My DH works with someone who is dating herafter keeping it to myself,I can no longer:mysmilie_495:
RD you really mustn't feel under any obligation to spill.
But if you do feel the need to "unload" I'd like you to know I have a sympathetic ear :0)
My DH works with someone who is dating herafter keeping it to myself,I can no longer:mysmilie_495:
but that's the point isn't it - you don't brag about it.
i can sympathise with the tuts - when i was married, because we had no kids, we got it all the time. mainly from my family, not the ex's. if i was told once how selfish i am, i was told a million times. never mind not knowing any of my business, like friends i've helped out, charities i've donated to etc. all i was was selfish for - gasp! - spending the money i worked 100 hrs a week for, on myself. mostly on a house and car at that!
Burlz, you can feel cozy and content in the knowledge that you'll probably get a "rebate" in your later years as those grown up children in turn work and pay tax to keep you in a state pension and in free healthcare! Swings in roundabouts!
not if we have private pensions. besides, the state pension will probably be stopped by the time we get there. looks like the winter fule allowance and the bus pas are already on the cards so they can keep those who've never worked and never will, in booze, **** and weed.
It's all down to personal choice at the end of the day isn't it?
Handbags and shoes are not my thing, but I have 2 expensive watches that some would call frivilous purchases .I dont care becuse I love and admire them every day!
Burlz, you can feel cozy and content in the knowledge that you'll probably get a "rebate" in your later years as those grown up children in turn work and pay tax to keep you in a state pension and in free healthcare! Swings in roundabouts!
Well, hopefully there will still be the NHS which is rather heavily frequented by those of a certain age. The next generation of tax payers are needed to pay to build and maintain the roads you drive on, to help pay for your rubbish to be collected (your council tax doesn't cover all of that), your free prescriptions, for the police to keep you safe, the army to keep our country safe and so on and so forth. Don't knock us lot producing the tax payers of tomorrow either!
RD you really mustn't feel under any obligation to spill.
But if you do feel the need to "unload" I'd like you to know I have a sympathetic ear :0)
my DH's having no part of it :angry: apparently he *neither cares what they do...or who she is* ~ other than *I'd wish he'd shut up about her*....but WOW wish I was hearing it all :call:
I must butter Mr RD up to get more info :glass::beer: shes evidently quite a catch to S......whilst we all really know shes a potty old bint who can't keep a man :mysmilie_847:
i've never criticised anyone for having kids and i can't imagine anyone would. who would want the world to end with our generation? however, if you don't have kids, many people think it gives them the right to demand to know why not. it is often followed with being told how selfish you are - they eveidently believe it's right to bring unwanted children into the world.
I agree. I wouldn't dream of questioning why someone chooses not to have children. Its none of my business! I just got the impression that those of you who don't have children are resentful towards those of us that do - because you feel you are paying for our choices.
not at all but i do feel that way for the jeremy kyle types.
Just relieved I didn't have any. I couldn't have coped.I agree. I wouldn't dream of questioning why someone chooses not to have children. Its none of my business! I just got the impression that those of you who don't have children are resentful towards those of us that do - because you feel you are paying for our choices.