CH - here we go again........


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

It's all down to personal choice at the end of the day isn't it?
Handbags and shoes are not my thing, but I have 2 expensive watches that some would call frivilous purchases .I dont care becuse I love and admire them every day!
I might be completely wrong but I thought it was a legal obligation to give refunds, even on sales goods. I have never been refused a refund except for one time I forgot to return something and took it back after about 4 months, then I got a credit note which is probably more than QVC would give. Agreed the use and return thing is very rare unless the item is faulty - I believe I have seen one or two others often that on certain products over the years but must admit can't remember who. But any customer of QVC already has to pay through the nose in p and p and often in price for that benefit.

I used to think CH was ok, she is still not the worse to watch for me but she has overdone the nice but dim thing.

You are wrong.

The law says that sellers are obliged to provide a refund, repair or replacement where goods are faulty or of unsatisfactory quality. That is your statutory right.

The law does not oblige sellers to offer a refund if you just don't like what you bought/ changed your mind/ seen it cheaper elsewhere. Unless you bought it online or via any other long-distance selling method (catalogues etc). Then the Distance Selling Regulations apply giving you the right to cancel within 7 days of receiving the goods. You are then entitled to a refund of the original price and any original postage paid. You're not entitled to a refund of your return postage (unless the item is faulty etc - as per your statutory rights above.

Many shops do offer a refund if you just want to return an item because you don't like it, as a gesture of goodwill and good customer service. They do not have to.

Superdry shops do not offer refunds - only a credit note or exchange. For that reason I do not buy instore for my daughter to try it on at home as I won't be able to get a refund if she doesn't like it, doesn't fit etc. Instead, I buy Superdry online to benefit from the DSR.

I hope this clarifies the issue.
It's all down to personal choice at the end of the day isn't it?
Handbags and shoes are not my thing, but I have 2 expensive watches that some would call frivilous purchases .I dont care becuse I love and admire them every day!

Yes its all personal choice- what makes us happiest. Me, if I have £200 or £300 saved up I wouldnt be interested in a bag or shoes or watch costing that much individually, I put it towards a holiday which makes me very happy :glass: !
It really depends where you shop. Most of the major retailers will give a refund but smaller independant shops seldom do in my experience unless the goods are faulty. They will usually just exchange them.

They do around about where I live LH! As I say I can't ever recall being refused a refund with a receipt and I think it's very disingenuous of CH to make these sweeping statements in an effort to scare people into buying from QVC. IMO she's the very worst for misleading sales patter. She spends more time chatting about herself and the reasons why we should buy from Q than she does on simply and clearly telling us about the product. I'm afraid I find her totally unbearable and even if I'm interested in what's she's selling I have to switch her off.
even though the law states you are not entitled to a refund if you change your mind the vast mojority of quality shops do. smaller businesses are less likely to give refunds for obvious reasons but stores like next or marks and spencer do. i do not buy from any shop that will not give me a refund as life happens.
i just think catherine huntley tries a bit toooo hard and wants to please her bosses but most of us can see through that and allow her...
She is not one of my fave presenters, although I could name many who are a lot worse (incl. 'I hear the emerald isle' calling). I initially found her so grating when she never shut up about 'Steve' and her relationship. This, as we are all aaware, came back and bit her on the behind, because it went south, now we hear of no mention of a man (thank God!) But she never shuts up about her family - why is is that some of the presenters think we are remotely interested in their private lives? They are mere salespeople whose place of work just happens to be the tv - and what she has got. She is always telling us how many Lulu Guinness bags she has. That is, in my opinion,an extremely frivolous waste of money for an overpriced 'designer' accessory. Buying yourself one as a treat, something you normally wouldn't spend your money on (I wouldn't do it once!), could be acceptable, especially if you only have yourself to support. But 3, 4, or 5? Get real, woman! You may have nothing better to spend your hard earned on, but I'm sure the rest of us do.[/QUOTE]

Then spend it on what you want and stop dictating to others what to spend theirs on :) What does "nothing better" mean anyway?! Are you implying that because she is single that she has "nothing better" to spend on? I really don't understand what you are getting at here.

I have a few LG bags but I wouldn't dream of spending my hard-earned cash on bingo or alcohol or **** or even holidays for that matter. My money is spent on my home firstly then myself secondly. Can't see a problem with that personally, as it's my money my choice.

I couldn't agree more, I am not bragging , merely stating facts, but I own more than dozen Mulberry handbags , all genuine and bought from Mulberry. I work extremely hard and I LOVE them;they give me pleasure, and in some way it compensates for me working full time , in the NHS, in my fifties.

I also , as many know love my Ugg boots, again I own over a dozen pairs in differing styles, colours and finishes. I have Reynauds and they give my feet warm, they prevent my chilblains from worsening, and I have a selection to choose from for differing occassions.

If anybody, finds something wrong in that well quite frankly,that's their problem, not mine!
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there is another factor to consider for those with ruffled feathers - of course it's up to you what you spend your money on and it's no-one else's business BUT nobody likes a braggart.
What constitutes bragging ?

Some people are simply stating facts, if its construed as bragging by others, well there may be just a tad of envy methinks
there is another factor to consider for those with ruffled feathers - of course it's up to you what you spend your money on and it's no-one else's business BUT nobody likes a braggart.

Isn`t that part of the reason for this thread, ie nobody likes a braggart such as CH, JF and a few others. Sounds to me like we`ve gone right back to the beginning ... Talking about Q presenters !
What constitutes bragging ?

Some people are simply stating facts, if its construed as bragging by others, well there may be just a tad of envy methinks

not a shred of envy here cos i'm one of the people who doesn't want one. it's not something you can define is it? it's how it comes across. i personally couldn't care less as it's her lies that bother me not how many handbags she's got. i just wondered if that was what louise meant.
catherine and all the other presenters on qvc are likely to have a huge inventory of expensive goodies given to them lulu giuness bags.lola rose,kipling et all
She is not one of my fave presenters, although I could name many who are a lot worse (incl. 'I hear the emerald isle' calling). I initially found her so grating when she never shut up about 'Steve' and her relationship. This, as we are all aaware, came back and bit her on the behind, because it went south, now we hear of no mention of a man (thank God!) But she never shuts up about her family - why is is that some of the presenters think we are remotely interested in their private lives? They are mere salespeople whose place of work just happens to be the tv - and what she has got. She is always telling us how many Lulu Guinness bags she has. That is, in my opinion,an extremely frivolous waste of money for an overpriced 'designer' accessory. Buying yourself one as a treat, something you normally wouldn't spend your money on (I wouldn't do it once!), could be acceptable, especially if you only have yourself to support. But 3, 4, or 5? Get real, woman! You may have nothing better to spend your hard earned on, but I'm sure the rest of us do.

My DH works with someone who is dating her :giggle: after keeping it to myself,I can no longer:mysmilie_495:
I'm still waiting to find out what Louise meant. I am just fed up of people telling others what to spend their money on, especially if they disapprove of what you buy. Each to their own, live and let live, chill out and look after your own business and all that.

I have no children, through choice, and am sick to the back teeth of people tutting at what hubby and I spend our money on. We have both worked hard for years and have a beautiful home, a beautiful sports car, lots of electrical gadgets and I have lots of clothes, shoes, handbags etc. I am not bragging, I am listing what I like to spend my money on, like some of you list what you like to spend yours on. Some of you prefer to have a family and spend your money on that - well good for you. Enjoy it and don't let anyone tell you not to. Same principle applies to me though :wink:
I have had a lot of snide comments because I live in a large house worth a lot of money-I never mention it cos it's just my home but others seem to want to talk about it, which puzzles me somewhat!!!!
I have known both ends of the spectrum- from being impoverished and starving in a bedsit to making ridiculous, easy money in the eighties and going on shopping sprees in big name department stores every week to now being averagely well off. Im glad of the hard times because it taught me to manage on very little when I had to and also the monied time was fun too and although I squandered it and should have saved for a rainy day back then, it was fun while it lasted!
Bauble I've been the same. I used to do wonders with £10 in Iceland, I wish I could do it now! I struggled through Uni, held down two jobs, and then when I graduated I had an average paid job and a lard-arse waster of a boyfriend to support too. It taught me excellent budgeting skills though, and I learnt how to make a hovel a home! I now appreciate every penny we earn and still scrimp and save with the food bill and the utilities, which drives hubby mad, but I'll never change!
Bauble I've been the same. I used to do wonders with £10 in Iceland, I wish I could do it now! I struggled through Uni, held down two jobs, and then when I graduated I had an average paid job and a lard-arse waster of a boyfriend to support too. It taught me excellent budgeting skills though, and I learnt how to make a hovel a home! I now appreciate every penny we earn and still scrimp and save with the food bill and the utilities, which drives hubby mad, but I'll never change!
I have a nice home, my own car and I suppose you could say me and the OH are 'comfortable' but people forget that I waited (by choice) nearly nine years into my marriage to have kids, I have ALWAYS worked even taking in typing when my daughter was a baby, packing records on evening shifts even when pregnant with my second one.
I have been married 32 years and its taken us that long to get where we are now but some silly person forgets that and makes a remark that it has happened overnight!:headbang:
Yep the waster boyfriend I had at the time made serious use of my generosity too but never mind, we live and learn dont we? I reckon if I won the lottery tomorrow I wouldnt be able to give up Primark!
I'm still waiting to find out what Louise meant. I am just fed up of people telling others what to spend their money on, especially if they disapprove of what you buy. Each to their own, live and let live, chill out and look after your own business and all that.

I have no children, through choice, and am sick to the back teeth of people tutting at what hubby and I spend our money on. We have both worked hard for years and have a beautiful home, a beautiful sports car, lots of electrical gadgets and I have lots of clothes, shoes, handbags etc. I am not bragging, I am listing what I like to spend my money on, like some of you list what you like to spend yours on. Some of you prefer to have a family and spend your money on that - well good for you. Enjoy it and don't let anyone tell you not to. Same principle applies to me though :wink:

but that's the point isn't it - you don't brag about it.

i can sympathise with the tuts - when i was married, because we had no kids, we got it all the time. mainly from my family, not the ex's. if i was told once how selfish i am, i was told a million times. never mind not knowing any of my business, like friends i've helped out, charities i've donated to etc. all i was was selfish for - gasp! - spending the money i worked 100 hrs a week for, on myself. mostly on a house and car at that!

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