How true. I had 2 sons fairly close together and then it was another 12 years before I had my third son because of numerous gynae problems. People were horrified I`d had more than the expected 2 kids and even more horrified at the age difference and then the final straw was when they said awww what a shame I bet you really wanted a girl !!!
Actually no, I wanted a BABY, boy or girl didn`t matter and the age difference didn`t matter either. Most of them presumed he was an " accident " and the drivel they came out with such as oh dear I bet you`re gutted after such a gap, poor you its right back to square one etc etc and then after I had an emergency hysterectomy when he was 6 months old they came out with such gems as oh I bet you`re relieved there won`t be any more accidents like the last one. Grrrrrrr he wasn`t a bloody accident, he was a much longed for addition to our family and if I hadn`t had so many problems he probably would have been born much earlier and if I hadn`t had a hysterectomy he`d have been followed by baby number 4. People just don`t think !