Who would you send to train Q presenters in China and why?


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

I'm starting to think Q presenters may be pretty poorly paid and just do the job to boost their egos or should we say for the prestige.

A bit like the household staff of the Royal family.
I've been a member of this forum for sometime-not a prolific poster, but trust me we've been through far worse drama's than " Flintgate" over the years.

This too will pass.

As you were :)
I hope Miss Ellie and everyone else keep posting about shopping channels but it seems as though one post from Miss Ellie on topic generates several off-topic posts and the thread gets derailed by repetitive comments from all sides which is frustrating for me. For every post from Miss Ellie there are more posts niggling about it and I may have to bang heads together. I'm not defending either side but I can understand why Miss Ellie feels out-numbered, and that can feel intimidating. Comment on a topic not the poster, it's not difficult.
I've been a member of this forum for sometime-not a prolific poster, but trust me we've been through far worse drama's than " Flintgate" over the years.

This too will pass.

As you were :)

Touche... anyone remember Smashfruit ?
Graham, you have missed the point. I am an honest person and should be able to post my view without harassment, fear or favour. A handful of dominating people - who will not allow me to have my view - have got it into their heads that I am a troll, someone else in disguise, a wind-up merchant and a troublemaker and if you believe it too then you have allowed yourself be manipulated. I am not trying to close threads - it's not my posts that are deleted but theirs! But they don't get it! It is THEIR words which get their posts removed, not mine! But they blame me instead of taking responsibility for the fact that it is their words which have been removed as inappropriate. But they still keep on, and on ...... and allowed to go on ..... and on ...... baiting and goading ....... on and on ......

I am an ordinary lady, a QVC member and shopper, who joined this forum because I thought it would be interesting. I did not expect to see a Debbie Flint bitch fest and it shocked me! Perhaps I should have kept my opinion to myself but why shouldn't I be able to say what I think? This group of women - clearly a clique - will not allow me to have my view without attack and that is what is wrong here. They want to slag anyone off but they do not want criticising themselves! I have not posted since yesterday but yet they still keep on and on, baiting in an attempt to get me to respond. Now this definitely IS winding up and troll behaviour. Even when I ignore them they cannot leave it alone! As Administrator Graham, you should be ensuring that this sort of behaviour is stopped and it is regrettable that you continue to allow this to continue. If this is a honest and unbiased forum where people can say what they want then THAT INCLUDES ME and you should be defending my right. For the last time - I do not know Debbie Flint nor do I have any connection with QVC but I see nothing wrong with a nice forum, as opposed to one which has a handful of women who cannot accept that someone disagrees! This originally started because I defended Debbie Flint her right to run her forum according to QVC's own Facebook rules. That is all I said! But a handful of UNreasonable people attacked me for it and have been allowed to continue. It's absolutely ridiculous. If this handful of women are allowed to post criticising and judging, THEN SO AM I! They like all trolls have cleverly turned things round on me and I'm afraid that as Administrator Graham, you have let the lunatics take over the asylum.

I am sure Graham won't mind me answering on his behalf, no he has not missed the point! Neither Graham or I have been manipulated! What we have seen is someone who thinks they have the right the come on here and tell us how to run the forum. No-one has ever or will ever do that!

Everyone is entitled to post their opinion on all things shopping telly and always will be. Everyone also has to agree to disagree on things!
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Jimminy, had a first night out in years and missed a load of stuff! Nice to hear from Graham though, best wishes my good man.
I hope Miss Ellie and everyone else keep posting about shopping channels but it seems as though one post from Miss Ellie on topic generates several off-topic posts and the thread gets derailed by repetitive comments from all sides which is frustrating for me. For every post from Miss Ellie there are more posts niggling about it and I may have to bang heads together. I'm not defending either side but I can understand why Miss Ellie feels out-numbered, and that can feel intimidating. Comment on a topic not the poster, it's not difficult.
Your coming across as a bossy Headmistress in my opinion.
I hope Miss Ellie and everyone else keep posting about shopping channels but it seems as though one post from Miss Ellie on topic generates several off-topic posts and the thread gets derailed by repetitive comments from all sides which is frustrating for me. For every post from Miss Ellie there are more posts niggling about it and I may have to bang heads together. I'm not defending either side but I can understand why Miss Ellie feels out-numbered, and that can feel intimidating. Comment on a topic not the poster, it's not difficult.

So do you suggest only one of us reply to Miss Ellie's offensive posts so she doesn't feel outnumbered? I don't think so, her last one called us "lunatics" it may seem to you that she's out numbered but in reality, it's because her offensive posts are in the minority.
I hope Miss Ellie and everyone else keep posting about shopping channels but it seems as though one post from Miss Ellie on topic generates several off-topic posts and the thread gets derailed by repetitive comments from all sides which is frustrating for me. For every post from Miss Ellie there are more posts niggling about it and I may have to bang heads together. I'm not defending either side but I can understand why Miss Ellie feels out-numbered, and that can feel intimidating. Comment on a topic not the poster, it's not difficult.

I think this is uncharacteristically naive. And you won't be banging my head anywhere! Rightly or wrongly, Madam Ellie gets people's backs up with her didactic, schoolmarm act. Surely you accept that members of this forum often post contradictory comments or posts which don't necessarily agree with the consensus of opinion, but they don't engender the sort of antipathy that Ellie has. And there has to be a reason for it. As I've commented before, you wouldn't go into a pub in which you'd not been previously and start throwing your weight around with the locals and landlord, so what makes you think that you can go onto a forum and do the same thing? Ellie posts deliberately inflammatory comments precisely to encourage replies to her. Take for instance her comment 'I don't know why any of you bother watching QVC if you hate it so much' or words to that effect. Painting her as some poor defenceless kitten being ravaged by some coven of harridans is disingenuous and unfair to the rest of us - she knows exactly what she's doing and getting good value out of it.
Isn't she best ignored? Is there an ignore button on this forum?
I don't know if it works for you but if you click on someone's username and profile you'll see a list of options on the left hand side, one of which is ignore. But it only really works if nobody else quotes from the person you want to ignore.
But people keep replying.

So does she..........difference is, when we reply we don't use offensive, personal remarks like "lunatics" aswell as other defamatory comments, or to cause trouble. She also likes to make out that we're deluded because our opinions differ from hers, she exhibits typical troll behaviour, and she's darn good at it. Oh and as for "bang heads together" i find that offensive too.
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Let`s not play right into peoples hands. Certain people are very clever ie, post inflammatory posts on the pretext of an opposing view, get the odd person or people to defend your right to do so, stir up a hornet`s nest of to-ing and fro-ing between members,some says shes right, some says she`s wrong etc etc, bleat that everybody is picking on you, when in reality the opposite is true and lo and behold you have a totally disrupted forum and hey ho people arguing with each other. Job done and then toodle off, make a cup of tea, laugh your socks off and lie low until you start the process all over again on another thread. It`s classic load the bullets and let others fire them. Of cpurse someone is bound to say she`s entitled to a gun ....
Totally agree Vienna, I'm just going to let her get on with it now, I'm done............now that'll really spoil her day :mysmilie_14:

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