My returns


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Not from QVC but from another channel in the early days, so I'm not sure what the refund policy was but I knew after my first or 2nd use it was a duffer. Expensive vacuum cleaner, that had a water tank instead of bags or a dust chamber, supposed to be good for allergy sufferers. It was bulky so failing a cupboard under the stairs it took up a huge amount of room in the hallway. You filled the chamber with water, re attached it to the base, plugged it in then after use & simply had to pour the dirty water down the sink or down a drain. Once full of water it was heavy, very heavy. Other than that the suction was poor, and what I didn't bank on was bits of hair and debris getting stuck to the sides of the unit and the amount of water one had to use to try and clear it was nobody's business. You couldn't get your hand in to clear it properly and despite best efforts it began to stink. The shape of machine made it difficult to manoeuvre so large parts of the house were missed - I actually don't remember what we did with it in the end - probably took it to the tip. Makes your ice cream maker sound like a winner and to be fair it would probably do a better job of cleaning my carpets!
I vaguely remember seeing this
I bought a small Vax carpet washer from somewhere, £99 and it's the best thing I ever bought. It's lightweight, easy to handle and actually does clean the carpets. I do agree about not being able to clean out the dog hair easily and I have to take the garden hose to dislodge it all, then finish it off with a knitting needle. Why don't they just design them so the front part flips down and allows you to clean the rollers? These things are never designed by the people that are actually going to clean them.

I've learned never to buy miracle stick on lights/hooks etc from anywhere because they don't stick on and end up in the bin.

Oh yes and I bought the pressure King pro a plug in pressure cooker that showed how you could throw ingredients in and switch it on and have stews, pasta and meatballs and God knows what else in 20 minutes or less - well we couldn't make head nor tail of the instructions so it never got used. In fact, it's still gathering dust on top of one the kitchen units. Instead of just returning it unused we made empty promises that we'd make a concerted effort to work out how to use it - We didn't! I also fell for the "starchef" which was one of those miracle devices that replaces a slow cooker, a pressure cooker, rice cooker and an exhaustive list of other kitchen appliances. I cooked a couple of decent loaves of bread in it but that was about it. It didn't cook rice very well and I was really disappointed as the slow cooker setting was only a couple of hours and the idea was to set it to come on and then return home from work to a delicious curry as advertised. I thought there's no way I'm gonna load the thing before work with meat to have it sitting around at ambient temperatures all day long before it started was taking up far too much cupboard space so that got thrown out!
Oh yes and I bought the pressure King pro a plug in pressure cooker that showed how you could throw ingredients in and switch it on and have stews, pasta and meatballs and God knows what else in 20 minutes or less - well we couldn't make head nor tail of the instructions so it never got used. In fact, it's still gathering dust on top of one the kitchen units. Instead of just returning it unused we made empty promises that we'd make a concerted effort to work out how to use it - We didn't! I also fell for the "starchef" which was one of those miracle devices that replaces a slow cooker, a pressure cooker, rice cooker and an exhaustive list of other kitchen appliances. I cooked a couple of decent loaves of bread in it but that was about it. It didn't cook rice very well and I was really disappointed as the slow cooker setting was only a couple of hours and the idea was to set it to come on and then return home from work to a delicious curry as advertised. I thought there's no way I'm gonna load the thing before work with meat to have it sitting around at ambient temperatures all day long before it started was taking up far too much cupboard space so that got thrown out!
There are YouTube tutorials on the King Pro, if you want to give it another try.
I have waited for QVC to confirm return even when I had the date & signature that it had arrived early the next day of sending.I only order now if I know I am not going to return.That goes for most companies, I had a nightmare with JL when I ordered a carpet cleaner & decided it wasn’t for me.To locate with someone who was able to communicate with a delivery company resulted in a tour of the world.Finally I got someone based in London & all was well, success.I even rang a Manchester store telephone number to speak to someone, where were they? Morocco? Not a district of Manchester then?
I ordered a Bex Bissell carpet cleaner from Studio and as I was completing the order it came up with oops something went wrong. There was nothing there so I input the order again, fine I thought as everything went through.
Two days later our Hermes delivery man came with my carpet cleaner and said I've got the other one for you as well.
I refused to take it and explained what had happened .
Six months later I received a letter stating that I owed for the carpet cleaner and it was being passed to a Debt Collecting Agency. I had already informed them on the day I took delivery of one cleaner that I had refused the second one. I couldn't get the person on the phone to understand what I was telling them and was getting more and more upset. I demanded twice to be put through the dept manager, I got through to someone,I assumed was a manager and explained everything including that I had rung up to explain I was not accepting the second appliance. They acknowledged that a mix up seemed to have happened as there was a note that I had refused the secondcarpet cleaner and one had been paid for.
There was no reason they could or would acknowledge as to why it had taken 6 months to come to light, as the only statement I received off them was nil balance outstanding.
Half a million exercise machines that were all given away. I could have had a world cruise on the money they cost! It wasn't that I was too lazy to use them, I just didn't really have room to have them out all the time and they always ended up getting in the way so off they went to a new home.

The sheer frustration when you are trying to explain to someone your problem, thinking you are understood and then finding you are back to square one is unbelievable! I ended up in tears of frustration one night with a long running situation as I was going around in circles!!!!Does the fault lie with these usually ‘off shore’ call agencies are staffed with people who have a ‘script’ and they are not equipped to veer anywhere off that.Keep pleasant and respectful and the problem (you) will go away?
I ordered a Bex Bissell carpet cleaner from Studio and as I was completing the order it came up with oops something went wrong. There was nothing there so I input the order again, fine I thought as everything went through.
Two days later our Hermes delivery man came with my carpet cleaner and said I've got the other one for you as well.
I refused to take it and explained what had happened .
Six months later I received a letter stating that I owed for the carpet cleaner and it was being passed to a Debt Collecting Agency. I had already informed them on the day I took delivery of one cleaner that I had refused the second one. I couldn't get the person on the phone to understand what I was telling them and was getting more and more upset. I demanded twice to be put through the dept manager, I got through to someone,I assumed was a manager and explained everything including that I had rung up to explain I was not accepting the second appliance. They acknowledged that a mix up seemed to have happened as there was a note that I had refused the secondcarpet cleaner and one had been paid for.
There was no reason they could or would acknowledge as to why it had taken 6 months to come to light, as the only statement I received off them was nil balance outstanding.
They put you through a continuing nightmare. Did anyone apologise, or were you past caring?
They put you through a continuing nightmare. Did anyone apologise, or were you past caring?
Well I never heard anymore about it, I think they must have realised that as they could see I had telephoned to say I'd refused delivery it was their mistake. I didn't get a written apology but I got a sort of sorry it's a mistake response.
I've had some serendipitous occasions when it's come to ordering stuff. First one - many years ago when I used to run a catalogue, a woman I'd gotten friendly with at the local mother and toddlers group managed to persuade me to let her order an expensive metal detector from my book. To put it politely she had a few social problems and I doubted her ability to keep up with the payments and knew I'd be on promises every week or month. I reluctantly ordered it for her and a few weeks later a massive box arrived which I opened and discovered not one, but two metal detectors inside box individually boxed. I looked at the invoice and saw that I'd only been charged for one. Dishonest I know, but I returned one of them saying it was no longer required and took the other one to my friend without mentioning the spare one. She started paying me in earnest for the first couple of weeks, then of course the excuses started pouring in..."I've got a bit of a cash flow problem, can I pay double next time" etc etc. Eventually I think I managed to extract less than half of the money as her husband got taken into hospital and subsequently died and of course it would've been extremely churlish to mention the money she owed me. Shortly after that she moved away back to live with her parents and we lost touch.
Out of the blue I was sent a really nice set of cutlery along with an another order I'd placed from the catalogue, but there was no trace of it anywhere on the invoice so I kept schtum, when I checked it out they weren't cheap, and my cutlery was in need of replacement so happy with that and I'm still using them now.
Lastly, and this was weird - I had ordered a few bits from Avon online and the postman delivered it but when he did so he asked whether I'd kindly take a box in for a neighbour. I said "sure" so he went back to his van and returned with a massive box with Avon printed on the side. He hurriedly dumped it on the step and off he went. When I looked at the address I noticed that it was a good few streets away - Cheers mate! A little later we put the box in the car as it was too big to carry any distance and drove down to the address, managed to find somewhere to park as it's on a very busy street to find there didn't appear to be such an address. On returning home I checked out the postcode to find that it referred to Lloyd's bank. Next day I went into the bank and asked whether any of the employees had ordered any Avon to be delivered there, and the answer was no but they said that there's some flats above the shop next door, so I went into the shop next door which was a greengrocers and asked there and they said it's for nobody here and I said perhaps it's the flats upstairs and the woman said no, we live in one and the other one's been empty for months. So I opened the box when I got home and it was absolutely loaded with Avon goodies, so that was Christmas and birthday presents sorted for a while and some nice stuff for me too including a swimsuit and a silky pair of pyjamas in my size!!!! Anybody else had such strokes of luck? Had I been my mother she would've done the opposite and would've informed the catalogue of their errors and would've contacted Avon to make sure that they got their goods back. She did try to instil a shade of honestly into me and I'll say that it did rub of, but FGS when it's on a plate!!!!!!
I’ve had a few Amazon items incorrect items delivered and told to keep and refunded - nothing more than £30 ! Had a £100 ring in an order from a certain jewellery channel in a order (given away) beauty items refunded from TJC as they past expiry date (about £60 worth ) and many years ago a Dyson purifer …
As many of you know, I love ice cream and this week Lidl have 20% off.

The leaflet said, on a full page spread, 20% OFF ON ALL GELATELLI WITH LIDL PLUS.

So I loaded the app (never used before) and rang up CS to double check, and was assured it was correct.

I made a special journey with all my cool bags and bought 5 cartons of rum and raisin, and 5 of mint choc chip, my 2 favourites.

When I got to the checkout, I scanned the app, and (luckily) I asked the operator if it all had 20% off. He said NO. Unfortunately I didn't have the leaflet with me, and there were none in the store to show him. There was then at least a 5 minute "discussion" with him, and with loads of people in the queue behind me. In fact, one of the Q people shouted out that it will all have melted by now.

So I rang CS again when I got home, and was assured once again that it was on offer. But they offered to send me a voucher as a goodwill gesture (I don't know how much for). The next day I went back WITH the leaflet, asked to speak to a manager, who turned out to be the same man who was on the checkout yesterday.

He told me the IC was NOT on offer, then took me to a poster elsewhere in the store that had the same wording saying 20% off all Gellatelli, with the addition of a line that said "off all lollies, cones and sticks"!!!

So the leaflet was obviously wrong, as were 2 different people in CS.

I am hoping that my goodwill voucher will be enough to cover 20% off on the IC I wanted to buy. The saving would have been about £6.

All in all, I wasted almost 2 hours walking back and forth to the shop twice, loading up my cool bags, and the arguments with the manager. Not to mention 2 calls to CS, AND the stress and embarrasment of arguing in front to a long held-up Q with all the IC quietly melting at the checkout.
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I've had some serendipitous occasions when it's come to ordering stuff. First one - many years ago when I used to run a catalogue, a woman I'd gotten friendly with at the local mother and toddlers group managed to persuade me to let her order an expensive metal detector from my book. To put it politely she had a few social problems and I doubted her ability to keep up with the payments and knew I'd be on promises every week or month. I reluctantly ordered it for her and a few weeks later a massive box arrived which I opened and discovered not one, but two metal detectors inside box individually boxed. I looked at the invoice and saw that I'd only been charged for one. Dishonest I know, but I returned one of them saying it was no longer required and took the other one to my friend without mentioning the spare one. She started paying me in earnest for the first couple of weeks, then of course the excuses started pouring in..."I've got a bit of a cash flow problem, can I pay double next time" etc etc. Eventually I think I managed to extract less than half of the money as her husband got taken into hospital and subsequently died and of course it would've been extremely churlish to mention the money she owed me. Shortly after that she moved away back to live with her parents and we lost touch.
Out of the blue I was sent a really nice set of cutlery along with an another order I'd placed from the catalogue, but there was no trace of it anywhere on the invoice so I kept schtum, when I checked it out they weren't cheap, and my cutlery was in need of replacement so happy with that and I'm still using them now.
Lastly, and this was weird - I had ordered a few bits from Avon online and the postman delivered it but when he did so he asked whether I'd kindly take a box in for a neighbour. I said "sure" so he went back to his van and returned with a massive box with Avon printed on the side. He hurriedly dumped it on the step and off he went. When I looked at the address I noticed that it was a good few streets away - Cheers mate! A little later we put the box in the car as it was too big to carry any distance and drove down to the address, managed to find somewhere to park as it's on a very busy street to find there didn't appear to be such an address. On returning home I checked out the postcode to find that it referred to Lloyd's bank. Next day I went into the bank and asked whether any of the employees had ordered any Avon to be delivered there, and the answer was no but they said that there's some flats above the shop next door, so I went into the shop next door which was a greengrocers and asked there and they said it's for nobody here and I said perhaps it's the flats upstairs and the woman said no, we live in one and the other one's been empty for months. So I opened the box when I got home and it was absolutely loaded with Avon goodies, so that was Christmas and birthday presents sorted for a while and some nice stuff for me too including a swimsuit and a silky pair of pyjamas in my size!!!! Anybody else had such strokes of luck? Had I been my mother she would've done the opposite and would've informed the catalogue of their errors and would've contacted Avon to make sure that they got their goods back. She did try to instil a shade of honestly into me and I'll say that it did rub of, but FGS when it's on a plate!!!!!!
If you returned one of the metal detectors, why do you say you were dishonest? About the cutlery and the Avon products : I'm on your mum's side. I would have contacted the catalogue people and Avon about the mistakes. They might have said keep the stuff. Amazon do that a lot.
If you returned one of the metal detectors, why do you say you were dishonest? About the cutlery and the Avon products : I'm on your mum's side. I would have contacted the catalogue people and Avon about the mistakes. They might have said keep the stuff. Amazon do that a lot.
Because I kept one and I wasn’t charged for it! At the time it was a mighty relief as I then knew that I didn’t have to worry too much if my friend defaulted on her payments. As far as the company were concerned they sent me one metal detector and I had returned it so no charge
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Because I kept one and I wasn’t charged for it! At the time it was a mighty relief as I then knew that I didn’t have to worry too much if my friend defaulted on her payments. As far as the company were concerned they sent me one metal detector and I had returned it so no charge
I understand. I thought that they knew they had delivered two. Do you know if your friend found anything worthwhile?
I understand. I thought that they knew they had delivered two. Do you know if your friend found anything worthwhile?
Not as far as I know. I'm not even sure that they actually got around to using it. I knew they had problems so more fool me for allowing her to order it really. It would've cost her the price of a packet of fags every week, but knowing her the fags would've been the priority, but she begged, pleaded and promised and I caved, so imagine the relief when I knew I didn't have to worry.
I’m not completely sure that this is 100% correct because it was a long time ago but I’ll tell you what I remember.
It must have been a good 8 or so years ago now and I ordered a Liz Earle TSV from Q but when it turned up for some reason they had sent me one of those machines that will jump start your car if the battery runs down.
I was honest though and rang them and explained what had happened but I could just tell that whoever answered the phone didn’t believe me for some reason. So anyway, they sent a carrier to collect it and this is where I’m not exactly sure what happened next. I think they either said they would credit me as the TSV wasn’t in stock anymore and I ended up ordering something else or whether they said that they’d send me a replacement out once they got the wrong item back but either way the next thing I got delivered was a Dyson Hot & Cool fan. And no, I never told them. And I still say it’s one of the best things I’ve ever bought from Q and it’s still works perfectly, although after this admission I wouldn’t be surprised if it breaks down pretty soon, that would just be my luck 😂😂

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