, 3am yesterday and 2am the day before. he even makes sure the outside light comes on so he can really gloat. i postured on the window sill next to mama’s bed and swore at him for a whole hour both times :mysmilie_455: mama was sooo ungrateful about me protecting our property – i think she might have sworn at me! she certainly did a lot of grumbling.

after he’d weighed me and looked at that thing the torturer put in my neck, uncle james tortured me himself. he took me away from mama and stuck two HUGE needles in me! :eek: he took GALLONS of my precious blood! when he took me back to mama she looked all worried and he told her he’d managed to do it without any bloodshed – wasn’t for want of trying i can tell you! i put up a real fight! and what about MY blood? fair’s fair i say and he doesn’t fight fair, gets an accomplice to hold me down. AND he gave me a bruise – a blemish on my perfection. gave mama some lame excuse about it being a delicate vein or something. goodness knows what he’s going to do with it all unless he’s using my dna to breed a perfect kitty in that abbatoir he calls a laboratory :thinking:

so anyway, since i’ve been home from hospital, i’ve put on 1.6 kilos. i hope that means my tummy’s better and i can go out soon :nod: i’ve got my claws all sharpened up and ready on the sofa and i can’t wait to get a nice juicy mouse instead of that pap she keeps giving me. meanwhile. i’m off for another nap :mysmilie_496:

love, louis :mysmilie_484:
WOW Louis! That is such a good start to the new year. Mama should be thrilled that you have been defending the house - you tell her off! You do not need to go on a diet like Hopey so don't let Uncle James twist Mama's arm.
WOW Louis! That is such a good start to the new year. Mama should be thrilled that you have been defending the house - you tell her off! You do not need to go on a diet like Hopey so don't let Uncle James twist Mama's arm.
Are you suggesting FP that Hopey needs to loose weight now, i thought we'd all come to the conclusion that she was lovely the way she was, and not to diet ??? She got very upset when i told her. :) Great news janie, hopefully louis will be let loose on that darn cat next door, and i hope you weren't cussing at him. Shocked i am LOL
I can't even blame the vet FP. It was a neighbour, who asked was Hopey pregnant :mysmilie_478:
That's fantastic news Janie! Has he still got the drain for a bit longer?

yes frazzled - although it's a feeding tube not a drain. as he's eating for himself, i only use it to administer the drugs now. the specialist vet (david) wants it to stay in until we get the results of the blood tests in case they're not good and he wants to reintroduce some of the drugs he's discontinued. if his results are good, he can have the tube out and will then have just steroids injected. david isn't very happy about it but james told him that pilling louis just won't work so they put their heads together and came up with an alternative they hope will work. i'm so hoping it can come out and louis won't have to put up with it any more - it hangs out of his neck about 6 inches but he's such a good boy, never complains :heart:
Are you suggesting FP that Hopey needs to loose weight now, i thought we'd all come to the conclusion that she was lovely the way she was, and not to diet ??? She got very upset when i told her. :) Great news janie, hopefully louis will be let loose on that darn cat next door, and i hope you weren't cussing at him. Shocked i am LOL

yes we did - hopey is lovely as she is. louis agrees and sends her a :heart: too. as for louis, he's such a bruiser, i know he will get stuck in as soon as he goes out. that brings more worry as obviously the steroids are depressing his immune system and we have enough trouble with post-fight abcesses as it is. but like everything else, i'm taking it one step at a time :)
Well done Louis!


meg x​

the vet just rang and louis' results are all normal except for the alt (liver enzyme) which they're not too worried about :clapping::clapping::clapping:

the tube comes out on monday! i'm so happy :sun::sun::sun:


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