Who would you send to train Q presenters in China and why?


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But people keep replying.

People are going to keep replying when they feel they're being patronised, spoken down to and 'told' by some bossy little madam. I mean, for heaven's sake she's tried to tell Graham and Sazza how to run the forum! Much as we try not to be, I suspect a lot of us are non-nonsense women of a certain age who bitterly resent being addressed as if we're silly little children who just need to stop criticising the deity that is DF and toe the party line. NO.
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I have to wonder why some if you watch the damned channel at all! Is it just to slag it off ?

I don't see slagging off, more irony and a sense of humour and making fun of Q's obvious shortcomings . After all they are the ones who describe themselves as the biggest and best shopping channel.Most of us still buy products which we also discuss on other threads the good and the bad.When its good we say so.

Other shopping channels and their presenters get a great deal of criticism on this forum.

As for DF I personally decided I would never buy anything that she presents not for anything to do with her presenting style or appearance but because of the Breast Cancer Care issue.

Sorry I went off topic but I think Ali Keenan should do the training in China ,she is very experienced and no nonsense.
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Let`s not play right into peoples hands. Certain people are very clever ie, post inflammatory posts on the pretext of an opposing view, get the odd person or people to defend your right to do so, stir up a hornet`s nest of to-ing and fro-ing between members,some says shes right, some says she`s wrong etc etc, bleat that everybody is picking on you, when in reality the opposite is true and lo and behold you have a totally disrupted forum and hey ho people arguing with each other. Job done and then toodle off, make a cup of tea, laugh your socks off and lie low until you start the process all over again on another thread. It`s classic load the bullets and let others fire them. Of cpurse someone is bound to say she`s entitled to a gun ....

I've said it before and I'll say it again - Do Not Feed The Troll. Vienna is spot on.

We pay their salaries and they put themselves in the public eye, so we're all entitled to say what we like. That's what the forum is all about. End of.

As for sending to China, I'll need to hire a bigger boat to take Marverine as well.
Let`s not play right into peoples hands. Certain people are very clever ie, post inflammatory posts on the pretext of an opposing view, get the odd person or people to defend your right to do so, stir up a hornet`s nest of to-ing and fro-ing between members,some says shes right, some says she`s wrong etc etc, bleat that everybody is picking on you, when in reality the opposite is true and lo and behold you have a totally disrupted forum and hey ho people arguing with each other. Job done and then toodle off, make a cup of tea, laugh your socks off and lie low until you start the process all over again on another thread. It`s classic load the bullets and let others fire them. Of cpurse someone is bound to say she`s entitled to a gun ....

I've said it before and I'll say it again - Do Not Feed The Troll. Vienna is spot on.

We pay their salaries and they put themselves in the public eye, so we're all entitled to say what we like. That's what the forum is all about. End of.

As for sending to China, I'll need to hire a bigger boat to take Marverine as well.

Believe me I'm not feeding the troll.i only just caught up with the thread and trying to give a reasoned response as I see it.
I'm not calling anybody anything or taking sides just supporting the site.
My post wasn't directed at you at all, Turandot, and yes, you made a reasonable post, but it was meant to reinforce what I've said all along because I thought Vienna's post was spot on. This is a troll, pure and simple. You can judge for yourselves from the responses Miss Ellie has provoked.

Again - DNFTT.

Edit: I'd also try to could squeeze Jill Franks into the hold. Shouldn't be too difficult. :mysmilie_5:
I'd like to see Charlie doing a food show on QVC China. (Did anyone see Carl Pilkington in Idiot Abroad in China) Interesting to see if he'd clear a plate or live off Wotsits for the duration.
It would be interesting if they all went off to China, and we had a new lot in whether we would be pleased to see any of them return and which ones.
I think they should all go to China and a complete new set of presenters to replace them. They could start by interviewing some of the Forumites as I'm sure some of them couldn't be any worse although I don't include myself as I'd be no good at all. I would probably be telling viewers why not to buy a product.
They`d sack me in the first 5 minutes. I`d be a rubbish liar and would have real problems trying to look enthusiastic about 90% of Q`s products.
Hell, let`s hire the QE2 and send the lot of them lol

Um, you DO realise that the QE2 is now rusting away (bless her) in some middle eastern dockyard. Or maybe that was your idea for the presenters ! he ! he ! he !

As for the other 'business' - let her/him rant and rave to the ceilings, but we just ignore and carry on our thread as though she wasn't part of it !
I don't mind Craig, he's always been a bit too chipper and excitable for some, but I find him easier to watch than a few other presenters; I'd definitely send Charlie, Catherine and Jill.
I find Craig quite easy to watch, personally. He is very relaxed and cheery and presentable. The only thing I don't really like is when he starts boogying for no apparent reason. It's fine if he's presenting a Zumba product or other dance-related show.
Off topic but - Anyone remember Craig on the Express shopping channel presenting craft with Stephanie Weightman?

Back on topic - I suppose there's two ways of answering this question; send away those presenters you find most annoying (or those whose heads one would like to bang together :rock:) or those consummate professionals who would set the best example to the new Chinese presenters. In the case of the latter I'd probably say Julia, closely followed by Alison Keenan.

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